He wrote an entire book about you?
Yn: It's about me?
He looked at you with big insecure eyes.
Lando: Yes.
Yn: What did you write?
Lando: I, eh, wrote about our story.
Yn: Our story?
Lando: Yes. How we met, how we were, how we ended...
Yn: Oh...
You weren't sure how to feel about this new information – whether it was romantic, sad, or a bit of both.
Yn: So that girl, she's the one publishing your book?
Lando: Well, her company is handling it, so yeah, basically.
You still felt unsure. He must have noticed because he explained more.
Lando: She's like ten years older than me, married to my cousin, and she's not you...
While he said the first two things playfully, he said the last part more quietly. The clock said 4:45 am. Your eyes were tired from the long evening.
Lando: Are you okay?
Yn: Yeah, just tired.
You lay back down and pulled the blankets over you. Lando sat at the edge of the bed, looking unsure.
Lando: Should I go?
Being alone after the nightmare didn't seem like a good idea, so you took a chance.
Yn: Could you stay?
For a moment, he didn't seem to know what to do, maybe surprised by your request. But after a few seconds, he smiled. He got into the bed and put his arm around you, running his fingers gently through your hair. Finally, everything felt right in the world.
Tomorrow could wait.
Kika's pov:
She pushed open the door to make sure Bells got some water after last night, probably desperately needing it unlike herself.
Kika: Moorrrninnggg- OH-
She quickly closed the door as she made sure no one else was around. She didn't know what to do, so she just stood there debating her options.
Lando: Francisca, please don't act as if you didn't see us and get in.
Dang it, she should've walked in.
She walks in and shots them a smug grin.
Kika: I think you are now entitled to calling me Kika, Mr. Norris.
They were still in bed together, not trying to hide that they were. They knew she'd seen them, so it didn't matter anyway.
Kika: Morning to you too Bells.
Yn: Morning.
Kika: You sound awful.
Yn: I feel awful, I slept terribly.
Lando: Gee, thanks.
Kika: That bad huh?
Lando: Shut up Francisca.
Kika: It's Kika.
Lando: I like Francisca better.
Kika: I don't.
Lando: Well that's too bad, Francisca.
Yn: Kieks I love you, but I'll meet you downstairs alright?
Kika: I'll tell Pierre to take Charles for a run and I'll tell the rest you have a bad case of nausea. That will keep them all out of here for some time.
Yn: You're the best.
Kika: I know.
Which was true; she did know.

One of a kind - Lando Norris
Fanfiction"Sometimes, love isn't enough" In a world where love traingles, toxic relationships and drama can't seem to leave her alone. Warning: some chapters will contain mature content. This story finished on the 27th of september, 2023. It is still underg...