Chapter 60

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Honestly this week off was exactly what you needed. Lando would do his own social media for the weekend because this week there wasn't a race. The first day back the only thing you could do was wallowing in your bed. You were still mad but mostly sad about what happened with Lando. After not leaving your apartment for 24 hours, Max broke into your apartment and literally dragged you out of bed.

Yn: Max put me down right now.

Max: No, I won't. You can't just sleep 24 hours, it's not healthy and you know it.

Yn: I feel perfectly healthy.

Max put you down and scoffed.

Max: Trust me, you don't look healthy.

You roll your eyes at him and climb back in bed. When Max turns around he shakes his head at his shoes.

Max: I swear to god, get out now.

You pretend not to hear him. Big mistake because he grabs your legs and throws you over his shoulder.

Max: We're going for a run.

Yn: It's only 6 in the morning.

Max: Hasn't stopped you before so stop whining and get dressed.

Yn: I never go for a run this early.

He rolls his eyes at you.

Max: Yeah right.

Shit, Max really did know you too well. You change into your running clothes and brush your teeth.

Yn: Let's go then.

That's how you ended up running next to the beach on Tuesday morning at 6:15 am. Apparently, those 24 hours of sleep really gave you an energy boost as Max was running about 5 meters behind you.

Yn: Come on now grandpa, try to keep up.

Max: I thought it was too early to run?

Yn: Nah I was kidding.

Max: I vote for a break.

You roll your eyes at him but slow down non the less. You take out your phone and snap a picture of Max, all out of breath.

"Grandpa couldn't keep up"

You post it on your instagram story and smirk at him. It must have been a mischievous smirk because his face turned even more red.

Max: What did you just do?

Yn: Relax, I didn't do anything.

You briefly eyed your phone and you knew you had betrayed yourself by doing that.

Max: Give me that phone.

You quickly run away and call out to him.

Yn: Come get it yourself.

Max: I swear to god why did I drag you out of bed.

You laugh at him as you keep running away, making sure he wouldn't get to your phone.

On Wednesday morning you get a call from Charles, asking if you wanted to join him for a run. Unfortunately for him, you already went out for a run that morning.

Yn: You're too late Leclerc, I already went for a run.

Charles: That early?

Yn: Yeah that early. Now tell me what's your full name again?

Charles: Good try but it's not that early.

Yn: Damn it.

You both laugh.

Charles: Meet me up for lunch?

Yn: You can come to my place instead if you'd like? You've never been here, plus I could make us lunch.

Charles: Sounds great, text me the address.

You hang up the phone after which you text Charles your home address. You take a shower and get dressed in a cute but casual dress and put on some makeup. You go out to do some grocery shopping for this Lunch.

At exactly 1pm there's a knock on the door, that must be Charles. You open the door and let him in.

Charles: I have to say, red looks good on you.

Oh that's right, did I forget to mention that you were wearing a red dress.

Yn: I know it does but thank you.

He rolls his eyes at your statement but laughs non the less. After closing the door he follows you to your living room where you both sit down on the couch. You want to say something when he gives you an indignant look and then starts to laugh.

Charles: Are those jingle bells in your ears?

Yn: Yes, you do have eyes right?

Charles: But it's june.

Yn: So? I like Christmas and it's not that far away.

Charles: But it is that far away.

Yn: I'll forgive you for being this rude about my beautiful earrings if you tell me your full name.

Charles: Maybe if you tell me yours first.

Yn: I won't tell you mine if you won't.

Charles: Alright fine, then I'll just call you Bells for now.

He points at the jingle bells in your ears. You roll your eyes at him yet again.

Charles: Now tell me Bells, how much do you make at McLaren that you can afford this?

Yn: Where are your manners Mr. Leclerc?

Charles: My sincerest apologies Mrs. Bells, I just have to admit I am very curious. This place is almost as big as mine.

Yn: I make good money at McLaren. But to be honest I come from a wealthy environment. My parents had quite some money and after they died it all transferred to me.

Charles: I heard, I'm sorry.

You shrugged, not wanting the mood to drop too much.

Yn: It is not up to you to apologize for that.

Charles: I know, but still...

Yn: I don't feel like talking about it, let's make lunch?

Charles pretended to be offended.

Charles: I thought you were going to make us lunch?

You laughed at him.

Yn: Scared of getting those hands a little dirty Leclerc?

Charles: I'd get my hands dirty for you, Bells.

- New nickname unlocked, and Charles is the one to give it to us. I wonder what Lando has to say about it at the Monaco Grand Prix next week. -  

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