keishas niece

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Ashanti POV
Keisha told me her niece Taylor (in the pic) was coming to stay with us and that I had to look cute so she could show me off to her so she had me get dressed in a tight pink and white sundress and some white strappy heels she had this lady come over to do my hair and I had to say I looked BOMB like had them long wavy EXPENSIVE tracks anyways after the lady finished my hair Keisha killed her because she knew one of my friends anyways so I was telling Kimari Kaylah and kasha about the whole Keisha niece Taylor coming over she told me nothing about her except that shes really mean and that they hate each other
Kimari-if they hate each other why is she gonna live with us
Kaylah-probably so Keisha could kill her like peanut butter toast
Ashanti-wtf is peanut butter toast
Kaylah-its pretty self explanatory
Kimari-do you know what Taylor looks like
Ashanti-i don't know I just hope she not u*gco by doorbell*
Keisha-*walks in room*come on Ashanti she here
Me and Keisha went down stairs and when we did my mouth dropped she was the exact opposite of Keisha I mean yeah they was both dykes but Taylor was younger like 18 maybe 20 and she had nice long curly hair and she was sooo cute
Taylor-dammmmmmn aunt keish I ain't know you could get a girl this bad *licks lips* my names Taylor what's yours sexy *kisses Ashanti hand*
Ashanti-my names Ashanti *blushes*
Taylor-*whispers to ashanti* I hope to be seeing more of you *squeezes her butt* cmon aunt keish y don't you show me around the house
Taylor POV
When I first heard that my aunt Keisha got a girlfriend I wanted to see it for myself as ugly as she is her girlfriend must look like an elephant but when I got there and seen Ashanti I was like DAMMMMNNN but then something clicked in my head her and aunt Keisha are like 15 years apart so she must be like kidnapped or something so after aunt Keisha showed me what room id be in I grabbed my phone and searched Ashanti missing and she came up her a girl named Kimari a girl named Kaylah and a girl named Kasha then something clicked she's aunt Keisha slave maybe a sex slave I gotta find these other girls and find out I wonder if they related because allllll of them bout bad af but since Ashanti is aunt Keisha girlfriend that's the one I want and I can tell she like dykes maybe I can dance for her and she'll dance for me but anyways I was walking in the hallways until I bumped into one of the girls
Kimari-*staring in awe*
Taylor-*helps her up* I'm Taylor *smiles* and you are
Kimari-*stuttering*i-im k-i-imari
Taylor-would you mind answering some questions for me
Kimari-will you answer one for me first
Kimari-are you sure your related to Keisha because Keisha kinda *makes ugly face* and your like *makes pretty face*
Taylor-*laughs*your funny but yes im sure now about those questions
So after talking to Kimari she filled me in on the whole sex slave thing and basically everything that's been happening from uncle Walt and ej dying to her and some guy named Nolan getting punished sounded like fun but it was hard talking to her though since I'm 5'8 and she 5'5 so I had to look down at her but she actually looked kinda adorable I was about to ask where the other girls where when prince came out of no where and attacked me in a hug
Prince-I haven't seen you in a brick Tay
Taylor-you gonna be seeing a lot of me now
Prince-good anything happen you let me know *turns to Kimari* *turns back to Taylor*was she bothering you
Taylor-naw she just chilling who she to you
Prince-remember that girl from middle school I used to stay talking about well that's kimari
Taylor-well shawdy is bad id go crazy over her too
Prince-i didn't go crazy
Taylor-your holding her and a sisters and cousin here against their will and you rape and beat her you put her in a coma and she told me about your demonic moment when you killed prod I don't know about you man but that sounds crazy to me
Prince-*starts choking Kimari* why'd you tell her all that shit Kimari you know better your supposed to keep your mouth shut when I have company REMEMBER
Taylor-aint no prob man besides you know I like that evil crazy shit
Prince-ha remember the time you pushed that girl off the slide because she wouldn't give you a kiss and she broke her arm
Taylor-remember the time we raped that girl on the tour bus and we killed her and pinned it on Kenneth
Kimari-*passes out*
Taylor-i think you forgot to let go of somebody neck
Prince-*let's go of Kimari* oops almost forgot I can't kill her
Taylor-why not killing people is pretty fun
Prince-because even though I hate her I love her too so much that I can't kill her or let her go ever
Talyor-that can't be me you know I got anger problems
Prince-probably why you killed your girlfriend freshman year for asking where the bathroom is
Taylor-were so evil
Prince-yeah but Kimari makes me kinda soft
Taylor-i don't believe you
Prince-i let her talk back to me
Prince-ive been raping her a lot lately though because she tried to love someone else
Taylor-who and i was just about to ask if youd mind if I had a little taste of that
Prince-this nigga named Nolan he lives here but I didn't kill him because I want him to see me with Kimari to seem me kiss her,hear me fuck her,and to see her have my kids and not his
Taylor-ive taught you well and you never answered my question
Prince-no nigga you can't have a taste of her
Taylor- you owe me remember we was at that party and I wanted to bang that girl Rachel and you told me no because people would notice if I did something to her but you said you owe me a bang and I've been saving it but now I'm cashing it in
Prince-nigga that was 3 years ago
Taylor-aye it still count now when lil shawdy badass wake up let me know so I can get to work now if you'll excuse me ima go try to fuck Ashanti on Keisha bed

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