Whats Next

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Kimaris pov
So after Nolan left I decided to go shopping and I asked the girls to go with me
Kaylah-shopping is exactly what you need to get your mind off of that crazy dream you haf even though *rubs stomach* having harry baby wouldnt be so bad
Kasha-well considering the fact that I was almost killed 100 times I think it is best that the dream is just a dream
Ashanti-Im trying to figure out why louie took his face off and prince was michael myers not dying
Kimari-lets just have fun
We shopped for two hours sometimes just playing around in stores but we went back to the front of the mall ready to go home and no one was there
Ashanti-nuh uh im too black for this something bout to go down*runs for exit*
Kasha-*runs for exit*
Kaylah-*bolts for exit*
Kimari-*runs for exit* no no no no noooope
When we made it to the exit we tried to push out and it was locked
???-no dont be scared
Kasha-*starts crying*
Ashanti-*shakes head* we not going through what happened in her dream
Kimari-*wide eyed* ZAYN MALIK
Zayn-I had to pay some people to hunt you down after I woke up from this crazy dream I had about you something told me to me you just.....please
Kasha-she had a dream about you too
Kaylah-yeah louie took his face off
Ashanti-and you raped Kimari
Zayn-I had the same dream .....I....I liked it
Kimari-*face drops* you liked it
Zayn-And I paid an artist to draw the girls i described a private investigator to find you and had an emergency flight out here then got security to clear out the mall
Kaylah-when did you have time to do this
Kasha-didnt you just wake up
Zayn-well I am rich
Ashanti-I like money
Zayn-and Liam likes you so I just want you to know .....no hard feelings
These guys came out the different stores we tried to run but they caught us and knocked us out I guess my dreams are coming true sadly

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