1) New acquaintances

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English is not my first language. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in it but I hope you like the first chapter anyway :)

All she could think about was her loving son. They were on their way to find Henry and safe him from Peter Pan. The fear that anything could happen to him constricted Regina's throat and let her heart beat fast against her chest.

Everywhere were trees and scrub. It was maddening. The former queen rather liked sitting in Storybrooke. Where she felt comfortable. Where she knew the dangers very well. But here? In the middle of nowhere of Neverland she could not calculate the position.

And then there were Emma and Hook. The looks they gave each other spoke volumes. It was obvious that there was a certain attraction.

Regina rolled her eyes. She had no use for such things. She did not support any distraction. This mission applied saving Henry. Maybe he was the only stable love in her life. The only love she wanted to allow herself. Since Daniel died she avoided men. She avoided relationships so badly that she did not even know what she had missed and she also did not want to. It was easier that way. It was easier to push everyone as far away as she could. So she would not hurt anyone and neither herself.

A bag of nerves described her condition very well. Nervousness crept through her veins and let her blood freeze. Henry. Henry. Always one word which took her faculty of thought.

"Regina" Snow whispered. "We will find him."

What? Could her step daughter already read thoughts?

Regina raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"We all want to save him" she continued talking to her and trying to calm the queen down.

"Then why do we waste time? Why do we stray through this goddamn jungle while Pan is making fun of us?" she spit. Anger surged up. It was like an overwhelming heat filled her, leaving a feeling of loneliness.

"We will find him" the younger woman repeated.

"Of course. Otherwise I will roast this kid and-"

"No details, please..."

A little smile appeared on Snow's face. Her kindness touched Regina but she would never admit it. Her travelling companions were not supposed to notice that she had softened with time.

"Maybe we should take a break" David suggested.

"No" Emma answered. "It's only noon. We move on."

"I don't like to agree but she's right" Regina supported her.

"It won't help Henry if we are exhausted and weak" the man explained.

Of course, it made sense. But every part of her body refused to sit here doing nothing. Her hands were shaking. The heat of anger vanished and made room for an unutterable cold. Her head hurt like hell, her lungs screamed for air.

If I get hold of you, Pan, she thought with bitterness. It was difficult to keep a level head. This boy had her son and she was not able to find him.

A clicking noise let her startle. Bolt upright she sat beside Emma and Snow staring In the direction the came from.

"Who's there?" Snow asked with a shaky voice. Probably she expected Pan and his creepy lost boys.

If Regina was honest, she also expected the worst.

David was the first one who stood on his feet again. Mistrustful he gazed in the air.

The foliage rustled and a man appeared. In his hand a drawn crossbow.

"Good heavens! Put the weapon down!" Regina demanded.

Blue eyes looked daggers at her. It was like he wondered if he could trust her. But the once evil queen did not care what he thought about. She held out her arm and concentrated on the crossbow. Magic tingled in her fingertips. An exhilarating, yet powerful feeling pervaded her. Within seconds the weapon found his way on the ground, which was overgrown with grass. The arrow broke away from its position and landed in a tree trunk, not far away from Hook.

The man looked confused at her.

"Who are you?" Regina wanted to know.

"Robin of Locksley" he introduced himself while waving his hand. Two other men came up to him. "And this" he continued "are Little John and Will."

"The thief" she determined unimpressed.

"Thief?" David asked.

"Better known as Robin Hood" the queen explained.

"Robin Hood? What is he doing here?" Emma enquired. "Don't you live in the enchanted forest?"

"Indeed. But I have my reasons to be here" he replied.

Regina eyed him suspiciously. The fact that he held them at gunpoint a few seconds ago did not make him likeable at all.

"Whatever, you better don't cross our path" she warned him.

"Regina..." Snow sighed.

"What? He's a thief. We can't trust him anyway."

"If I have understood correctly, you're the evil queen. So why trust you?" was his counter question.

The title made her wince. She knew that she was not innocent and maybe she would never be. But she also knew that the evil queen would always be a part of herself. She was not able to tell everyone she had changed. Many people did not want to believe that she was not cruel anymore. The thief seemed to be one of them.

"Oh, please. If I wanted to kill anyone of you, you'd already be dead" she countered.

"Enough" Emma inferred. "Your dispute gets us nowhere. We have to find Henry, okay?"

Her voice revealed her annoyance. Regina wanted to give her a venomous answer but realized the savior was right. Finding their son had priority.

Regina averted Hood's eyes and she sat down again. She had no desire to deal with him right now.

"Henry?" Hood asked.

"My son" Emma replied.

"Our son", Regina corrected.

"So, you two are a lesbian couple?"

"What?!" Regina rented. "We're not. She's his biological mother and I adopted him because she didn't want him. Sorry, Emma but that's the abridged version."

"It's fine" the other woman mumbled.

"Maybe we can help you to find Henry" the thief offered.

"Why would you help us?" the queen asked.

"Because you can do me a favor too. I'm searching for my son as well."

"We think Pan kidnapped him" Little John added.

"So, we pursue the same goal" Hook assessed while he ran his fingertips over the sickle shaped replacement of his hand.

"Obviously" Will said.

They could not be serious! Adding them to the group would cost Regina her peaceful sleep. She did not trust them and in her opinion they did not need their help.

"Partners?" David asked and held out his Hand.

Robin Hood sealed the handshake and the queen's mood reached the freezing point.

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