Ch: 10

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Prepare to be sad... I'm deadly serious ;-;


Maybe my approach was not my best... The dim version of his other self sighed as his tendrils that were around the ghost boy settled him down and retracted . He watched Danny, now pacing left to right, both his hands covering his face in panic and shock. He could've done better than to freak things out. He'll insult himself later.

"This couldn't be happening. One minute, I'm strapped to a dissecting table and the next thing I know, you're here telling that I'm in my own head. How is this happening?!"

"I know this is troublesome to you... I couldn't agree with the truth, as well. Instead being all panicky, calm down and let me answer your questions." he calmly asked, sitting down cross-legged and patting the 'floor'.

Danny nodded, walking over curiously and sitting down. "So, how is this happening?"

He took a deep breath. "The man in charge wants to conquer your world by obtaining powers from the Ghost Zone. It's been on his mind when he first heard about you, even when you saved the planet from the meteor. He thought that if by capturing you could bring him that power, the world as you know it would perish, including your love ones and friends... Until you met your enemy that changed his mind."

"How are you involved in any of this?"

"He... ordered me and the other two to get you and him, turn you both into one of his own minions. I disagreed, betraying his order in the safety of others. I didn't know what came over me at the time. I'm still pondering what made me switch from malevolent to good... Anyway, we fought, 3 verses 1.

"I have studied the two very well, but I never learned any techniques or skills from him. The old lab that we were in was about to be burned down from our battle. Glad that it was far from Amity Park." He sighed, looking down. "When I took out the two, h-he... defeated me and was vaporized into a liquid."

"The serum, you mean?" Danny corrected him.

"By your standards, yes... Since then.. I could not forgive myself for leaving the two who were captive in his control."

"Who were the two?"

He went silent, the thought of the two coming back after he got rid of the memory, but not fully gone. "It is a long story, but since you are kind enough to ask, I will gladly tell."

[Flashback] (Yeah! It's been awhile for one of these and two new characters are added!)

Before he was separated and taken from his former boss, the dim version was following the two while they were looking around the Ghost Zone, exploring the unknown regions of it, along meeting the residents. Both of them had some arguments while they traveled, studying new places to fill in a map because all three of them were sorta new to the realm.

"So... Where the heck are we?" one of them asked, holding up the map in front of his face in confusion.

"Well, where we are, I say the floating island covered in snow." the second replied, putting the tip of her finger on her chin while surveying the area.

The first turned the map to the right, then the left and groaned in frustration. "I can't remember what the island's called! Have any idea what it is, you two?"

"Give it here, then..." she sighed, turning around and swiping the map out of her friend's hands. She raised it up to her face, narrowing her eyes and chuckled. "Oh my! We are at the Far Frozen, you nitwit, where Frostbite and his tribe live. Have you learned your islands?"

DP: Betrayal & Corruption (Unrevised Version)Where stories live. Discover now