70. Damn Muppet

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'He called us bastards."

"Shut the fuck up." Aislynn demanded. She leaned forward so she was eye level with Jace and Luke. "He called you bastards because thats what you are I dont blame you that your mother is a whore."

"Shut up!" Jace whined as she stood up a smirk on her lips. "You are a liar."

"I wish I was." Aislynn corrected and now it was Jace that was furious and he charged just like a brave idiot. Aislynn spun him around and pulled his arm back, kicked his legs out from under him and he landed face first coughing up dirt. He was getting sick of these people shoving him into the damn dirt.


"Hello ser harrold." Aislynn remarked. She stood up dusting herself off. "Come on Aemond, lets get that cheek cleaned up." She wrapped an arm around his shoulders leading him inside.

"What in seven hells?" Harrold rasped.


"Did you do it?" Viserys questioned and Aislynn looked him over, he looked like he was about to fall to his knees at any more and die of riddled disease.

"Do what?" She countered.

"She attacked me." Jace whined.

"Oh... that." Aislynn agreed with a slight shrug.

''Aemond... I will have the truth of what happened. Now.'' Viserys demanded

''What else is there to hear? Your son has been maimed. Her son is responsible.'' Alicent spat

''It was a regrettable accident.'' Rhaenyra spoke up for her boys. Daemon moved to Aislynn's side kissing her cheek.

"Beating up little boys?" Daemon mused. She smiled sweetly. 

"I'm an angel." Aislynn corrected. "See my halo?" 

''Accident? The Prince Lucerys brought a blade to the ambush. He meant to kill my son.'' Alicent reminded her viciously

''It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. Vile insults were levied against them.'' Rhaenyra countered

''What insults?'' Viserys questioned and Rhaenyra hesitated, she knew full well it wasn't a lie. Aislynn smirked back at her.

''The legitimacy of my sons' birth was put loudly to question.'' Rhaenyra informed them.


''He called us bastards.'' Luke spoke up. "They... called us bastards." Aislynn put a hand to her heart when he scowled at her. 

''My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace. This is the highest of treasons. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders.'' Rhaenyra offered.

"Slander." Aislynn declared with a choked laugh.

''Over an insult?'' Alicent rasped. ''My son has been scarred.''

''You tell me, boy. Where did you hear this lie?'' Viserys demanded.

''The insult was training yard bluster. The lot of boys. It was nothing." Alicent assured and Aemond looked over at Aislynn.

''Aemond... I asked you a question.'' Viserys demanded but the tremble in his voice, the weakness flooding him he was not very demanding Aislynn decided.

''Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter.'' Alicent offered

''Yes. Where is Ser Laenor?'' Viserys agreed

''I do not know, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra admitted ''I... could not find sleep. I had gone out to walk.''

''Entertaining his young squires, I would venture.'' Alicent muttered.

"Fucking them as I assume Rhaenyra was too now that her boy toy burned." Aislynn agreed.

''Aemond... look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?'' Viserys asked again and Aemonds gaze shifted to a suddenly very nervous Alicent.

"It was me." Aislynn declared. "Because they are. We all know it. Lord Lyonel confessed it to you in your chambers, I was there to hear it his confession that Harwin fucked Rhaenyra and fathered her sons and yet you brushed it off as if it was nothing. Maybe lyonel couldnt handle the pain he had caused... maybe he couldn't live with what his son did..." she offered suggestively. 

"Aislynn!" Viserys declared.

"You can be ignorant but I refuse to be silenced." Aislynn sneered, her stare challenging and it made Viserys nervous, Daemon however saw that glare and it found to damn sexy.

''We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them.'' Aegon remarked and Rhaenyra pulled her boys closer.

"Yes, use your eyes." Aislynn agreed. "Look, look!"

''This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show good will to one another. Your father, your grand sire, your king demands it!'' Viserys shouted he was done with this.

''That is insufficient." Aislynn declared crossing her arms over her chest. "But you always were a damn Muppet." she remarked calmly as she looked him over with distaste. Viserys opened his mouth to speak but Aislynn was done. She was so done.

"Back to bed." Aislynn declared ushering her children out.


''It was an ugly thing. I do not regret it.'' Aislynn assured when her father found her.

''We play an ugly game. And I see that you have the determination to win it.'' Otto agreed.

''Rhaenyra..'' Alicent began.

''You see her for what she is.'' Otto told her.

''What the King's stubbornness has wrought. What will he say to me? to Aislynn?'' Alicent said miserably.

''He'll forgive you. What else can he do?" Aislynn remarked. "We can drug him tonight and hopefully he forgets everything, Rhaenyra is going to dragonstone after all, out of sight, out of fucking mind." Otto rolled his eyes.

"Keep a grip on your passions as Aislynn has." Otto remarked. "And I promise you, in time, together we will prevail.''

"I will make sure of it." Aislynn agreed. "Now I need to praise Aemond for claiming a damn dragon!" she squealed as she ran off.

"You would think Harwin dying was the best thing in the world." Alicent teased.

"Yes, those fires were not suspicious as at all... Ghost stories come to life." Otto agreed.

"Just looking out for my family." Aislynn offered sweetly. 


''Sit down. Aemond called our sons bastards.'' Rhaenyra informed him and Laenor sighed as he sat. "Aislynn as well." She grumbled.

''I have failed you, Rhaenyra. Our marriage... I tried. Our boys... I do love them.'' Laenor told him knowing the truth behind the words.

''I know.'' Rhaenyra assured

''Deeply. But I have not, mayhaps... loved them enough.''

''I had hoped to bear your children. The few times we lay together. Things might've been different.'' Rhaenyra admitted

''I hate the gods for making me as they did.'' Laenor said stiffly. "But I recommit myself to you. And to strengthening our house as we prepare you for your ascension. I will raise our sons to be princes of the realm.'' Laenor assured her.


''You deserve better than what I have been. You deserve a husband.''

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