Hallucenations and Secrets

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Zayns Pov
It has been 5 days 16 minutes and 34 seconds...35..36..37... Well you get the idea but thats how long Kimari has been gone and with in that time I have gone completley mad the longer I am away from her the crazier I become the first day I went out looking for her and didnt come back until the next day,the second day I looked for clues I even tried dusting the lawn for prints the only clue I found was that one of my shirts was missing ...I assume she is wearing it I had also developed a bit of...anger,the third day I started hallucenating it was small at first like I would think I see her in the kitchen and call her name and run up to her but by when I touched her she would disappear, the fourth day my hallucenations got stronger and I started seeing everyone and everything as her,and now here we are fifth day....seventeenth minute...and twenty-seventh second and all I can see is her hurt and in danger like I thought I seen her tied up earlier and I thought I saved her but it turned out that I just saved nothing from a garden hose....im losing it and everyone is starting to notice so they thought the best way to help would be for ...well...sane people to go look for anything so they were all out except for Kaylah who was upstairs sleep but she never wakes up so basically I was all alone well except for the Kimari hallucenations I keep seeing
Kimaris Pov
I woke up on a bed in Zayns shirt at first I thought I was in his room but once I got a good look at my surroundings I hopped out of bed quickly abd confused because I was in an unfamiliar home with the smell of ....bacon? Coming from an downstairs area I was confused as the memory of a the black shadowy figure taking me came back to me....what type of kidnapping is going on??? I opened the door quietly and went down the stairs trying my hardest not to make a sound when I got down stairs I seen an exit but I would have to pass the kitchen to get to it so I got down and crawled along the floor trying to make it to the exit not even bothering to look in the kitchen to see who my kidnapper was because from my dream I know this could not be a good thing I continued to crawl until I heard a deep manly chuckle come from behind me
Boss-*laughing* as cute as you look I must ask what are you doing
I turned around to see who my kidnapper was and seen no other than .....Zayn standing there laughing at me trying to crawl to the exit and away from here
Kimari-*confused* Zayn?
Zayn then lets out another deep laugh and picks me up so that I am standing on my feet he then kisses my cheek grabs my hand and brings me into the kitchen he starts making two plates of food acting like this is all perfectly normal
Kimari-Zayn what the fuck is going on why are we here and did I not tell you I dont trust you anymore so take me back now
Zayn then lets out another laugh really enjoying this and then said something that sent a chill deep inti my bones
Boss-Im not Zayn
I felt the room spinning and I felt I was gonna pass out he looked just like Zayn exactly like him ...was I hallucenating...was this a side effect from being smacked across the head with a lamp I sat on the floor holding my head trying to make sense of it all he tried to help me up but I rejected
Roger-My name is Roger....I am Zayns identical twin
Kimari-HIS WHAT...no no he never said anything about a twin *backing up*
Roger-We have never been close because of this accident that happened when we were younger so he likes to keep me a secret and act like I dont exist *walks up to Kimari* I have always held a grudge against him for keeping me a secret treating me like a monster acting ashamed of me so I kept tabs on him followed him over the years trying to come up with the perfect plan for my revenge against him for not only treating me like a monster but turning my whole family against me....*looks at Kimari* but then he woke up one day and talked about this amazing dream with this amazing girl and before you know it he had kidnapped you your friend Kasha,your sister Kaylah, and your cousin Ashanti at first I was just going to tell the police about his little kidnapping but noticed how fond he was of you and what better way to get back at him than to take something he loves
Kimari-*shaking* s-so you are going to kill me *swallows hard*
Roger-*walks up to Kimari* I was going to but *starts stroking her hair* you see I have become quite fond of you myself so no I am not going to kill you *kisses her forehead* now enough about all this revenge talk babe lets go eat I dont want you to starve to death

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