64. Wings

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''Aemond, we have a surprise for you.''

''What is it?'' Aemond questioned as Aegon led him deeper into the dragon cave.

''Something very special.'' Aegon told him smugly.

''You're the only one of us without a dragon.'' Jace remarked.

''Indeed.'' Aemond agreed confused. 

''And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you.'' Aegon mused.

"What is he up to?" Jaeton questioned. 

"Come on, I'm bored." Anari declared tugging on Jaeton's hand. "Let's go, come on now, come on!" She tugged his hand. 

''A dragon? How?'' Aemond said happily as he waited for his dragon to immerge.

''The gods provide.'' Aegon told him smugly. Jace came walking up with a pig with wings tied to its back. Aemonds smile fell as it approached. The pig was grunting and snorting as Jace struggled to hold it.

''Behold...'' Aegon declared as they all shouted.

"Anari hold on, I have to beat up Aegon." Jaeton corrected. 

''The Pink Dread!'' The boys started laughing at Aemond's dismay.

''Be sure to mount her carefully. First flight's always rough.'' Aegon mused as the pig continued snorting. 

"Aegon!" Jaeton shouted. "Whats the matter with you?" 

"Me?" Aegon questioned. "Come on its just a bit of fun."

"Fun doesnt end in Aemond crying." Jaeton corrected. 

"He's being a big baby." Aegon declared. Jaeton was younger than Aegon and yet he acted the part of a man. He grabbed Aegon's shirt and gave him a good hard shake pushing him to the ground. 

"We protect our own you spoiled piece of shit." Jaeton declared. "Dont make me teach you another lesson." Aegon stared back at him flabbergasted. 


"I know you are a hungry girl." Aislynn remarked running a hand over Davina's little head. Davina pointed at Fury. "No, he cannot have a drink from me, that would hurt like hell." Aislynn corrected when there was a knock on the door.

"Auntie?" Aemond called through the door. 

"One second." Aislynn called back as she pulled Davina off. Davina grumbled and whined reaching for her but as soon as she put her next to Fury, davina silenced happy again. She fixed her dress and moved to the door. Aemond lunged into her arms right away. 

"Baby, whats wrong?" 

"Aegon did it again," Aemond whimpered. "He..."

"Oh honey." Aislynn whispered. 

"I... I... they made wings for it and everything and... auntie I really thought-"

"We will get you a dragon." Aislynn assured. 

"It was a pig though, it was a pig." 

"They... Aemond they dressed up a pig?" Aislynn questioned needing clarification. 

"They dressed up a pig." He agreed crying into her. "Jaeton pushed him to the ground but-"

"Jaeton did what?" Aislynn questioned. 

"But Aegon is just going to keep tormenting me, I need a dragon!" 


''They made wings for it, apparently, and a tail.'' Alicent remarked.

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