Truth and Troublemaking

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Kimaris Pov
I was downstairs in my new room which used to be a storage closet I assuned  away from Zayn and Perrie when there was a knock on my door
Liam-Kimari can we talk
Kimari-*pretends to be drunk* ooops *slaps Liam* oopsie forgive me Liam I am drunk *swings on Liam
Liam-*catches Kimaris hand* this is serious I do not have time for your stupid games today
Kimari-Like how I did not have time to be raped by you I do not care what you dont have time for *gco*
Liam-A mystery man told me to do it
Liam-the night we was at the bar Zayn was beyond drunk and was dancing on the tables and I went to the bathroom and this guy told me that he knew Zayn took you girls and that if I didnt pretend to be wasted and sleep with you he wouldnt keep our secret
Liam-so there is some evil guy out there trying to cause problems and I havent told anyone but now I am telling you because maybe you know who it is fron that crazy dream you and Zayn had
Kimari-I have no idea there were lots of people who were trying to harm us in my dream but I do know you should tell the rest of the house
Liam-but what if the guy from the bathroom retaliates
Kimari-that is just a risk we will have to take but everyone deserves to know that there are people after us
Liam-do you forgive me for lying and for....raping you
Kimari-not completley but partially
Liam-*hugs kimari*
Zayns Pov
I was going down to Kimaris room to try to convince her to come back to my room and share because I had remembered it was against the rules for her to have a private room or....closet the door was already open and when I came in and she and Liam was hugging I thought he was tryna sleep with her again so I burst in to stop it
Zayn-so round 3?
Kimari-what are you talking about
Zayn-*Punches Liam*stop *punch* trying to sleep *punch* with her *punch*
Liam-*fighting back* I was apologizing to her and I told her the truth
Zayn-wait the truth about what
Kimari-if you would not have bursted in my room like you lost your mind you would have found out
After finding out the truth about why Liam raped Kimari we called a meeting to tell the rest of the house
Harry-So there is someone out there threatening and messing with us
Liam- Thats why I did what I did to Kimari *looks at Ashanti* not because I am a bad guy but because I did not want to lose someone important to me someone I love a lot and see a future with
Harry-*hugs Liam* Liam I forgive you  for eating my Taco
Liam-*pushes Harry off* not you
Niall-*raises eyebrow* Me?
Niall-So if someone forced Liam to rape Kimari cant someone frame me for raping Kaylah
Just then Perrie burst through the door and thats when all hell broke loose
Perries Pov
I heard them when I was walking up if they figure out that Niall was framed for raping Kaylah the boss will kill me I cant get in trouble for Liam because he was the one who talked to Liam but I decided I would cause A distraction so I burst throughthe door and ran up to Zayn jumping on him and kissing him running my hands through his hair and moaning it had been a while since I kissed him so U wasnt paying attention to anyone or anything until I was forcefully pulled off of Zayn by my hair and being repeatedly hit in my face
Kaylahs Pov
It was willllllllllllldddd so Perrie comes in and runs up to Zayn and when she does she bumps Kimari out of the way so while she is kissing Zayn noaning like this a porn Kimari loses it and pulls her off by her hair and starts punching Perrie in her face
Kashas Pov
Kimari was crushing her and I personally was gonna let it happen telling her to get her and cheering her on but the boys who are no fun broke it up it took Liam,Niall, and Zayn to get Kimari off and it took Harry to get Perries hair out of Kimaris grasp but Kimari had already pulled out a chunk of Perries hair which was over on the floor
Ashantis Pov
At first I was just laughing at the whole thing because it was funny she was crushing the Perrie girl and pulled a chunk of hair out of her head but while the boys was holding Kimari back Perrie came up and sucker punched Kimari so I ran up and I started crushing her
Harrys Pov
I was holding Kimaris hans trying to help calm her down when Perrie  comes out of nowhere and punches Kimari right in her jaw and right after she did Ashanti ran up to her like a track star and starts to beat up an already beaten up Perrie and I had to get her off by myself which was hell because she just kept swinging then I finally got her off
Harry-What the bloody hell just happened
Nialls Pov
I was holding back a slightly calm Kimari when Perrie got up and started trash talking
Perrie-You girls are all just a bunch of haters and are mad that Zayn wants me and not Kimari because she is fat and ugly and stinks worse than Nialls potato breath
When she said was she said about my lovely potato breath I squinted my eyes and let Kimari go she ran up and started beating Perrie again I was quite happy until Zayn got pissed broke up the fight and started yelling
Ashanti-you are not yelling at me
Zayn-GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW *punches hole in wall right next to Ashanti*
Ashantis Pov
I was in Liams room trying to calm myself from fighting that flat paper looking bitch when Zayn came in
Zayn-why did you jump in
Ashanti-why did Perrie sucker punch my cousin
Zayn-look my house is not a WWE ring when we are trying to break up the fight dont swing on everyone trying to get you off go to bed early to think about what you have done
Ashanti-Yoh lucky I get tired after I fight
Perries Pov
I was in the kitchen texting the boss about the fight and he said that I did a good job causing drama and then Zayb walked in
Zayn-what the fuck was that shit you pulled
Perrie-She pulled my hair and hit me first it was not my fault
Zayn-why did you come in here and jump on me and kiss me in front of her
Perrie-*bites lip* because I missed you and we talk now and in a relationship you kiss each other
Zayn-I need some space from you for a while
Perrie-what does that mean
Zayn-it means GET.OUT
Kimaris Pov
I was in Zayns room sitting on his bed a little more calm because I just heard him put Perrie out which I guess is good enough but next time I see her its a wrap I was broken out of my thoughts by Zayn entering the room
Zayn-you should not have fought her it was not that serious
Kimari-this is not school so I cant get suspended, this is not the streets so I wont get arrested so anything goes here and besides that disrespectful bitch bumped me just so she could kiss you *rolls eyes*
Zayn-what you did today was bad and you know what happens when you are bad *licks lips*
Ashanti-*bursts through door*nooo nuh uh nuh uh thats not fair I get a speech about WWE and I have to go to bed early and all she gets is a its not that serious and you tryna give her the D noooo thats not fair Kimari go in Kashas room and go to bed early
Kimari-Alright its not like he was getting any anyways hes dirty and by the way Zayn my trust for you is gone since you wanna let girls treat me any type of way
Boss' Pov
I did not care that Zayn kicked Perrie out because all I needed was Kimari to lose trust for Zayn or Zayn to lose trust for Kimari and thats what I got before you know it she will be trying to escape or be all alone and I will move on with the next part of the plan

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