16) Home

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There was not much time for a detailed reunion. The ground was shaking and Robin pressed Roland's little body tightly against his own, as they ran through the undergrowth.
He was truly happy that Pan had not been able to harm his son. And he was thankful that Regina had managed to save him. Of course, she had not do this alone, but he knew she was a powerful woman. Although it was more than inappropriate, he could not help but thinking of the taste of her full lips and the warmth of her body. He wanted to feel that again. Her curves under his palms, her mouth upon his and the faint scent of apples and cinnamon.
But now, that they had saved the children, they had to deal with another struggle, Robin had tried to ignore. Regina lived in a place they called Storybrooke, while his home had always been the Enchanted Forest.
Do you really want to let her go?, an inner voice asked him skeptically. The answer was no, but he had to think about what Roland wanted. He was also used to live in the forest, where he knew everything and everyone.
The group freed the Lost Boys and Tinkerbell sent them back to their families.
"Alright" the blond fairy turned towards Robin, Roland, Little John and Will. "Enchanted Forest, right?"
The outlaw looked at the former queen. She stared at the dirty ground, biting her lip. Without asking, he knew that she felt the same way he did. She did not want him to leave.
"Hold on" he replied and walked towards Regina to kiss her for the second time today. And for the second time, everyone was able to watch. It was quite annoying but he needed to. He craved for the woman in his arms. His hands caressed her waist and pulled her even closer, while her fingers ran through his light hair. She returned the kiss with so much passion and heat that Robin completely forgot about the sounds of Neverland's decay. Like he was drowning, he clung to her.
Their tongues played around each other in sweet temptation, while Robin's heart shattered.
"I will see you again" he promised. His blue eyes looked daggers an her. Intertwined with her brown ones.
Regina just nodded. The thief knew she would not cry and he was thankful for it. It made it easier for him to not cry as well, as he finally stepped back.
"Do it" he demanded, still looking at the black-haired queen with whom he fell in love with.
Whoa, mate... Slow down. You barely know her. Can it be love?
Maybe it was not. Maybe it was. The only thing he really knew was that he meant what he said. He would see her again and he would get the girl. No matter, what he had to do.
The world of Neverland slowly disappeared in front of his eyes and he held on to the picture of Regina Mills.


Regina was not able to move. She still felt his lips on hers. Smelled his incomparable aroma of forest. Until now she never thought about how much this ordinary thief meant to her. How mesmerized she was by his kindness.
"Okay, mom. Who was this guy and what have I missed?" Henry asked.
"Not now" she simply answered, putting a strand of hair behind her ear, as Tinkerbell sent them back to Storybrooke. The fairy had decided to join the group and to be honest, Regina appreciated it. She was glad that her old enemy became her friend. That old rivalry was forgotten.
But when they finally stood on the main street of Storybrooke, the black-haired woman knew exactly that Robin would never be forgotten. He had touched something inside her soul. Understood her like no one was able to, not even her son.
The pain of losing the thief descended on her like a huge wave. She clenched her fists, trying not to think about Neverland anymore. Unfortunately it did not work. Whenever she wanted to focus on being home again, some blue eyes appeared right in front of her. Filled with kindness and love.
"It's good to be back" Hook remarked with a slight smile upon his lips. "I even missed this goddamned shop."
He pointed at Gold's antique shop.
"You have no idea, how glad I am" Henry answered and Emma kissed his temple.
"We missed you, kid" she said.
Bit by bit, the other citizens of Storybrooke came along and wanted to know what happened in Neverland. Regina looked into curious and relieved faces. She was supposed to be happy, but somehow she could not delight in seeing all of them again. Her heart went out to Robin Hood.
Although he was not here right now, she knew that he would always be a part of her. And if the love of a soul mate was as strong as everybody declared, she would see him again, like he had promised her. It was all about timing.

I hope you liked the chapter, although it was short.But it's not the end. There will be an Epilogue until I'll finish this story. You probably hate me for the cliffhanger, but stay tuned, everything will be fine :D
I began to write a new Outlawqueen story called The Golden Rule. Maybe you're interested in checking it out. 

- RegalMills

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