75. High... Tower..

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Rhaenyra couldnt sleep that night. Aislynn was worried what Rhaenyra might do so she had all the children bar their doors. Aegon claimed he was a man and could handle it but AIslynn said you sleep like a rock bar the fucking door. She didnt know if Rhaenyra was capable of killing children but she didnt want to find out.

Davina lay in between them in bed saying she had to protect mommy, clearly Daemon wasnt doing a good enough job. That was a low blow from his four year old daughter but Aislynn thought it was sweet.

"You think she will come after you?" Aislynn questioned.

"I think she's in love with me." Daemon corrected.

"You are mine and I would sooner kill her if she tried anything." AIslynn corrected.

"She feels the walls closing in on her and she's desperate." Daemon remarked. "She will act foolishly and lash out again."

"The council will see first hand and that will be the end of it, not a doubt in my mind or anyone elses for that matter, that Viserys is right in choosing you." Aislynn agreed leaning over Davina to kiss Daemon.

They should have all stayed in bed the next morning. Aislynn checked on the kids and Daemon pulled aside by a very nervous Maester. 

"I would hate to think such a thing but I was going over my supplies -when they are people coming to the capital you see I always do a check- never know when King might need some thing."

"Go on what's wrong?" Daemon demanded.

"I'm missing a heavy load of poison".

"How heavy?" Daemon countered.

"Enough to kill the royal family. Everyone in the castle for that matter." The maester remarked. "Its just all gone."

"Who had access to these?"

"Well... anyone I suppose could get in. The lock broke last moon havent gotten around to fixing it,"

"That sounds like an important thing to fix." Daemon seethed. "Where is my brother? Where is the king?"

"Princess what are you doing?" Harold demanded. Rhaenyra dropped the vial it crashed to the floor.

"You are loyal to me." Rhaenyra reminded him.

"What are you doing?" Ser harold repeated.

"What I should have done ages ago." Rhaenyra seethed. "Im exterminating a problem."

"No no princess this isnt you." Harold declared.

"Its not me. Its the me the hightowers made me turned me into when they stole my crown!" Rhaenyra shouted she reached for the little dagger on the table pointing it at harold. "Let me do this. You will be commander of the queens guard and the most decorated knight under my control."

"I dont wish to work under a murderous tyrant." Harold corrected drawing his blade.

"Thats treason!" Rhaenyra shouted backing up.

"So is poisoning the queen and king."

"They changed him corrupted him! Dont you see dont you see!" Rhaenyra shouted. "Im doing this to protect my father. I will be good queen. He cant name daemon his heir. Everyone always said he was a monster. He wasnt fit to rule and yet now he is?"

"He changed Rhaenyra. It seems so have you." Harold remarked. "Lower the blade. Let me take you into custody with your last strand of dignity."

"Rhaenyra!" Viserys shouted she stumbled back seeing her father's petrified face. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Its mine! Its m-mine!" Rhaenyra screamed.

"Rhaenyra stop this! You are only further proving my point."  Viserys remarked. ALicent stared wide eyed as Viserys tried to find some sense within Rhaenyra's madness. 

"Father you have to listen to me they are tricking you!" Rhaenyra shouted reaching for him, but he waved his hand trying to block her verbal blows. 

"Enough, enough," Viserys begged. 

"Viserys." Daemon said as he came into the chambers, Viserys was still his brother, he didnt want him to die... well he did but he wanted to be officially the heir before. He had a heart, he didnt want his brother to be killed by his daughter, that was just bad karma waiting to happen. 

"Daemon you did this!" Rhaenyra shouted "She is a witch, she is poisoning you against me!" 

"Says the woman holding a blade." Daemon countered. 

"She had a vial, the maesters missing poison no doubt." Harold offered. 

"Rhaenyra? Tell me this isnt true." Viserys demanded. 

"I'm just trying to get things to go back to how they were before! Before the Hightowers invaded."

"Well, she went psycho." Tommy remarked. 

"I'm just glad that everyone sees her for who she is." Aislynn agreed. "but to try and poison- John no wine until we catch Rhaenyra, I dont know if she was brazen enough to poison my boys." 

"No wine, kill me now." John mused. But screams echoed above them. They all looked up before the splat. AIslynn jumped back into Tommy. Rhaenyra lay dead at their feet. 

"Dont smile Aislynn." Tommy whispered into her ear. 

"She's..." Aislynn tried her best not to smile, she pursed her lips but her cheeks ached to smile. 

"She's bloody dead." Arthur declared poking Rhaenyra. Viserys, Alicent and Daemon stared down at them from above. Aislynn looked up at Daemon before looking to her brother. 

"Rhaenyra fell from a High... Tower...''

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