Ch: 12

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Happy late Thanksgiving, everyone! Sorry for being late. Be on the look out for the next tomorrow!

Music by Monstercat.


Before we head on to what's happening to the twins, Vlad and Skulker, and the helpers, let's backtrack to the family and friends on their way to find Danny. The RV was riding along the road, the sun beginning to dip into the horizon and a ray of warm colors flowing across the sky in waves like an ocean. The Fenton family and friends drove through part of a forest where the boomerang that Jazz threw before they left to start their search beeped while flying up and ahead of them.

Tucker was next to Sam on the left, Jazz on the right and both parents in front with Jack driving the wheel, anger in his blue eyes. While watching trees passing by through the window with his head on his fist, he was thinking how their plan will go once they find the location. Most of it was attacking, a bit of rescue when the enemy's distracted and getting the heck out of there before one of them notice he's missing. Couldn't be complex than that, right?

If they knew who they're going up against, what are the consequences of being dead on the spot? May or may not happen, but there are chances that'll be quickly changed by sudden turns of parts.

Decided if he wanted to break the silence between everyone, since it was too awkward to be in, he turned away and asked, "So... What are we going to do once we find him? I mean, I know that we're going to fight the enemy and/or enemies at that point, but just wanting to know what the initial plan is here before engaging!" he nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Rip them molecule by molecule 'til there's none left, that's for sure." Jack growled with anger in his eyes, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Tucker chuckled nervously and turned to Maddie. "W-Well... u-um.. M-M-Mrs. F-F-F-Fenton? H-H-How about y-your a-a-answer?"

"Tucker, what Jack's saying is that we'll burn them into a bloody pulp for electrocuting Danny and blast them until they're nothing but dust piles! Simple as that, isn't it?" Maddie joyfully replied, a sickening grin across her face.

Through that grin, Tucker regretted to ask them and retreated behind Same for protection, shivering uncontrollably with both hands clasped on her shoulders. Sam was also freaked out by that thought, too. Weird for her to be freaked out since being a Goth an all, but she never seen this kind of creepiness from them before. They must've been more worried than her and Tucker together and probably going in the loony bin. Wish Tucker also regretted that explanation over the phone earlier. That wouldn't been needed to repeat itself in her head over and over.

"Uh... I don't know if that was necessary Mrs. Fenton, but please keep the creepiness down for a bit. It's getting too freaky for Tucker to handle." Sam suggested.

Maddie sighed, then smiled. "I guess you're right, Sam. I'm just worried, you know? And sorry for creeping you two out, by the way. Mostly Tucker."

"N-N-No-o p-p-p-prob-b-blem, M-M-M-Mrs. F-F-Fent-ton." Tucker quivered.

"Yeah, we've been in way creepier stuff before. We can handle it all without getting too freaked out." She glanced over her shoulder, cocking an eyebrow. "Or, maybe not that much than being used to."

The signal from the boomerang beeped rapidly on the dash board computer, making the group forget about their conversation. Maddie tapped the beeping button, making it pop up a screen. It showed the coordinates of where they're at, a dotted line cutting through a path towards the right of the forest and trailing on until an 'X' flashed up. She flashed a smile at the result and glanced at Jack. "Sweetie, I think we found the location!"

Jack took a look and was shocked to see the location. He swerved the RV to the right in one hard turn, causing the vehicle to bounce off the roadside and dip into the hillside. It jumped in the air, sending Jazz, Sam, and Tucker flying out of their seats. The wheels crash into the land, bouncing from the momentum from the given speed it's inducing. The three who were freaked out were gripping their seats tightly as the RV swerved in different directions, dodging trees as best as it can.

"SLOW DOWN!" Jazz blurted out as the vehicle nearly got hit a huge hill side.

The vehicle went in circles from the rough ground, then stopped to a skid, almost tipping over on its right side. The other half up high came down in a clunk and bounced the rest of it. Busting the door open, Sam wobbled out with arms outstretched to help balance from her circling vision and shaky legs. Tucker got out, but fell face first onto the dirt floor, getting some in his mouth. Maddie and Jack were dizzy, but okay on the account of seat belt. Yep, not expected.

