Epilogue 3: Christmas 2033

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*Six and a half years later: Christmas 2033*

Freya jumped on the bed, waking both you and Lando up. It was Christmasmorning, 7am to be precise.

Freya: Mommy, daddy, wake up! It's Christmas. Santa left us presents.

Opening your eyes you see Lando smiling at his daughter.

Lando: Come here monkey, it's very early.

Freya: But Santa has left us presents, dad!

He laughed at her, and you and him both knew there was no going back to sleep.

Lando: Why don't we go downstairs and get some hot cocoa so mom can wake up first?

Freya: But mom is already awake.

Lando: Alright mom, you've got ten minutes or this monkey will tear apart the gifts without you.

Yn: Yes yes, I'll be down soon.

You give both Freya and Lando a quick kiss before they both storm downstairs. You quickly get dressed and walk downstairs. You turn on the radio to listen to Christmas songs, like you did each Christmas, before you walk into the kitchen. Freya was standing on a crutch with Lando standing behind her. He was helping Freya stir the hot cocoa.

Lando: Good morning mom.

You walk to them and give Lando a kiss on the cheek.

Yn: Good morning.

Lando: Freya, why don't you go to the Christmas tree and pick out the gift you want to unwrap first.

Freya: On it!

She stormed out of the kitchen.

Yn: Don't unwrap it yet, honey! Me and your dad want to see you unwrapping it.

Freya: Yes I know mom! But gift selecting is a time consuming job.

Both you and Lando can't help but laugh.

Yn: Don't know who she got that wittyness from.

Lando raised an eyebrow as he looked at you.

Lando: I do. She's literally a mini you running around in the house.

You gave him a "Really?" look.

Lando: I love you, though.

Yn: And I you.

Lando poured three cups of hot cocoa with whipped cream and cinnamon when Freya ran back into the kitchen.

Freya: Mom, dad, let's go. We don't have all morning.

Lando: We don't?

Freya: No we're going ice skating right?

Lando looks at you, clearly not understanding what she was talking about.

Yn: I forgot to mention, I kinda promised her we'd take her ice skating.

Lando: But I suck at ice skating.

Yn: I know, isn't Christmas wonderful?

You gave him a devilish smile but he laughed non the less, giving you a kiss.

Lando: The things I do for the woman I love.

You and Lando watched Freya unwrap all her gifts, and it truly was another core memory. After she unwrapped the last gift, Freya climbed onto Lando's lap.

Freya: Daddy?

Lando: Yes pumpkin?

Freya: Will you marry me?

Your heart truly melted at this sight of your daughter and your husband.

Lando: Of course I will pumpkin, but you're gonna be the one who will have to break the news to mom.

Freya: Can't you marry us both?

Lando: I don't know if that's possible. You will have to ask aunty Kika when they come over for dinner tonight.

Freya: Are aunty Kika and uncle Pierre coming over tonight?

Yn: Yes honey, and they'll bring Zara as well so you guys can play.

Freya: YES!

Lando: And guess who's also coming?

Freya: Even more people?

She shined with joy.

Lando: Yes, uncle Charles, aunty Charlotte and Luke are coming as well.

Freya: I have to show my new castle to Zara and Luke!

She ran upstairs to start building her new castle.

Yn: She's such a daddy's girl.

Lando: Who wouldn't be? You are also a daddy's girl.

You roll your eyes but laugh non the less.

Yn: I guess I am.

Lando: Happy Christmas baby.

Yn: Happy Christmas. 

-This is the official last epilogue of this story! Thank you all so much. I hope you enjoyed reading it! The story is finished and will be marked as such, but will undergo heavy editing in especially the first half of the book. Please, vote, comment and follow to keep up with a new incoming book about Lando Norris. I will post a notification in this book when the first chapter is online. Love you all, thank you so much for your support! It has been a blast.-

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