57. Sober You is Critical

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It was dragon central and Aemond hated it. Jaeton had draco his all white dragon then the twins eggs hatched and Aemond growled his displeasure. Jace and lukes eggs- alicent had a field day about that  they were bastards didnt the eggs know they were not worthy?

"Maverick, come here, come here!" Alaric instructed clapping for him. 

"He's not a dog." Daemon reminded him. 

"I know that." Alaric assured. "He's more cat sized right now."  Aislynn laughed out. 

"He's not wrong." Aislynn agreed touching the little dragon. 

"A fat cat." Daemon corrected. 

"Giddy up!" Anari's little voice could be heard from across the way. Daemon sucked in a tight breath. 

"Is she riding Monster like a horse again?" Daemon questioned thickly. 

"Giddy up Monster, giddy up!" Anari declared. 

"I would take that as confirmation." Aislynn agreed. 

"God damn- ANARI!" Daemon shouted. "What did I tell you? Your daughter." Daemon decided. AIslynn laughed out as Anari pulled Monster to a stop before them, she perched on top of him. 

"What?" Anari questioned confused. 

"What are you doing?" Daemon questioned. 

"She's riding Monster." Jaeton remarked laughing out. "Are you blind father?"

"They get your sass." Daemon decided. 

"Guilty." Aislynn agreed. "But you like my sass."

"Not the point." Daemon corrected. "Anari, Monster isnt fully bonded- he is a dragon you remember that right? not a horse."

"He's like a horse." Anari corrected. "I ride him and he hurts me butt bone when he gets really excited and bounces me." Anari informed him. "Just like a house." 

"Dragons are just horses in disguise." Aislynn agreed pulling Jaeton to her. "You hear that Dae?" 

Daemon plucked Anari off Monster and Monster growled back at him. 

"It's okay, it's okay Monster. Daddy worries." Anari assured. "Hey mama when are you getting a dragon?" 

"After Aemond." AIslynn said without missing a beat. 

"What if he never gets a dragon?" Alaric countered. 

"He will." Aislynn assured. 

"But what if?"

"Dont talk like that in front of Aemond." Aislynn begged. 

"Talk like what?" Helaena questioned. 

"Dont worry about it." Daemon offered, she shrugged moving past them, doodling her most recent find in the garden. "It's good she is so easily distracted." 


"Aislynn," Daemon grumbled. 

"Drink up." Aislynn corrected. "Drunk you likes my gypsy shit."  AIslynn informed him. 

"Sober me doesnt?" 

"Sober you is more critical." Aislynn corrected. 

"Only love me when i'm wasted?" Daemon mused. 

"Ha, yeah right, play your cards right though and you will get some love." Aislynn remarked and he held out his hand palm up for her. 

"What are you doing again?"

"A palm reading." Aislynn remarked placing his hand on hers, the opposite hand tracing down the lines in his hand, his calloused fingers and circling his wrist. 

"What do you see?" Daemon pondered. 

"Long skilled fingers." 

"You know them well." Daemon agreed. 

"I see some air, but you are leaning towards Fire, I shouldnt be surprised." Aislynn remarked. 

"I'm a fire hand?" Daemon questioned. 

"Finn is an earth hand," Aislynn remarked. "He loves this gypsy stuff, I'm waiting for the gypsy to come out in him when he branches out more into the mystical."

"You know some might think you are a witch." 

"I might be." Aislynn remarked. 

"Okay how does it work?" Daemon pondered she dragged her fingers down every one of his fingers. He watched her silently as she placed a kiss to his palm. 

"Lets see you are outgoing, persuasive and have a tendency to always be the life of the party." Aislynn remarked. 

"True." Daemon agreed. 

"You excel when on the go and thrive on it, but do not realize that this can cause burnout and incomplete undertakings." Aislynn went on. 

"You trying to say something?"

"I am reading you hand. Thats what fire hands are... I'm reading between the lines." She mused. "Fire hands are usually fun to be around. However, they can turn on a dime. They also can be extremely impatient."

"I have been waiting this long for the throne, I would call that hella patient." Daemon corrected. 

"All fire hands are not the same person clearly." Aislynn assured. 

"You have a spiel for all the hands?" 

"Yep." Aislynn agreed. "It matches the personality, like a star chat."

"Moon goddess coming out to play?" Daemon questioned teasingly. He pulled her closer. 

"I love you... dont be a shithead." Aislynn remarked kissing him again and again. 

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