waking up pt.2

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Nolan's POV
I was downstairs getting a speech from prince about making a sandwich
Nolan-you act like there's not five other loafs in there
Nolan-*high pitched voice* suck my ass
Ray-WOOOAH unless jhene aiko here there will be no eating of the booty
Kimari-*From the top of the steps*GUESS WHO'S WOKE NIGGAS
We all looked toward the top of the steps to see her walking down looking just as beautiful as I remember I tried to control the joy in me but I couldn't help it I just exploded with joy and ran over to her and picked her up and kissed her
Kaylah and Ashanti-awwwwww
Ray- daaaammmn I guess he Mr.stealyogirl in this bitch
I finally pulled away from her and got on one knee it was time for me to do what I've been dying to do for years
To be continued.....

Sike continued now

Kimari POV
When Nolan kissed me it felt different from when we went out it wasn't abusive and forced it was passionate,careful,and...sweet that's something I rarely got from him when we was dating so I was in big shock but when he pulled away and got on one knee I almost went back into a coma all over again
Nolan-Kimari your beautiful, strong,smart,...kind of nice,and just straight amazing and when I was with you I didn't appreciate that I wasn't good too you I tried to hurt you and that's something I've never been able to forgive myself for I was wayyy worse when you left I tried to kill myself so many times I lost count until I realized I'd never be the same without you so I went to counseling and found out it was my mother leaving us that caused me to be so violent towards you ...towards all woman and I got better so so much better
Kaylah-HE DID
Nolan-thank you Kaylah but I got this
Kaylah-you go boy
Nolan-kimari *kisses her hand* I just want to know if you will forgive me for the past and accept me into your future
Ashanti-*Crying* g-girl s-say y-y-yes b-b-be w-i-ith him-m-m
Kimari-*tearing up* Nolan I *gco*
Prince-won't she won't so you can leave now
Kimari-*turns to him* I know who I'll never forgive and that's you all you've done is hurt me and rape me and beat me and barely feed me and let other people hurt me you don't love me prince you don't know how to love your a monster and I hate you *turns back to Nolan* I need time to think if I forgive you or not girls can you come upstairs with me we have a lot to talk about right
Kaylah and Ashanti started to walk upstairs with me I turned around one more time to see a broken down Prince and everyone else was in shock
Kimari-and somebody bring me some food im fucking starving

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