Epilogue 1: Christmas 2026

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-Hi guys! Make sure to put on your best Christmas playlist before you start reading this epilogue. I promise you guys, it will make it better. Thank you all for your support during this book, and enjoy the first of three epilogues of this book. It has been a blast writing for you guys! A new book, involving Lando Norris, will start soon! Make sure you follow me and I will also put a notification in this book, One of a kind, once the first Chapter of the new book is online. Thank you all so much, have fun reading <3.-

*Two years later: Christmas 2026*

Lando's pov:

It was a cold night in Monaco. Strolling through the empty streets he tried to find joy through all the Christmas lights. Still, it did not fulfil his heart. Snow was crunching beneath his feet as he was trying to warm his hands in his pockets.

It was especially on times like this where he was thinking about her. He had not spoken to her in more than two and a half years. The only thing he knew is that she was still working as head of the RedBull Racing Media team, because he casually catched a glimpse of her in the paddock. Unfortunately, it hadn't been more than that. While he wanted to go up and talk to her so many times, he figured she would come to him if she missed him. She was the one that had said they shouldn't be together and he wanted to respect that. He wanted to give her the space she needed.

Still, on nights like these, he wanted to walk up to her apartment and just knock on her door. He just wanted to tell her how he felt and to give her the ring he had been keeping for years. He always knew he wanted to marry her, and that hadn't changed with time.


He knew he shouldn't have, but he still walked towards her apartment. Over the last years he'd developed this habit. He would not actually go in and knock on the door, but he would feel close to her by just walking past her home. On his way there, it started snowing again. More fresh snow added to the snow that was already laying on the ground. The world felt quiet. As he neared her street he took out the ring he would still carry with him, to then put it back into his pocket again. When he finally walked past her home, he wished she would just look outside. Unfortunately, she didn't. He looked at his feet forming the snow beneath him as he walked by.

Yn: Lando...?

He wasn't sure if he should turn around, not wanting to confirm his ears were deceiving him. After a few seconds he finally decided to turn around. There she was, wearing a big black coat paired with a big fluffy scarf. She looked adorable.

Lando: Bella?

Both kept quiet for a while, not knowing what to say. He thought this situation must feel surreal for her as well.

Yn: What are you doing here?

Lando: Just, taking a walk.

Yn: You look like you're freezing. You're not even wearing gloves.

Lando: I'll be fine.

Yn: A driver needs their hands Lando Norris.

It had been ages since he'd hear her say his name. He made a note to himself to never forget how his name sounded on her lips.

Lando: I eh, it was good to see you, I'll let you get back to your plans.

Yn: My plans?

Lando: Knowing you, you are probably hosting a Christmas dinner for your friends right now.

Yn: I'm not, actually. No plans this Christmas.

Lando: Oh.

Yn: Kika and Pierre are in Paris for the holiday's. Max and Kelly are in the Bahamas. They invited me, but well, Christmas is supposed to be celebrated at home.

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