Ch: 20

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Where the chapter began must come to an end! Yep, this is the final chapter for Betrayal & Corruption! If you've read through all the book & waited this long, congratulations! Here's a possibly long, final chapter for all of you! Ugh... >~< This is the only chapter that's freaking longer than the others. Too many headaches...

Yeah, I'm not dead again & got pissed off too that this final chapter was terribly late. Some of you will want to rip my head off for not updating this sooner, so go right ahead. It was suppose to be updated on August 13th when the prologue had been updated, but school came up & kept weighing me down with homework & projects. *Sigh* With that promise shattered, I had to go on an unexpected hiatus until I've gotten everything sorted out, & thank God that Christmas vacation came! \^-^/ I needed it.

However, the overloading homework gave me terrible stress that built itself up during September-December. It prevented me from writing, but I was able to write a little bit each time. That's why I had not updated. It may or may not be a good excuse, however, it's true & I'm not alone in the situation. I really wanted to update this so badly! >-< Also, keep in mind, never trust me with promises on anything because I can NEVER keep it while school's in session. I'm not sorry because I knew this would happen & I can easily break it like a fragile mirror. Please, I hate breaking promises that I can't keep.

In the meantime, though, I'll let you all be & give you all a video to see. (It's a Hetalia MMD. It's quite funny as the one I was going to show you guys. (Romano, Britain, America, Japan, & Canada's faces though. X3) Also, the one I was going to show you guys was taken down. The first video was a really funny one too in my opinion. Ah, well. -_- See you all next time! (Wow, this author's note has gone on long enough. Sorry about that. <~>)

First video: [Hetalia] ~MMD Crack Complication~ by TomboyTTG Anime; Second video - MMD APH - Hetalia Vine Complication 2015!!!☜(゚ヮ゚☜) by Flutternya (Hints! Hints! ^^)


'You lose...'

Hearing those two words... How could those simple words suppress him so?

It was not what he heard of them like a game over screen in an arcade machine, whatever those are. Nope, they're more than just that; it is the end of someone's existence. His existence on the line and this moment now may be his last that he's connected to his host that he wasn't intended to greet. Wait, not a host, but what was that word? Its meaning had to do with companions and allies. A click in his head told him that the word was 'friend.'

Huh, he had never heard of the word, but it fits with his new companion perfectly.

Yeah, he was not a puppet played on strings from a devilish master, he is his friend! They never gave up when the other was down. They can't lose to the likes of Furor! He won't allow him the victory over the both of them! There won't be a moment for failure and Tiassale had enough of that during Furor's reign of potential domination.

Right now wasn't the time to rummage their ridicule troubles when one of them is down for the moment and the other in the enemy's clutches that was hanging on to consciousness.

'This cannot stand no more. There will not and shall never be any further destruction onto the dimensions. I must defeat him even if the last attack succeeds in ending my cold life.' Tiassale hissed weakly with the utmost hatred glare he can express, seeing his enemy near his face in a grotesque fashion. That triumphant smile wasn't satisfying to his sight.

His tail twitched wickedly, wanting to whip it across his face to show how much pain both opposite twins held. He'll also throw in an extra head rip-off and if his tail managed to leave a scar, that will be an additional bonus.

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