Proven Innocent

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Boss' Pov
I was walking down the hallway singing to myself as one of my guards told me Perrie was in U walked into my office and told them to bring her to me 10 minutes later they bring me a shaking Perrie and once I nod my heads they leave out
Boss-you did it Kimari doesnt trust Zayn anymore
Perrie-*stops shaking* I did? So I did my job?*starts smiling*
I got up from my desk and walked over to her she was smiling as she thought she was in the clear even though she was far from it I opened my arms and she ran up and hugged me still thinking it was all ok but I quickly turned her around and put her in a choke hold
Boss-Not only did you get followed and I had to clean up your mess but you got put out which was not in the plan you was supposed to lead Zayn here after I got Kimari but she doesnt trust him so I can just do the job myself
Perrie-*choking* what about me
Boss-*lets Perrie go* Well you are gonna be the head *picks up knife*
Perrie-the head?
Boss-*cuts off Perries head* oops I meant beheaded
After killing Perrie I called the guards in to clean the mess up while I went to take a shower and after I got out I was gonna get Kimari myself you know what they say if you want a job done do it yourself
Kimaris Pov
I was in Kashas room sleeping in my bra and panties since I was the only one in the room when I heard something creeping up behind me I turned around to see Zayn and Niall
Kimari-You couldnt have knocked
Niall-This is my room
Kimari-Kasha put you out you rapist
Kimari-Then who did it Santa....The Tooth Fairy
Niall-I think Perrie did it
Zayn-Hear him out
Niall-Remember the day of the fight I said it is possible that whoever is after us couldve framed me think about it I was with Kasha that whole day and Kaylah said she seen my eyes but me and Perrie have the same eye color plus how doed she just show up after I supposedly rape Kaylah her and Zayn have been broken up for a while now if she wanted him back she couldve been gotten him and I found one of my condoms empty and it was not empty when I threw it away
Zayn-We think shes working for the bathroom guy
Kimari-What did Kaylah say about this
Niall-Kaylah said it felt like rough plastic but she thougt it was a condom so we let her feel a condom and she said it did not feel like that
Zayn-She doesnt think Niall did it
Kimari-What did Kasha say?
Niall-She believes that it was not me
Zayn-Agrees with us
Kimari-What are you telling me this for
Zayn-Because in the dream we shared almost everyone was after you so you need to understand that these people are willing to do anything to you
Kimari-I already knew that
Zayn-So we need to work together,have each others backs,and trust each other *looks Kimari in the eyes*
Kimari-I Do Not Trust You .....Niall maybe ....but not you
Zayn-Kimari please
Kimari-You let her treat me any type of way you treated me any type of way Zayn my trust for you is gone...and my respect
Zayn-*pouting* please please give me another chance what will it take please Kimari please
Kimari-Niall did you want your room back since you and Kasha are back together
Niall-It would be nice
Kimari-Ok *gets up and walks out*
Niall-I did not know she was basically naked under that blanket that really caught me off of my potato guard....Zayn are you ok
Zayn-*sitting with legs crossed*No I need her *runs out*
Niall-Cheeseburgers and Jelly babies
Kimaris Pov
I walked in Zayns room and grabbed a big shirt out of his dresser and took it with me to the bathroom I already had a towel and washcloth in there I set my water and waited for it to warm up and when it did I stripped and got in I was facing the water minding my business when I heard the shower curtain open I turned around thinking it was Zayn but it wasnt it it was some man in all black everything even an all black face mask I hopped out as quick as I could not caring that I was naked I ran out of the bathroom screaming for help and started running for the door not looking back once and when i got close enough the masked figure broke something against my head and I automatically passed out
Boss' Pov
I broke a lamp against her head and she passed out I grabbed the shirt she was gonna put on quickly put it on her put her over my shoulder and was getting ready to climb out the window while I was climbing iut I heard Zayn come in and start looking around for Kimari I hurried down the side of the window and when I was on the ground I ran off with her taking her to my car I parked five miles away
Zayns Pov
I was in Liams bathroom dealing with the problem Kimari had caused I wouldve just went to her but I know she would not give me any and seeing her like that would only make my problem worse I was about to finish when Harry walked in
Harry-*high pitched voice*Oh my god im blind
Zayn-*washes hands and zips up pants*why would you not knock
Harry-why would you blind me *faints*
Before I could say something to an overdramatic Harry I heard Kimari screaming out for help I started running towards her but when I got in there it was too late there was a broken lamp on the floor and she wasnt answering when I was calling her name she was gone and in that moment I felt something in me snap

Zayn are you ok Zayn-*sitting with legs crossed*No I need her *runs out*Niall-Cheeseburgers and Jelly babiesKimaris PovI walked in Zayns room and grabbed a big shirt out of his dresser and took it with me to the bathroom I already had a towel and ...

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