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The mission was a success.

Roze and Nøkk swam across the coastline,heading to exfil in the form of a waiting RHIB that would take them up through the river valley that split the woodlands.

Zero's path took them within meters of the mother base,wading underneath a man-made bridge that stretched to their objective back on the coast...

It was almost too easy for her to expect the worst,and when they'd seen movement on the rocks nearby,Roze could've swore she spotted a trio watching them...



Cold and fucked were two current adjectives for her current situations.

The bright spotlights were one thing,it meant they were enemies caught dead in foreign territory...

The lasers and hail of rifle fire that followed? Roze thought these guys used to be friends!

"Get Out!" She heard Zero's watery shout,getting swept up by the river as he pulled his bag over the side.

Roze hit the water next,tossing her Honeybadger aside as she jumped into the water,bullets hissing just past her as she went .

Nøkk followed and Zero's NVGs were visible soon after,traveling at the mercy of the flow for the next few minutes.

The bridge was still active,sending rounds into the large water body.

In the lights and low elevation they were easy targets,the belts of tracer fire would put holes in them the fast way, if they didn't deal with them or move around.

"Waterfall up ahead!!" She barely had time to act as she bobbed in and out of the water.

The water had inched higher and higher up her body as they'd gotten lower and out the valley,coupled with the intensifying of the flow.

Roze briefly wondered where Nøkk and Zero were before the answer laid before her...A waterfall following a 3 story drop into a lake.

'Bullshit,this is bullshi—'

Her mask had been lost sometime after she'd slammed into the deep water,but hearing blades from the fall minute she'd come up for air made her curse and abandon it...

It'd be a few minutes before they'd switch and pursue them,but they'd gotten out that watery hell l against all odds.Maybe hurt,but not broken.

They'd all checked themselves and hurried out the bank,turning east of the delta.

Jagër had been advised of the ambush,and was making a run back for exfil at a residential area nearby.

Guerrilla warfare was the furthest from US training regiment,but Zero,nor Roze were mere grunts.

They lied in wait in the the dead area,a few houses and alleys with ladders provided rooftop overwatch out into the neighborhood...

They made their arrival soon after;One search chopper with a spotlight,and two SUV's.

The Ghosteyes watched calmly in postition,counting the first unit that exited the car and began preparing.

The heli was almost directly overhead,light waving about as it came down the street..

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