Chapter 86

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When the sun rises the next morning, you wake up with Lando beside you.

Yn: Lan, wake up. We should head inside.

Lando: Hmm, what?

Yn: It looks like it's barely 6am so we can still go inside without anyone noticing we were gone all night.

Lando: Sure, let's go inside. Did you sleep well?

Yn: Eh yeah, I did. You?

Lando: Well it's no better than a mattress but still pretty good.

You laugh to yourself as you start walking back to the house.

When you are back inside your bedroom, you cannot sleep, so you decide to go for a run. You hadn't seen Lando after you quietly snuck into the house. It was 6.30 in the morning when you were making a smoothie bowl for breakfast.

Charles: Well aren't you an early riser.

Yn: Morning.

Charles: Going for a run?

Yn: Yeah, I couldn't sleep any longer.

Charles: Yeah, me neither. Is it okay if I join you?

Yn: Yeah, sure. But we're leaving in five.

Charles: Yes ma'am.

When you and Charles return after the run, everyone is sitting at the breakfast table.

Max: You guys were up early.

Charles: Well someone must be the one living healthy over the holidays.

Max: I'll still beat you on track without keeping myself too busy over the summer.

Kika: He's got a point.

Pierre: Franciscaaa, don't be rude.

Yn: But she's right though.

Charles smacks you on your head with one of your magazines. You also grab one of your magazines and smack him on his head too.

Pierre: Take it to the bedroom you two.

You suddenly feel a bit awkward. Your eyes find Lando's eyes, he's already looking at you.

Yn: I'm just going to take a shower.

You quickly leave the room to avoid any more contact with anyone.


You and Kika were getting ready in your room for a night out. You were all going to a club in the centre of Rovinj. You succeeded in avoiding Charles and Lando the rest of the day, but you were doubting if you could manage that tonight.

Kika: I'm sure it'll be fine.

Yn: I hope so, I don't know how to act around them. Especially when they're in the same room.

Kika: Well I know you'll make both of them go crazy in that outfit though.

Yn: Have you actually looked at yourself? Pierre might die when he looks at you.

Kika: Well let's find out shall we?

Yn: You go ahead, I'm almost done. I'll join you in a minute.

You're putting your essentials in your bag for tonight when there's a knock on the door.

Yn: It's open.

Lando: I wanted to ask you ab- holy shit. You look beautiful.

You giggle as you close your purse.

Yn: You don't look too bad yourself as well Norris. What did you want to ask me about?

He closes the door behind him and you suddenly feel the atmosphere change.

Lando: I wanted to ask you if you are back together with Charles?

Yn: No.

Lando: So, you running with Charles this morning didn't mean anything?

Yn: For me it didn't.

Lando: And us?

Yn: What about us?

Lando: Is there an us?

Yn: Why?

You spoke with a soft voice as he looked you up and down.

Lando: Because if there is, I'd kiss you.

Yn: Right now?

He takes a step closer towards you.

Lando: Right. Now.

You close the distance between you and Lando and look into his eyes.

Yn: I don't think I'm ready for anything more than friends.

Lando whispers: This is torture. Every inch of my body needs you. Please, baby.

You wanted to kiss him so badly, but you knew you weren't ready for a relationship with him. Not after everything that happened.

Yn: We can't.

You take a step away from him as Kika steps through the door.

Kika: Are you guys coming or what?

Lando: We were just about to.

You walk past both of them and head downstairs, where Charles and the rest were waiting for you. You followed them outside trying to avoid both of them, which was impossible.

Charles: You look amazing Bells, like always.

Lando: She does.

Oh boy- How were you going to survive the night? 

One of a kind - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now