Lando's pov:
Yn: Not anywhere you're going.
Crap, that was not how he thought it would go. He was hoping that getting back with Lily would make her jealous, so that maybe she could unfall for Charles and want him again. So that was his tactic, trying to make her jealous with Lily so he could get her back. It worked for him last time, so why wouldn't it now?
Still, he was hoping for a more passionate reaction than her just casually walking away. Hold on, did she seriously just walk away towards the ferrari hospitality? This couldn't be true right? His eyes must be lying.
Unfortunately it seems his eyes weren't lying as she disappeared inside the Ferrari hospitality.
Thank God she was forced to see him in a meeting later that afternoon, he didn't know what life would be like without her in it. He needed to provoke the reaction he was initially hoping for.
As they're bickering after the meeting he can't help but look at her eyes, her lips, God he missed her. This past week without her was complete torture.
Lando: Well you're my PA so I don't think you can prevent us being in the same room.
Thank God he was right, she would have to see him daily.
Yn: Tell Zak I quit.
What did she say? Oh no this wasn't going the way he hoped at all. Shit, baby, don't do this. She takes her work phone out of her pocket and puts it on the table.
She wasn't seriously quitting right? She'd worked so hard to get this job. God did she not love him at all anymore?
Yn: I hate you. And this time it doesn't mean that I love you, It just means that I hate you.
That hurted, a lot. His chest ached, he couldn't breath.
If only she just told him she didn't like Charles and that she loved him. But, she didn't. She was with Charles now, out of both his work and personal life.
He had ruined it for himself. She once loved him, but today she told him she hated him. He left the hospitality and drove home, tears finally falling as he stepped through the door.
Around 8pm he decided to head out to pick up some dinner. Although he preferred not to leave his home, he thought the fresh air would do him good. Going inside his favourite takeaway restaurant he bumped into Charles. Shit, couldn't he just be alone for a few hours without bumping into the new lover of his ex girlfriend? He wanted to make a sour comment, he definitely felt sour, but decided not to. It appeared Charles was waiting for his order as well.
Lando: So, great place huh?
Charles: I wouldn't know, it's my first time ordering food here.
That was weird, how'd he end up here? It was a pretty low key place, nothing for their kind of people which was why he liked it so much. Charles must've seen Lando thinking because he elaborated.
Charles: It's Bells favourite place. She isn't feeling well so I'm getting her some comfort food.
Lando: Bells?
Charles: Sorry, I mean yn.
They had the same takeaway place without knowing, oh she was so perfect for him. But unfortunately he was not the one bringing her food, that was Charles. He was bringing food to the love of his life, lucky man.
Lando: You've got her a nickname and all, it must mean you're dating her?
Charles: We're not dating, no. We're just friends.
Hold on, was she right this whole time?
Lando: So nothing happened between you two?
Charles: No, nothing happened.
Fuck, he was such an ass. He'd accused her of being with Charles while she was with him and he didn't believe her when she told him that wasn't true. She'd been right this whole time, of course she was, she's always right. He didn't know what to tell Charles, but he didn't have to decide because Charles spoke again.
Charles: I do like her, though. She's so considerate and witty.
He could see Charles really meant that, and why wouldn't he? She was, indeed, very considerate and witty.
Lando: Take good care of her for me will you?
Not waiting on Charles' reaction he leaves the place without his food, not being able to be in there a moment longer. If he'd just believed her, none of this would've happened. But, he guessed it was too late now. He'd completely ruined any chance he might've had with her.
That night he'd cried himself to sleep, blaming himself for losing her. He just hoped she would be happy with Charles.

One of a kind - Lando Norris
Fanfiction"Sometimes, love isn't enough" In a world where love traingles, toxic relationships and drama can't seem to leave her alone. Warning: some chapters will contain mature content. This story finished on the 27th of september, 2023. It is still underg...