Back Again?

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She rarely grinned,but Roze did so now with great reason,staring out the large window.

Finally Home...

The carrier had previous been a decommissioned and relatively ancient little vessel,had been wholly revamped alongside the rapid resurgence of the Shadows,having been invaluable both in the Pacific and in the coasts of Africa and Arabian Sea,especially with the flurry of NIGHTHAVEN run-ins in the earlier months of their resurgence.

What had been WW2–era systems and bays had been updated to mirror the experimental and very costly Gerald Ford-class,the ship was even invisible to current UAV.

From mainland Japan,the aforementioned SCS Murk was visible off the coast just after they'd crossed into their airspace ,and now could be seen maneuvering slowly towards the beach and into their own division,neatly setting down in the JMSDF(Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force) shipyard.

—Many of the personnel on site,JSDF and Shadow alike—filed out onto the gallery area ahead of the helicopter island and nearby catapults,calmly awaiting the return of their deployed units and birds.

A tense few moments of landing later and the doors to the CH-47 peeled,fresh air seeping into the previously sealed off space to reveal units of various soldiers in the cabin..

For starters,the bagged man was yanked up and kicked awake,rolling down the opening of the bird directly into the custody of two other shadows infront.

The sweet trade off of not having standard fighter jets?More room for personnel and additional landing space for helicopters.

"[ill make this quick enough]" she'd whispered to herself,saluting the lieutenant as she took her leave with the captive.

Salvatrice parted ways with Shadow-Team 1,heading to a set of express elevators that lead to the brig and medical wing...

The remaining 9 followed Rozlin down into the expanding shipyard,leaving the AHO's topside to guide the returning Pavehawks and others behind them on the deck.

"That should be your girl in our bird there." Rozlin pointed at the black tipped Pavehawk.

The lieutenant stopped at a pair of large cargo elevator,turning her head back to the team,"Your all free to go.You should rest on site and get some cryotherapy if your staying.If not,I'll have someone get your paychecks ready...we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow,im sure you all know."

They saluted the young woman and departed,heading down the strip to the main tower,
With that,Roze and the others began their way towards the place,stopping mid stride suddenly...The duo turned their heads,hearing a familiar voice from a their folded V-22 that was beside the elevator,awaiting storage.

"Looks like I was right on time."Another contractor emerged from a cabin door of the tilt rotor with others,3 hands currently offloading multiple crates of goodies.

Upon closer inspection,Rozlin gazed up to the sniper hood,the only thing visible besides his absurd low cut helmet to which she received a nod of silent confirmation.

"...You definitely didn't fuck around out there, you actually got em to give up the Blackberry Pi?" ignoring König's awkward laughter,she noted the "evidence" that stained his suit,eying the sizable crates being loaded onto pallets ,a few overflowing with numerous gadgets and gear while others had special storage.

"...6-3,take Ozone and get those smaller boxes to Zeta,and you—König are coming with us down to Command."

Said man nodded under their balaclava as they filed into the adjacent elevator with the others.

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