Lando's pov:
It felt like he was living a dream. He dared not leave the bed, not wanting to wake up from this dream. The sun was shining on her face as she still peacefully slept. He couldn't have imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that they would ever share a night like this again. He meant what he said; he wasn't planning on messing up again and giving Charles another chance with her. Not wanting to wake her up, he closed his eyes again and drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Yn: Morning, sleepyhead.
She sat up straight with a glass of water in her hand.
Yn: Want some water?
She handed him the water, and he gladly took it. He still wasn't sure if he was dreaming; this moment felt too good to be true.
Yn: Lost your tongue?
Lando: You know I haven't, as you well know.
She blushed. God, he loved making her blush.
Lando: I'm going for a shower. Wanna join?
Yn: Since we share a bathroom, let's be efficient.
Lando: For the sake of efficiency, yeah, right.
He knew she didn't agree just for the sake of efficiency, but he didn't mind. After all, having a shower with her after this amazing night must've meant she didn't regret it. That alone was worth celebrating.
After they both got dressed, she walked towards the door. Her hair was still damp from their shower, her skin glowing from her unchanged skincare. She looked like he imagined peace to feel like.
Yn: I'll see you downstairs. Coffee?
Lando: Yeah, black please.
Yn: I know, nothing in it.
It flattered him, knowing she still remembered how he preferred his coffee.
Yn: Lan?
Lando: Yes.
Yn: Can we talk about what we are later today?
Lando: Sure, whenever you want.
He stroked a piece of hair behind her ear.
Lando: You look beautiful.
Clearly not knowing how to respond to his compliment, she walked through the door, throwing a final smile over her shoulder and calling out to him from the stairs.
Yn: Don't take too long; your coffee will get cold.
Yn's pov:
Kika: We're dealing with a code red. I repeat, code red.
Yn: Why are you whispering?
Kika: Because our code red is sitting in the kitchen as we speak.
Yn: Can you please tell me what's going on?
She led you outside and gave you a nervous look.
Kika: How are you and Lando?
You couldn't help but blush.
Yn: Good, really good, actually.
Kika: Shit. Did you kiss him last night?
Yn: I slept with him last night.
Kika: Fuck.
Yn: Wait, why is that bad? You were rooting for us, unlike Pierre, right?
Kika: I was, yeah.
Yn: You were... What changed?
Kika: I didn't know who she was until she told me her name.
Yn: Who?
Kika: Babe, don't freak out.
Yn: Just tell me what the hell is going on, Fran.
Kika: Lily is sitting in the kitchen right now.
Yn: Lando's ex?
Kika: Well, Max told me that she is the Lily that is indeed Lando's ex. I only know her through the stories you told me about her, so I didn't know it was her at first.
Yn: Wait, what is she doing here?
Kika: Babe, please sit down.
Yn: Just tell me, Kieks.
Kika: Bells, she's pregnant.
Yn: Yeah, but why is she here?
Kika sighed, clearly dreading what she was going to say next.
Kika: She claims it's Lando's...
You couldn't breathe. Why couldn't you breathe? You knew you were inhaling but it felt like no oxygen arrived in your lungs. You could see Kika was talking, though no words reached your ears. She helps you to sit down, unconscious tears rolling down your face. As you close your eyes you try to wake up from this nightmare. Because that was what it had to be, a nightmare. After an undefined amount of time you open your eyes again, sadly not having woken up from a nightmare. That only meant one thing, this wasn't a nightmare. It was real... With a quiet voice you ask Kika to confirm.
Yn: Lily is pregnant with Lando's baby?
Kika: Oh, babe, I'm so sorry.
She was also crying now. After a few moments of silent sobbing, you spoke again.
Yn: I really thought this time would be different.
Kika: I know, me too, babe.
You felt so much that you felt numb, unsure of how to process it all.
Yn: I just wish I knew about this before he arrived here and before he took all the space in my heart once again.
Kika: Men are stupid.
Yn: They are.
Kika: Just marry me instead.
You couldn't help but give her a sad smile through your tears.
Yn: That would be a lot easier.

One of a kind - Lando Norris
Hayran Kurgu"Sometimes, love isn't enough" In a world where love traingles, toxic relationships and drama can't seem to leave her alone. Warning: some chapters will contain mature content. This story finished on the 27th of september, 2023. It is still underg...