Maddie turned to the group, holding her head from a developing headache. She grabbed the monitor from the dash board and tapped the screen. It came to life, showing the same location previously with the 'X' blinking. "Everyone alright?"

"By everyone, you mean all of us except Tucker over there." Sam replied, pointing her thumb over behind her.

"Hey! I resent that!" Tucker yelled after pushing himself up, spitting out some leftover dirt. He dusted the dirt off his clothes and the group came together in a circle.

"So, what's the plan now?" Jazz asked.

"Find the boomerang, get in to where it was located, rescue Danny from the enemy or enemies, and get out." Jack explained.

"What if something happens? To any one of us?"

"There are slim chances that this will work perfectly. We just need hope in each other." Maddie assured with a grin.

Jazz smiled and crossed her arms. No matter what would happen, they got hope by their side. Cheesy, I know, but it's very true. Now, the group needs to find the hot spot, and like Jack said, rescue him before things go terribly wrong. Jack turned to Maddie and asked to hand over the tablet, then walked off to find the boomerang, hoping where it was located.

After about 15 minutes of searching, he checked the screen, seeing if there were any changes. The beeping from the 'X' grew louder where he walked, making him grin. Lifting his head up when the beeping became high-pitched, he found a medium sized ring of dirt thin enough to not be noticeable from the naked eye.

"Bingo." he quietly said.

Slipping the tablet under his arm, he grabbed the patch with both hands and pulled as hard as he could. It slightly creaked of rusty metal and a stench of foul odor like a pile of animal death mix in propane gas floated out of it. Covering his mouth from the hazardous smell, Jack quickly found a branch next to him and stuck it through the crack. Satisfied, he quickly ran back to the group, forgetting the boomerang and slipping the device out of his underarm. When he held it up, the beeping 'X' slowed to a heart thumping beat. The further away from the location, the slower the beeps were going.

After spotting the group still by the dented RV, Jack skidded to a stop and leaned forward with his hand on his knees. "I... found the... location!" he said in between breaths.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's get him!" Sam exclaimed, taking the tablet from Jack and going towards the forest.

"Wait for us, Sam!" Tucker said as he dashed off after her. Both parents shrugged and followed the teens with grins. Let the fun commence.


"D-Danny?" Tiassale asked dazed, eyes drooped and slowly setting himself up on his hands and knees.

It knocked him out for a bit, considering how big of a blast it imploded. Inhaling a breath, he tried standing, almost tripping due to being knocked out. Shaking his head to rid anymore dizziness, Tiassale searched for the fighters. Somehow, no signs of Furor nor Danny were seen from the emptiness void. 'Odd... Where are them two?' Flying in a random direction, he didn't noticed that his arm was wet and warm.

He looked at his arm, piping a squeak of shock. A large gash had managed to be cut into him, red blood trickling all the way down to his claws. This was all too new to him, making the fear risen in his mind. He shouldn't have blood, shadows don't leak blood. Nothing doesn't cut a shadow's figure, it goes right through them. Maybe this wasn't his blood, it's someone else's. A thought popped in that made him have small hope if it'll work or not. He just needs to believe.

Closing his eyes, he felt a small humming sound coming from his hands, a touch of warmth surrounded in a glow of crimson red. His dim body fused with the glow and began to scale him from head to tail. When the warmth was gone, the outline changed to a red instead of dim white. Flying faster for about ten minutes, Tiassale couldn't believe that neither Furor and/or Danny were obliterated by each other. How could they possibly disappear?

Levitating down, he twisted his head around the vastness of black. Endless darkness, that's all he can see. Tiassale was worried, cupping his hands around his mouth when he started to run and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Danny?! Where are you?!" No answer. "Danny, please! I can not find you! Give a sign that you are alive!" Stopping in his tracks, he continued his pace slow in case he missed something or trip from running.

DP: Betrayal & Corruption (Unrevised Version)Where stories live. Discover now