Enemy of my Enemy...(ACT 1 END)

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SMALL A/N:The video above is one of my favorite OST's of all time,and made for a perfect coincidence with my chapter title.Enjoy!And sorry for the wait...


"All Ghosts...I'm wheels up with eyes on."



03 NOV 2022,17:20


Roze checked her weapon absently,watching the Captain close in on the entrance in the heli above.This was it:Ghost was squad leader for obvious reasons.

"We think Graves is in the HQ,more shadows are holding their ground...Shepherd may have told them we're coming." The woman barely listened to the Lt,her mind had been racing a mile a minute.

Across from her,Soap brought a spotter scope up, marking the shadows at the gate for eviseration.

Rozlin used the moment of serenity to pull her faceplate on,securing the strap to her head shortly before the fire.

Price's Apache rained down,destroying the soldiers that stood at the front gate.Ghost confirmed the kills before they could move in.

"Good guns,Bravo-6." Team 2 wasted no more time,pushing the pedal towards the cleared entrance.

They'd swerved into the Vaqueros base,filling out of the van in a rush as bullets began flying.

"Go go go!"

Rozlin moved her ass,running the length of the backside of a nearby structure to mount her ACR.In her lense,she noted a few soldiers spread across a building a ways away.

The former ranger fired,quietly dispatching the shooters as they emerged from their respective cover.

"Good shots Roze,keep pushing." The woman heaved as she went,ducking off to reload and relocate.

Soon after,she found herself in a strategic position closer up on the building than the rest of her team.
It turned out meaningless—a hand came over her face instinctively as the gunship began hazing the building...She doubted any survived but was more than happy to volunteer cleanup.

Turning,Rozlin signaled down the street to the LT,getting a confirmation before she moved in.


They'd cleared the building,exiting to immediately come under fire from the elevated position ahead.

"Bravo!" She heard Ghost not too far away."Taking heavy fire from the ridge under that tower,over." The gunship took care of it once again,turning the tall structure into a heap of scrap metal.

Rozlin's comm started in her ear,but the channel was devoid of any Ghosts.She silently distanced herself from the squad,laying a hand to her helmet as she tried to isolate the words.An action that didn't go unnoticed...

"All stations this is Lerch, They're inside the wire! We hold this position!; Dig in here,and keep 'em off the HQ!!; hold this position!"

It was Lerch.That man was gonna burn.Roze had switched her ACR to auto as she closed in,.going on ahead of her team as the fallen tower made for a nice route.

—and made for a hell of a surprise for the snipers up top—who didn't get the chance to set up their rifles as their Ghost counterpart riddled them with bullets.

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