After an hour or two and several drinks later, you start feeling slightly tipsy. You and Lando hadn't talked after the bathroom talk, but he had stopped being handsy with Lily. You hadn't forgiven him for the things he had said, but you were one step closer to letting it go.
Charles made sure your glass was always full in the last few hours, which was very sweet of him. You were dancing with Charles when the world started spinning. Oh, this is not a good sign.
Yn: I have to find a bathroom.
Charles: Sure, do you need me to come with you?
Yn: No, it's fine.
You walk into the villa in search of a bathroom. Unfortunately, both of the downstairs bathrooms were occupied. In that case, you had to go upstairs anyway. This house was huge, with so many rooms upstairs. After trying a few empty rooms, you really hoped to find the bathroom. However, the next door you opened was not vacant, but it wasn't a bathroom either. Your eyes began to fill with tears.
In the room, you saw Lando and Lily, both without clothes. You gasped for air and turned your face away.
Yn: I'm sorry.
You shut the door and heard a 'fuck' from the other side. You hurried downstairs, searching for Charles. The world had started spinning more violently, and you knew you shouldn't have drunk so much.
Yn: I want to leave.
Charles: Now?
Yn: Please?
Charles: Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?
Yn: Yes, I just want to go home.
Charles: I'll drive you home.
Yn: No.
Charles: What?
Yn: Not to my home, to your home.
Charles pov:
He parked the car and turned it off. As they stepped inside, he walked towards the kitchen with the intention of getting something to drink for her. However, he didn't hear her footsteps. When he turned around, he found her leaning against the door. The room remained dimly lit by the moon, casting a gentle glow.
Yn: Can I stay?
Her question caught him off guard, but in a pleasant way.
Charles: Of course you can. I have a spare room.
He led her to the spare room, unsure of how to act in this unexpected situation.
Charles: There's a shower in there, if you'd like.
Yn: Thanks.
He left the room and a few minutes later, he heard the shower turn on. Realizing she didn't have spare clothes, he placed one of his shirts on her bed and exited the room. He headed to his own bedroom next to hers and decided to take a shower. Afterward, he climbed into his bed, attempting to sleep, but rest eluded him. Why did she want to stay at his place? Half an hour later, he decided to get some water from the fridge. Leaving his room, he walked to the kitchen, only to be surprised to find her sitting on the counter.
Charles: My shirt looks good on you.
Yn: I know it does.
God she was witty. He fetched a bottle of water from the fridge and opened it.
Yn: Why are you up?
Charles: I should be asking you the same question.
Yn: Can't sleep.
He handed her his water, and she took a sip. She looked absolutely stunning in his slightly oversized white shirt.
Yn: Do you happen to have some socks for me?
She looked at him innocently as he chuckled at her question.
Yn: What? My feet are freezing.
Charles: Sure, just follow me.
He led her to his bedroom, opening a drawer to grab some socks. As she sat on his bed to put them on, the room remained dark, yet he could still see her face. Suddenly, she asked a question that caught him off guard.
Yn: Does it get better, missing them, I mean?
Ah, so that's why she couldn't sleep.
Charles: It does get a little easier with time. But sometimes, it still feels like yesterday.
Yn: I'm not sure if I'll ever stop missing them.
He sat down next to her, putting his arms around her.
Charles: You won't stop missing them, but the pain will lessen.
Yn: I feel so alone in this world without them. Sometimes, I just want a hug, to feel at home, to cuddle, but I don't have anyone. That's why I said yes to Max's proposal. He was my best friend, and with him, I wouldn't have to be alone. It's silly, even cruel to him, but it's the truth.
Charles: There's no shame in not wanting to be alone, Bells.
A tear escaped her watery eyes, and he gently ran his hand through her hair, offering comfort.
Yn: I'm so tired of living my life, Charles.
She began crying harder, and he felt sorry for her, knowing exactly how she felt. When he had lost his dad and Anthoine, he experienced the same grief and pain she was feeling now. She lay down on his bed, burying her head in one of his pillows. He continued to run his hand through her hair, hoping to provide solace. He lay down beside her, comforting her until she fell asleep.
Once she finally drifted off to sleep, he lay on his back, his arms under his head. He felt her stir and suddenly, her head was resting on his shoulder, her leg over his legs. He held his breath, unsure of what to do. Slowly, he moved his arm from under his head and placed it around her shoulder. She nestled closer to him. It hit him in that moment—he was completely and utterly in love with her. Shit.

One of a kind - Lando Norris
Fanfiction"Sometimes, love isn't enough" In a world where love traingles, toxic relationships and drama can't seem to leave her alone. Warning: some chapters will contain mature content. This story finished on the 27th of september, 2023. It is still underg...