Kilo Four One(Short)

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The final bursts of thunder brewed deep in the Danish skies,thick clouds opening above from the rolling hills backdrop.A few feet below was a bunker that hid in the plains below...

A colossal CV-22B obstructed the lush wet fields of the Danish countryside, disrupting the serenity of a nearby lagoon as it set down on the coastline.
Roze had just opened the door to an office miles underground,entering to a woman—judging from the wild curtain of hair—currently occupied with cams that served as the window to the world just above.

"Well...finally decided to visit this old war criminal?" The chair spun about, revealing an award winning grin that hadn't left her mind for 3 years.

Upon hearing that familiar powerful,but feminine voice,Roze looked quick enough to snap her neck,unbelieving of what she just heard,despite it being right in front of her.

She removed her own mask;Roze just couldn't believe her eyes any other way.

"No way..."

Words couldn't begin to capture the whirlpool of emotions she was in, just by gazing into those unique hazels,a long buried feeling welling up oncemore as she confirmed just who it was.

After losing her lifetime guide of a brother in the Middle East,and the affairs of Shadow Company that seemed to persist,she had to push on,and keep her emotions on lock whilst moving forward.

Infront of her pseudo mother,however,that lock may as well have been cardboard.

For Kai,watching her in such a state quickly soured her  grinning face,made her want to harm all those who'd affected to her while she was...away.

The ex-SAS got out of her seat , Roze had latched onto her,previous fatigue thrown to the wind.Her gloved hands shakily locked around the long sleeve,tightening as she begun sniffling,attempting and failing to muffle the pitiful sound.

"You've got me crying n' shit." 

Kilo 4-1 reciprocated it with a small,motherly smile that Roze didnt catch,wrapping her arms around her as well in a silent reassurance,allowing the soldier in her grasp to freely express all her stored anguish that had proven too much for her exceedingly young shoulders.

22 years old...

—It had been years since the shadow laid eyes upon the disavowed 2nd in Command of the SAS,having gone off the grid shortly after their task force fell apart...

The woman stepped back,getting a full look at her charge she hadn't seen since they'd parted ways.

Just 3 years,and she'd evolved,.a far cry from the young Ranger she was then...She saw it.A  spray painted-SIX adorning the side of her helmet.

"Rainbow insignia?You went to Hereford?" The double citizen's face was twisted in worry.NATO organizations and war crimes don't mix too well.Ask Kai how she knew.

"I—I have some loose ends I need to take care of.But once that's over and done with—"A satchel was placed atop the table,

"Shadow Company will be under new management.I need you back in the field.."

Dropping a few pictures on the desk, scratched out dates and contracts,along with a few faces and names for coming ploys.

Once she made contact with a few friends,she'd call in a favor or two to get her affairs in order.

But once they were in order...Shadow Company would be theirs ,not the plaything of some old war hawk.

"That's a hell of a task,mate."

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