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"Shadow-2 to all stations I've linked with the 27th,we have eyes on from the hillside...How copy,Viper-1?"

"Viper-1 copies all,we're good over here,taking position near the hangar.Keep your eyes open up there,Shadow-2."

Roze's team had arrived at the objective under the cover of night.As one of the first units to touch down near the cabin estate,they'd set up reconnaissance hours ahead of the scheduled time of the mission.

The Alps lurked in the background of the team,reinforced with a detachment of 27th Battalion Alpine Hunters,of which had advanced knowledge the area,and would be assisting them in the decommissioned airport below as well....

And would be monitoring the shady division of PMC's,though that went without saying.

Night came and went in a silent vigil,until one of Rozlin's teammates disrupted the silence. "Got a plane coming in for landing."

It was Kallisto with eyes to the snowy sky,following the jet with a spotter scope to its descent into the valley beneath them.

The large estate complex itself was a maze of high  activity itself,team after team came and went further down the mountain towards the valley.

They'd scrutinized each and every transport that passed them until they'd spotted the masked bastard arriving at the gate of the residences.

Now was their time.

Kai bent a finger towards the "They've been congregating near that final building on the east side,I reckon that's it."

"Kallisto and Thaim,your on overwatch.Everyone else on me." Kai took point,with Ozone,then König...

One by one they slid down the snowy hill,proceeding under the ridge through the small forest that lead to the estate...

That was where things went from regular,to quite hectic.

Roze turned in horror as volatile shrapnel rended the bodies of the strike team––they'd found themselves in an array of proximity mines.


The Lieutenant quickly dropped at the telltale sound,avoiding the blast radius of the rising mines:a few others had received wounds,some that couldn't be mended.

An unexpected ambush from the edge of the foresting was shadowed by trees,joined by  bullet proofed vehicles that brought their move to a grinding halt.

Upon the arrival of more troops,they soon came under deafening gunfire from just meters above.

The world had quieted for Roze,whose only remaining function was to move her feet and hold her rifle close...the small forest had become a wooden slaughterhouse.

4-1 lead the way with a smoke grenade,giving the team a way to pass forward.Rozlin heard a man fall into the fresh ice behind her while they fired through the smokescreen.

Their saving grace came in the form of sharpshooters above,taking three of Deimos' men for every bullet that struck their own.

Luckily for them,the likes of such men were hopelessly eclipsed by the skill of Shadow Company...

Meanwhile,the Lt and remaining strike team moved frantically down the road and around the building to the backlot,Roze wouldn't put it past the to have a counter-sniper..

They came upon a steel back door.The team attempted to kick it in under fire,with König trying his shotgun on the door as  rounds came their way.

"This is Team-1,make sure that he dosent sneak out,we're about to go in." 4-1 gave the signal,not waiting for clearance over the was bad enough they'd lost almost the entire "support" unit.

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