deceived pt2

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Prod POV
so earlier prince was telling me all this stuff about Kimari in his office
prince- so before I start is there anything you need to ask
prod- yeah man why'd you kidnap these girls you do know there's a lot of girls out there that really want you right
prince-yeah but they ain't Kimari
prince- ok so back before I was in mb there was this girl that I always wanted ....Kimari and I was obsessed with her....I still am so I confessed my feelings for her and she shot me down and after that day I made a vow that she would be mine I tried to fight it but u always thought about her and then when I seen her recently I just lost it so I followed her to a store knowing she wouldn't remember me and she got all excited because I'm Princeton from mindless behavior so we went on a couple of dates and I told the boys and Walter about my plan everyone agreed so I kidnapped them and put them here
prod-is the bitch even bad or do she have that inner beauty hippy dippy shit you always talking about
prince-*shows him a pic of Kimari* I don't know what do you think?
prod-well goddddddd damn but who are the other three I heard you took
prince-her cousin,sister,and fake sister and the boys liked them and wanted to keep them so they can always hit because I wasn't gonna share Kimari
prod-i can see why
prince- she's smart funny rude a little evil and so damn sexy especially when she walk around in one of my shirts that's too big for her *licks lips* and she ain't wearing nothing underneath *gco*
prod-HEY HEY HEY calm down over there
prince-oh my bad *turns red*
prod-you hit yet
prince-yeah it was by force though
prod-eh still count... guess I owe Walt 10 dollars where he at
prince-6 feet under
prod-oh... ej must've been devastated
prince-also dead
prod-damn tf been happening
prince-they just a little out of control
prod-well not anymore
prince-were still bros right?
*flashback over*
this was the perfect time to get my revenge on the two people in this house who did me wrong .....I can kill two birds with one stone or one girl
prod-me you and roc are gonna play a little game
roc-want me to get the other girls
roc-*runs upstairs*
prod-*walks closer to Kimari*
kimari-walk any closer and I'll kick your ass
prod-*points gun at her* I dare you
kimari-ayyye let's chill and put down the gun
prod-*slaps her with gun*
once Kimari passed out I started setting up the game
Kimari POV
I woke up hanging from the ceiling with the girls sitting in front of me tied up and these scary random looking guys spread out everywhere and ROC holding a camera
roc-*brings camera to her*smile for prince
Kimari-let me down NOW
prod-oh good your woke now we can play the game
Kaylah-what are you doing here prod
prod-wat did you think you could run from me forever baby girl
kasha-you know him Kaylah??
Kaylah- sadly yes
kimari-how do you know him Kaylah
prod-kaylah didn't tell you she killed my brother
Kaylah-he tried rape me
prod-so you killed him
Kaylah-he wouldn't let me leave.....HE BEAT ME HALF TO DEATH....*starts crying* I begged for him to stop but he wouldn't he kept beating me and beating me until I was laying in my own pool of blood and he left me there so when I had the strength I got up and was just gonna leave when he started choking me I had no choice but to kill him or I wouldve died
prod-well I'm here to get revenge on you and prince
ashanti-what did prince do
prod-he got me put in jail for something he did so your both gonna pay you see you and prince both have something in common
kaylah-and that is
prod-your love for her *points to Kimari*
kaylah-what are you gonna do
prod-oh we're just gonna play a game
kaylah-what game
prod-im gonna ask you questions and if you get them right I lower Kimari down to the ground and the eventually free her but if you get them wrong I'll cut off a piece of her clothing *flips out knife* and when she's completely naked I'll give her to these nice gentleman you see
roc-and I'm gonna record the whole thing so prince can watch live
kimari-yall must be really stupid if y'all think hes gonna let y'all do anything like that to me
prod-well sweetie everyone is helping me Keisha is holding him in his office making sure he watch and ray is standing guard outside of his door so this is happening why don't you wave to the camera so he can see you before the destruction
kimari-*spits on him* Ur a sick bitch
prod-*cuts her cheek* do it again and I'll rape you beat you then skin you alive
kasha-thats some scary shit
prod-lets start the game now remember to win you have to answer correctly.....first question Kaylah what happened between you and Kasha's ex boyfriend Langston when they were dating

to be continued

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