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Justins pov
I was in my room with the door locked my bed phshed in front of the door inside my bathroom with the bathroom door locked to laying in the bath tub with Kimari who was holding a knife she made me do all of this because she was scared that Zayn was going to come and get her tonight I felt bad that this happened to her and i felt worse that i gotta get on a plane back to my tour tomorrow
Justin-yeah baby
Kimari-im stupid
Justin-no you arent
Kimari-but I am because I keep forgetting I was kidnapped into being here and when I had the opportunity to leave with you I didnt
Justin-what are you saying
Kimari-I dont want to be kidnapped anymore I wanna be free so when you go back to touring I am going with you
Justin-Good because I did NOT want to leave you here
Kimari-*gets up* lets start packing
Kimaris Pov
I told Justin to go and get some things that i left in Zayns room because if I went in there he probably wouldnt let me leave while he was doing that i was going to talk to the girls about leaving with me
Kimari-*knocks on door*
Ashanti-*opens door with gun in hand * oh ok its just you kimari *puts gun down* cmon in girl
Kimari-im going to make this quick im leaving with Justin do you wanna come
Ashanti-you know what all this time Ive had to escape and i stayed because I wanted Liam to be in our daughters life and I thought he loved me but he wanted to run around and play dead so I do wanna leave
Kimari-Good we leave tomorrow start packing and dont tell anyone
Ashanti-trust me I wont

Next I went to Kasha room so I could ask her if she wanted to leave too I know she would be considering what she went through went Prince I know she would want freedom but right when I was about to knock on the door when I heard something I wish I hadnt
Niall-*grunting harder* Say it
Niall-*grunting even harder* SAY IT

I honestly didnt know how to respond I just walked away with a disturbed look on my face because I dont know what just happened in there so next I went to Kaylahs room and heard something equally disturbing
Harry-buuut niall is getting some
Kaylah-because niall didnt get kasha pregnant
Harry-but the baby is in you belly not youre vagina
Kaylah-the baby comes out of my vagina you dumbass
Harry-ok what about i do it in the butt
Harry-well then get on your knees because youre just going to have to give me a bj

After that all i heard was the loudest slap like it echoed through the entire house I even felt my own face im sure she legit slapped him into next year slapped the color of that boy now hes clear his poor face
Kaylah-if you ever talk to me like that again it wont just be a slap I am gonna have to start cutting parts off now get out I dont want to look at you anymore

After Harry limped out of their room I went in
Kimari-this has gotta be quick me and Ashanti are leaving tomorrow and you are coming so start packing
Kaylah-uhmmm noookkk and you arent leaving either we are safer here than out there with no one to protect us in a world where im pretty sure prince is still alive because he is like the black version of michael myers,in a world where taylor can easily break out of jail,or a world where we are just going to get kidnapped again and I am pretty sure that if we escape they will just hunt us down and bring us back and instead of things being chill like now it will be like being back with prince where somebody died almost every week I cant deal with that and my baby wont survive through that so I am sorry but I am and I wish you wouldnt either like think about everybody think about Ashanti if she goes how will she support her baby more importantly since liam is alive do you think he is going to let this go lightly because I am pretty sure he will kill you for putting the thought in her head
Kimari-You are right I cant take Ashanti with me she has too much on the line
Kaylah-And you???
Kimari-I am still going it might be fine for you guys but not for me not with zayn treating me the way he does
Kaylah-.....yeah youre right he is out of control....just*starts crying* be safe and make sure you write or call or something please
Kimari-you know I will
After crying it out with kaylah I went back to tell ashanti she cant go and when I did and explained to her why she cried
Ashanti-kaylahs right I just .....dont want you out there by yourself I dont want us to be apart we are a family its supposed to be you,me,kaylah,and kasha against the world
Kimari-I will be fine and it still is us against the world just not together all the time its not like I am dieing
Ashanti-I am going to miss you

After we hugged and finished crying I helped her unpack and told her goodbye one more time then went back to Justin room where all my clothes basically was and started packing everything was going smoothly until I couldnt reach a shirt at the top of the closet I struggled for a couple of minutes until a strong pair of arms helped me up once I got the shirt and was back down on the ground I turned around to find Zayn
Kimari-what are you doing and where is justin
Zayn-why are you packing
I could smell beer on his breath as soon as he spoke
Kimari-so I can move into a different room that isnt so close to yours
Zayn-youre trying to leave
Kimari-no ....no im not
Zayn-youre trying to go away with justin on tour well guess what sweetheart *roughly grabs kimaris face* if you leave he wins the bet
Kimari-who wins what bet
Zayn-the guy who made prince think about kidnapping you,ashanti,kasha,and kaylah the same guy who brought you girls to my attention so we can steal you he makes a deal with us all
Kimari-*shaking* what deal
Zayn-I bet that I can keep you here because im not like prince he bet that you will leave and as soon as you leave he will figure out and take you
Kimari-who is 'he' and what does 'he' want
Zayn-he wants you with him
Kimari-who and why
Zayn-he wants your heart
Zayn-you really dont know

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