Ch: 1

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"Be my friend?!" Klemper cried out, following Danny from behind.

It was late, almost around ten at night. Klemper escaped from the Ghost portal about 10 hours ago and far from it, he didn't give up chasing Danny in Amity Park. Through the park, school, almost anywhere Danny can think of that he can lose Klemper, none pervailed to his liking.

Flying high-speed, Klemper fired snowballs until one of them hits Danny in the head.

"Really?" He replied, not surprised.

"Please! Please! I want to have a friend!" Klemper pleaded, grabbing Danny by the ankle with both hands and quickly started to cover him in ice.

As much as it pains him, he couldn't help but to be agrivated over the ghost, since he was mostly annoying to everyone he contacts. Irritated, Danny swung Klemper from his grip. Klemper throws another snowball, which missed before he clashed with a billboard, falling onto the roof with a thud.

"No, Klemper! How many times do I have to say it?! I don't wanna be friends with you!" Danny yelled, shooting ecto-rays from his hands.

What felt like endless running, Tucker and Sam catched up to them. "Heads up!" Tucker said, throwing the thermos up in the air.

Flying in, Danny caught it with both hands and steadied himself in the air. "Maybe you should make friends back in the Ghost Zone." He smirked, popping the lid off with his thumb. Aimed at him, a flash of beam shoots out, sucking Klemper into the blue light and into the thermos.

Closing the lid, Danny sighed in relief. "Glad for that to end. Thanks, you guys!" He waved both the techno geek and goth girl before heading off. "No problem, dude!" Tucker said, heading off as well. "See ya at school tomorrow!" Sam said, waving her hand with a smile and followed Tucker by his side.

Danny chuckled and flew off to his home, thermos in hand.

What he didn't know was that someone behind the billboard watched everything, including recording it. "Target aquired, sir. Did you get the feedback?" she asked, speaking into her watch and stepping away from the billboard.

"Yes, my child. We now know what we're dealing with." he spoke slowly in a stern tone. "Make sure to follow. Don't lose sight of him, otherwise it's farewell to your parents." he chuckled, ending the call.

She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. She had no choice but to follow the sinister man's plan to bring Danny in. The only thing that she could do is to follow orders and keep her family safe. Looking up at the moonlit night, she smiled under her mask, yet under it, she pondered what he'll do to her parents.

Time to follow, she thought to herself, flying away from the building into the night sky.


Sorry if this was short, but I hope everyone likes it!

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