5. Little By Little

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'The Valyrian capital was built into a volcano, much like Dragonstone. And the dragonlords, the highest of the nobility, lived here, at the volcanic face, closest to the source of their magic and power. And this was the Anogrion. Where the bloodmages worked their craft." Viserys told Alicent.

'It is truly wondrous what you've built.' Alicent remarked.

'Oh no. I only pore over the histories and provide the plans. The stonemasons built the structures.' Viserys corrected.

"Do you believe that Westeros can be another Valyria, Your Grace?" Alicent pondered as Aislynn peered in unnoticed.

" That depends, whether you speak of the Freehold at its height or at its fall. Over a thousand dragons, a navy large enough to span the seas of the world. The glory of Old Valyria will never be seen again." Viserys remarked but his cup slipped through his fingers crashing to the ground. 'Seven Hells.' He muttered. He sucked in a deep breath looking to Alicent. 'Tell me, how is Rhaenyra?'

'What do you mean?'

'Well, these days, she doesn't say more than a few words to me. I think she might find it difficult... to discuss personal matters.' Viserys told her. Alicent had visited him often, which he found he enjoyed.

'It will take time. It did when I lost mine own mother.' Alicent informed him. "I had Aislynn, she was not only my best friend but my sister and mother and protector... I'm grateful for her every day."

"I wish she would approach me." Viserys told Alicent softly.

"What if you went to her?" Alicent offered.

"There are times when I would rather face the Black Dread himself than mine own daughter of 15." Viserys informed her bleakly. Alicent chuckled.

"I think she would open herself to you if invited. You do have such an easy way about you, Your Grace." Alicent remarked.

"Um..." Viserys took a step away from Alicent. 'you do not mention our talks to Rhaenyra, do you?' Viserys questioned and Alicent stared at him a moment longer confused. 'I just... I fear that she wouldn't understand them.'

'No, Your Grace.' Alicent answered before she caught Aislynns eye and excused herself.

"I'm heading home... I'm bringing Finny and the boys back." Aislynn whispered as she hugged Alicent. "I'm going to miss you."

"You can't leave already." Alicent corrected.

"Just for a bit."

"Stay another week, please, they get you all the time. I miss you more." Alicent begged hugging her tight.

"Of course.'' Aislynn agreed. "Hey sweetie, is every thing okay?"

"Yeah." Alicent answered softly.

"Is it?" Aislynn countered touching her torn and bloody cuticles.

"Just... the queens death brought up... memories of mom." Alicent offered and Aislynn nodded holding her closer.

"You don't need to be the one to comfort the king, its not your job." Aislynn assured. "I don't want you hurting yourself... he should be talking to his daughter. Rhaenyra needs a friend too."

"I know." Alicent agreed. "I just..."

"Just what sweetie?"

Father wants me to the seduce the king and I'm terrified and don't want to tell you because you might kill father and I just want to be perfect for him, Alicent thought miserably. But she didn't want to tell Aislynn because Aislynn would stop this, Alicent would be able to breathe again. She just needed her sister to stay and everything would be okay.


And it was for a while. But moons passed and Aislynn went home to old town and got her youngest brother settled again. Alicent had never felt more alone. SHe spent more time with Viserys and less with Rhaenyra. SHe didnt want to. SHe just wanted to make her father happy, proud, she was willing to do anything for him but she felt it eating away at her soul.

Little by little, she felt like she was losing herself and she couldnt tell her sister. She didnt want to see Aislynn mad or disappointed, she didnt want anyone to worry but what happened if their fathers plan worked... how much of herself would she lose in the process of becoming who her father wanted her to be...

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