40. Danger

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"Be my wife, be my queen, we will be invincible together."

"Well when you put it like that," Aislynn coed wrapping her arms around him. "Soon we will be invincible." she agreed as she kissed him.

"Is that a yes?"

Aislynn tipped her head to the side and Daemon got up bare ass naked and pulled her to stand with him.

"I won't get down on one knee," he whispered over her lips. "I'll get down on both knees because I won't ask you to marry me, I'll beg you to marry me." Feathering his lips down her neck, he continued to whisper, "When I marry you, I don't want to share you with your past. I want it to only be us and our future."

"I will get my father to agree." Aislynn agreed. "I want to marry you Daemon." 


"I should talk to father I know he wanted to talk wedding. Hes very excited the boys arent getting rid of Daemon, but he had half hoped they would but that was bad considering he is a prince." Aislynn remarked. "So, he's on board."

"As I'm sure Daemon is grateful as well." Alicent agreed as Aislynn kissed her cheek before heading off.

"I hope everything is alright with Daemon." Otto remarked as Aislynn sat beside him.

"Yes, I wanted to get on the wedding." Aislynn agreed.

"Someone is eager to bed her husband." Tommy remarked. As if she already hadnt been bedding him for moons Aislynn offered an innocent smile and Tommy smirked knowingly. But he could pretend for their fathers sake that Aislynn was sweet and innocent. 

"Out." Otto instructed pointing a finger at the door.

"You know i'm not wrong." Tommy countered as he left.

"He's not wrong." Aislynn agreed. "But... well he's not wrong."

"Things are in motion, I could have you two wed tomorrow if you want." Otto agreed. Aislynn beamed back at him. "I'm glad you are happy. I... I was trying to do better with you than I had done with Alicent." He offered. "I know The king... I want you to be happy. I want you both to be happy..."

"I know Daemon will make me happy." Aislynn agreed as she tipped her head into him.

So their brothers were bonding with Daemon. Aislynn cackled when Daemon said her brothers were taking him out. Daemon didnt have a damn clue what he was getting into.

Tommy took Daemon out to their favorite tavern in flee bottom; the garrison. Daemon was greeted by familiar faces. 

"I love the garrison." Daemon remarked as they took a seat.

"Off to a good start." John offered. 

"My prince," the waitress remarked. 

"A round of a ale for my future brothers and I and some shots." Daemon declared. 

"Good lad!" Arthur agreed, Daemon watched as he wiped a powder from under his nose before sitting down. 

"Whats that?" daemon pondered. 

"We call it snow." Arthur remarked. "You want a hit?"

"Hell yeah I do." Daemon agreed and John and Tommy shared a look. 

"Dont get him stoned Art." Tommy requested. "Amoret would kill us." 

"What else are you drinking?" Daemon questioned wiping at the bottom of his nose breathing it in. 

"Whiskey." Tommy declared. He waved a finger, ordering a round for the table. A few drinks in, any mere man would have started to feel the effects, but Daemon and the hightower brothers were still going. Another few drink, the brothers kept going unfazed. Daemon smirked back at them. 

"How have we gone so long without drinking together?" Daemon pondered. 

"You kicked Gwayne to the dirt and he's a sore loser, also the fact that father hates you with a burning passion and we are honestly shocked Amoret got him to agree." John remarked. 

Tommy watched Daemon as he took another shot.

"You gonna be good to my sister.'' John demanded.

"I am." Daemon agreed putting his glass down, it sloshed over the rim as he tried to blink back his vision. "Wow, I need some of that," he pointed at Arthur. "I can never get drunk anymore, that stuff though," Daemon smirked. 

"She's a sweet girl but the heart is a fragile thing." Arthur remarked and his words slowly sobered Daemon up.  "And our Amoret has had us protecting that little heart. But she likes you. You would be the first."

"I'm honored." Daemon agreed.

"Dont be honored, be a good husband. Be a good father. Be there for Aislynn. Or else..." John tipped his head back and forth in a silent threat.

"Or else I have you to deal with." Daemon mused.

"Yeah." Tommy agreed. "And you dont want to see us mad." Arthur slapped his hands down on the table.

"I plan on making her my queen." Daemon agreed and the brothers shared a silent look. That was unexpected. 

"I didnt realize you were the heir" TOmmy challenged. 

"Not yet." Daemon agreed. "Can we call it a night, I want to get back to Aislynn?"

"Yeah, good lad." Arthur agreed. 

"I got the bill." Daemon assured. "We are family now, you can get the next one." 

"Good lad." Arthur agreed again patting his back as he headed out. 

"I know Aislynn likes you but whatever you two are up to..." TOmmy whispered. "Just be careful." 

"Aislynn likes a bit of danger." Daemon countered. 

"I know." Tommy assured. "I know she does, thats why she has us. Dont let her get sucked into her own fire." Daemon watched him head his smile fading. New questions flooding his mind. 

"How did it go last night?" Aislynn questioned as Tommy kissed her cheek. "You didnt come back till after I was asleep and trust me I tried to stay awake."

"It went great." Arthur agreed.

"How did it go?" Aislynn asked again looking to Tommy.

"He seems alright." Tommy agreed. "He was doing good until Art gave him snow."

"No, dont get him started on that." Aislynn begged. She looked to Arthur and saw his pupils dilated. "Art, you said you would stop too." Aislynn remarked touching his cheek.

"Just a bit of fun. Special occasion." Arthur offered.

"Every day is a special occasion for you Art." Aislynn corrected.

"Give me the baby, I'm great with babies." Arthur requested reaching for Aemond trying to keep Aislynn's mind off his drug habits. 

Aislynn passed her off as she headed out to find Daemon. She knocked on his door only to find him still hung over and asleep from the night before. She chuckled closing the door.

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