between life and death

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Prince POV
I had asked a doctor to rush over to help me with Kimari she kept bleeding she won't wake up and her breaths are very shallow and sometimes she's just not breathing of course when he came over I rushed him to Kimari and when he seen her he started to cry
Prince-why are you crying instead of helping her
Doctor-*still crying*
Prince-you see stuff like this everyday stop crying and help her....before it's too late
Doctor-*cries harder*
Prince-WHY TF ARE YOU CRYING Doctor-Because I know her
He looked down in shame and started to ask god why he said a prayer but then started to work on her saying he'd be back she'd need machines
Prince-what do you need machines for
Doctor-....she's in a colma
My heart sank at his words
Prince-will she be ok
Doctor-well right now she's teetering between life and death since the blow to her head was so major causing a severe concussion
He said his words slow as if he did it he looked ashamed but went to go get the rest of the needed things
----------3 hours later----------
The doctor came back after 30 minutes and he kicked me out the room saying he needed his space ....I've been standing outside the door since then and finally after what seems like forever he opens the door and moves out the way silently saying I can come in when I do i notice a single chair that he's placed by her bed and all the machines that's around her there's an iv attached to her arm,there's one of those clips on her ring finger which shows her heart rate on the monitor,and one more machine and I had no idea what it did she also had a bandage around her head and you can see some of the blood and she had finger marks on her neck from when I choked her the doctor says he needed her to wear the hospital gown he brought and was about to change her when I jumped up saying I'd do it he left out to give me privacy and I walked over to her starting by taking off her pants and when I did I noticed a lot of bruises near her pussy and I sighed heavily feeling bad for putting bruises on her and then I started to take off her shirt I lifted her up and turned her around and I noticed more bruises and scratches on her back and the back of her neck which was showing since her hair was in a bun I shed a tear looking at my damage I put the hospital gown on her and told the doctor he could come in
Doctor -did you remove the undergarments
Prince-oh no hold on
He turned around and walked to the bathroom to wash his hands I guess I slid her panties down and my heart literally stopped at the sight they were covered in blood it was dry blood I had stood still in shock
Doctor-i know I felt the same way I ran some test and she was raped and its a good thing I came when I did cause whoever raped her almost killed her because multiple harsh rapes can cause internal bleeding and there was some but luckily I was able to stop it ....I just wish I would've been there to stop my son
Doctor-thats how I know her she used to date my son and hes the only family I have left...he used to beat her....and she came to me for help *starts crying*....I didn't believe her she told the police and he was arrested I was so angry...just so upset that the only family I had left was being sent to jail like an animal so I told the police in court that she was lying....I honestly thought she was until I came home one day to see him choking her out on the floor...I wish I would've been able to stop him but I couldn't and she almost died that night and here I am being reminded of it all over again *cries harder*

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