Chapter 52

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Lando's pov:

He drives her back to the hotel. Luckily, she calmed down a bit.

Lando: So, you and Max broke up?

She looks out the window, the sun almost down.

Yn: Yeah...

Lando: Are you okay?

Yn: I don't know. I'm glad me and Max are back to being friends, but for the rest my life is just kind of a mess.

Lando: Don't say that.

Yn: But my life is a mess.

Lando: To me you seem to be a girl who has made a career for herself, even though you have been through so much.

Yn: It may look like that, but I'm barely keeping it together. I have to be working but my mind keeps wandering to my personal problems.

Lando: Such as?

Yn: My parents, my friends, Max, you...

Lando: So I'm a problem now?

He gave her a wink, she laughed at him. God how he loved that laugh.

Yn: You're a pain in the ass if that's what you're wondering.

He opened the car door for her and walked her to her hotel room. She opens the door and looks at him.

Yn: Do you want to come inside?

He nodded and walked after her.

Lando: Do you remember when we first kissed?

She suddenly stopped walking, maybe even breathing. He liked having that impact on her, he liked her.

Yn: Yes, yes I do. What about it?

Lando: And do you remember the second one? That night when you showed up at my door, drunk?

Yn: Yes even though I was drunk my memory works just fine, Lan.

Lando: The third kiss we had is my favorite.

Yn: Why?

Lando: That was the first time you kissed me, not the other way around. It was on the beach and you made us go by bike, and right then and there I knew I loved you.

She puts down her bag and takes off her shoes.

Yn: I loved you too.

His breath catches in his throat, his heart racing out of his chest. He closes the door of her room. He wanted to ask her if she still loved him, but he didn't want to push her tonight. She had an emotional day and he didn't want to invade her personal space.

Lando: Have you had dinner yet?

Yn: I had some early dinner in the paddock, you?

Lando: Yeah, so did I.

He hadn't had dinner. He just didn't want to give her or himself a reason to leave her room. He looked in her eyes, not knowing what to say. She looked at him too, cautious but curious. He wanted to make sure she knew he was there for her, but he didn't want her to think he was being pushy.

Lando: I should go, I'll see you tomorrow.

Yn: Please stay.

It was barely a whisper. He wondered if he heard her right.

Yn: Lan... stay...

He was sure he heard it right this time. She wanted him to stay and that's all he could wish for.

She put her hand on his cheek. He felt his cheek burning underneath her touch. He put his arms around her and gave her a kiss.

Lando: How about a shower to wash this day off, sounds good?

Yn: Sounds wonderful.

She got in the shower and he got in after her. He just cuddled her, making sure she felt safe after the day she'd had.

After the shower he got dressed in another sweater of hers, which was also incredibly comfortable. He was definitely keeping this one as well. They decided on watching a movie. He sat down at the couch, patting the place next to him just like she did on the track that night. She lays down next to him, her head in his lap. She put on the movie while he gently stroked his hand through her hair.

When he looked at her fifteen minutes later, she was already asleep. He gently lifts her up, puts her in bed and puts the blanket over her. He wondered if he should leave now, she never actually asked him to stay over. He was just deciding whether to leave or not when she mumbled something.

Yn: Stay...

So he got in bed next to her, being her big spoon for the night.

*Later that night*

Yn: No, don't leave, please DON'T LEAVE.

He startled awake. She was tossing and turning in her sleep. He didn't know what she was dreaming about, but it wasn't about something happy.

Yn: Mom, Dad, please don't leave me.

Shit, this was about her parents. He put his arms around her. She was crying in her sleep.

Lando: Shhh, baby, wake up, it's okay...

Her eyes opened but he could see she wasn't fully awake yet.

Lando: It's okay... it's me, Lando.

She seemed to realize that it was a dream.

Yn: Shit.

She started crying even harder.

Lando: It was just a dream baby...

He held her tight while she was crying on his chest. They stayed like this for a long time, till she finally fell asleep. It was only after he made sure she was asleep, that he went back to sleep as well. 

-Not a part of the story-

Hi guys! I could use some inspiration on how to continue writing this story. Leave your ideas in the comments or send me a message. Remember to vote and have a great day!

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