62. Dignity

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Aislynn was beautiful, it wasnt a surprise that she had men staring at wherever she went. 

Daemon didnt like it though. 

"What was that thing you were telling the moody bitch ages ago about getting used to the attention?" Aislynn mused when a man the size of a mountain came up to Aislynn at the pub. 

"Tell those fuckers to fuck the fuck off?" Daemon pondered. 

"You get used to it." Aislynn corrected. "And I dont want them when I have you." 

"Thats sweet, but I need to beat a few of these cunts to the floor." Daemon remarked getting up. "I'm her husband, back the hell off." Daemon demanded. 

"Let the lady speak for herself, maybe she doesnt want a ferret face with a limp little snake cock." The man corrected. 

"Insulting a man ego is one thing but his cock, only I can get away with that." Aislynn mused taking a slow sip of her drink. "You gonna let him talk to you like that Daemon?" 

Daemon ended up on his ass, bloody and groaning, Aislynn didnt know how it happened, but then she looked at the man again, he was a mountain and could have snapped Daemon in two if he really wanted to. Yet Daemon lay there, still smirking up at the man, it was sad really.

"I'm not done with you." Daemon spit up some blood. 

"Heavens." Aislynn murmured finishing her drink.  Aislynn got up and marched forward, the mountain of a man smiled thinking he won, he didnt, Aislynn kicked the legs out from under the man he landed with a harsh thud on the ground and he groaned not expecting it. Now expecting such power to come from such a tiny package. 

"You see how I did that and still remained my dignity?" Aislynn sassed. 

"Help me the fuck up." Daemon begged. 

"Next time I need back up for anything, I'm calling my brothers, you have gotten-"

"Dont say it." Daemon grumbled. 


"I said dont say it." Daemon barked back. 

"It's okay, I will keep you safe." Aislynn assured. "Hells Davina will be better than you in no time."

"I'm having an off moon." Daemon corrected. "I'm still as good as ever." 

"You better be, if you are going to be king." AIslynn purred kissing him gently and tasting the blood. "Come on, toughen up, let me fix you back home." 


"Aislynn if this is some of your gypsy shit-" daemon warned.

"You need to relax your mind and body so I can heal you." she corrected running a hand over his body before putting Crystal down on his collarbone his belly button in on his thighs.

"This is ridiculous and I feel stupid and... Yeah I think that says it all." Daemon informed her. 

"This gypsy shit is going to help heal you, you have to trust me." Aislynn declared. 

"And why am I naked?" He countered

"Because I like the view." Aislynn offered honestly. 

"Great." Daemon agreed.  "Then I will do your gypsy healing bullshit if you strip while you're doing it."

"Deal," she agreed easily.  "it's funny that you thought I was actually going to keep all this on. Every good gypsy knows that you need to skin to skin contact." She purred.

"I'm starting to like this." Daemon agreed.

"You know you didnt have to defend my honor today, its sweet that you tried but I dont want to lose you because you are getting in over your head." Aislynn remarked. 

"And going for the crown isnt over our heads?" Daemon countered. 

"It will be on your head, not over." Aislynn reminded him. 

"I know I dont have to, but... I'm a fighter Aislynn."

"You want to trapse off to war and leave me for moons like Laenor does and maybe I find a lover?" Aislynn countered. 

"No, I dont want to leave you and if you gained a lover I was murder him." 

"What if its not a him?" Aislynn countered. Daemon opened and closed his mouth debating that. 

"I would want to be apart of that." Daemon offered after a moments deliberation. 

"I love you, if you want to beat up men that are not the size of mountains, I won't stop you as long as you keep your cock to yourself and come home to me." 

"I dont want to leave you. I just want to bash a few heads in, training here with the guards, its not real. It doesnt help for real battle, real world." Daemon reminded her. 

"Then don't do stupid tourneys and do something more challenging, after more practice of course, you seem to be out of practice." 

"I still got it where is counts." Daemon assured. 

"That you do."

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