Loose Ends

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Betrayal is a bitter thing.It eats away at you,having trusted these people.The irony lied in just that;it could only come from a friend...

Military betrayal was different.It cut deeper.Meant a lot more.You threw away countless hours of training together,operating,bleeding together.

Military itself was a wild river as well,all it took was one miscommunication,one disagreement and lives,livelihood,would wash away.

And orders. no matter who you were;old or young,Generals to Privates...You always followed orders.Tough orders,illegal orders...

So why,just why had Shadow Company betrayed their allies?


Such a thought weighed heavily on Roze's mind— even still as she sat in the cabin of an aircraft.

She was joined not by Ghosteyes or Viperstrike,only by Kai and the 141.Some time had passed between the retrieval of Laswell,and their current heading:Las Almas.

Price had been made aware of the critical situation,Ghost and Soap were in the middle of it.

Plenty of days were spent searching for Shepherd,who'd stop responding shortly after.
Their bright spot came a day prior to November;Ghost had reached a church tower;high enough to get a signal to their radio.

From there,Roze and co.had filled in the blanks themselves and made a decision.Graves was somewhere near Las Almas,so she'd go there too.

Not even Harry could've stopped her,as the ex-75th left her R6 badge with Zero;Roze had
had to see this through herself,she only hoped they'd understand

Good thing then,all the cards were in her favor.

The older of the Captains near her-Price,had established solid satellite photos over Las Almas, using coordinates from Ghost's transponder.

Foreign territory for them;but Roze had seen more than her fair share of Company blacksites across the world,and this abandoned supermax was yet another dot on the map...

Their low voices disrupted her attempts to sleep in the backseat of a UTV they had within the cargo hold,feet propped up on the opposite door.

Metal harnesses stretched audibly across from her,only getting louder as she tried to ignore the inevitable.

"Oi,Roze." God damn it.

A hand was fixated on her face,making sure the mask was secure."Yea?" She said a little too irritably before she could reign herself in.

"You'll be guiding us,that prison's a bloody maze.." Had to be the Captain,judging from the cool british accent.

It still came as a surprise,but an obvious one all the same.

"Anyone alive and valuable would be within the solitary confinement blocks,"Another yawn forced her eyes open,"-which is also conveniently located near the extensive prison yard and outdoor area..Plenty of towers and walled off zones but there are rails for fast ropes,If my memory serves right."

Price was silent for a moment,before he tapped lightly on the doorframe. "Thanks,lass." He didn't,after she'd fought her contemplation to call him out,stopping the man in his tracks.

"I have to ask...why." She returned to her postion just as quick,eyes still closed.

"Why what?"

"Why haven't you tried to kill me yet?You know what Shadow Company has done.Your men have vouched for that,personally." She adjusted her posture sometime then,motioning to the multiple tabs above her S.C SSI that sat on the shoulder

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