The Date

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Zayns POV
I hated agreeing to kjmari going on that date I don't want her to go anywhere outside the house let alone a date but it was too late I already agreed and if I was to impose on the date perrie would break up with me so I guess it has to happen we were one hour away before Justin came to get Kimari and I was waiting on liam to get me the tracking device so I can make sure Kimari doesn't try to run off anywhere he had just handed it to me when Ashanti rushed past me looking for scissors and a flat iron the girls had gave us a who list of stuff we'd need to be getting Kimari ready for her date
45 minutes later
Ashanti comes to the top of the steps with a huge grin along with Kaylah who looks fairly happy as well and they start to speak
Kaylah-we now present to you
Ashanti-our masterpiece
Kaylah and Ashanti-kimari
Just then Kimari comes around the corner and my mouth drops she's wearing a long skinny black dress with a slit up the thigh and some red high heels making her look omg the dress was tight at the top giving her cleavage and really making her breast pop and while she walked down the stairs I couldn't help but stare at them and when she got down the stairs and started to turn around so we can see the back i noticed the dress had most of the back out and that the back was just as tight giving her butt a nice look and lastly the red lipstick she was wearing looked so nice and gave her this alluring dangerous aura that I almost forgot Petrie was here and kissed her right then and there
Kaylah-yeah I know
Liam-what you mean this was obviously the work of my girlfriend
Liam-ouch that stung
Ashanti-you'll get over it
Zayn-kimari we must talk in the kitchen
Kimari- I guess *bumps Petrie* sorry didn't see you there you sort of blend in with the walls
Zayn-here *hands her gold necklace*
Kimari-and that is?
Zayn-a tracking device so if you try to run I find you
Kimari-,how do you know I won't just take it off
Zayn-*presses button on remote* because I just locked it to your neck can't take it off unless I unlock it
Kimari-*rolls eyes* I wouldn't even think about leaving with out Kaylah and Ashanti
Zayn-dont try anything or I'll hurt them
Kimari-dont worry no one will find out that youre holding me hostage here
Zayn-thats not all I meant
Kimari-what else is there
Zayn-dont sleep with Justin
Kimari-im no thot I don't sleep with people on the first date
Zayn-you slept with me on the first date *winks*
Kimari-that wasn't a date it wasn't even close
Kaylah-Kimari Justin is here
Kimari-im coming..*turns to look at zayn* I'm going to have fun tonight despite what you say
Zayn-oh and why is that
Kimari-because I sat in a closet for five fucking hours listening to you have sex I think I deserve a night out
Zayn-dont do anything I wouldn't do Kimari
Kimari-*laughs*zayn there's so many things you would  do I don't think you should worry about what you wouldn't do goodbye
Kimaris POV
I left out the kitchen and went towards the front door and as soon as Justin seen me his mouth fell and I felt proud that I could make Justin biebers mouth hang open just by seeing me I went over to him ready to go on this date
Kimari-*smiles* hey Justin
Justin-*stuttering*, y-o-ou lo-o-ok am-ma-mazing
Kimari-you don't look to bad yourself
Justin-sh-sh-shall we-e
Me and Justin left he took me to a limousine and when we got in it was beautiful it was all white on this inside white white leather seats once we got in we just started talking about each other and our family and past he wouldn't tell me where we were going he says it was a surprise I was a little nervous at first but we pulled up at this beautiful restaurant and when we got in there he let me order anything I wanted and made me laugh and feel special we took a walk in the park and when it started to get windy he put his suit jacket around me and we went to this cliff where there was already a picnic basket and we sat looking at the stars and moon and then we kissed and it was so romantic like I will forever remember that kiss and it only helped more that it was with Justin bieber then at midnight he turned to me
Justin-guess what
Justin-we just spent the night together
kimari-*laughs*thats not how it works
Justin-i have something for you close your eyes now I know we just met but I'm hoping you like it
I opened my eyes and he had a guitar and he started to play his song 'All that matters' I loovvvveedddd that song and hearing him sing it was amazing
Your all that matters to me
Yeah yeah
Don't worry bout nobody else
If I ain't with you I'm with myself
You make me complete
Your all that matters to me
When he finished he pulled out a ring and I got scared
Justin-*laughs and opens box* will you wear my promise ring
Kimari-ooooooh well sure *puts on ring*
Justin-I promise not to hurt you,I promise not to lie,I promise to defend you with my life
After that we kissed and he took me home I sighed and when I walked through the door I was as happy as could be until the lights of the dark house flicked on I thought it'd be zayn but it was Kaylah and Ashanti asking for all the details and I gladly told them everything

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