9) Neal

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Robin watched her. These brown eyes widened in disbelief and confusion. He could see the warm expression disappear and replacing it to a cold sharp one. The Regina he talked to some minutes ago was gone.
"Neal?" she interrogated. "Neal is dead. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!"
Her voice was dark and throaty.
"Apparently he's not" he replied. "Why would I lie to you?"
This woman was not easy to handle. For some reason she was full of mistrust and gloominess. But she was also a mystery Robin wanted to reveal. He was desperate to know everything about her, every little secret.
"I have no idea, thief" she spit the words out, leaning in, so that their faces were inches away from each other. The glance in her eyes was almost terrifying. It was like flames flickered inside the iris.
Robin clenched his teeth and returned the gaze. Her fire impressed him. Even though he know that many people feared her temper, he did not. From close up he could smell her faintly scent of apples and cinnamon. It reminded him a bit of Christmas. How ironic it was that the woman who killed and tortured so many people reminded him of the celebration of love.
"You would know best about prejudices, right?" he countered raising his eyebrows. He knew that his one sentence would only raise her irritation.
Her eyes narrowed. "Guard your tongue."
"Do you want to fight or know where I encountered Neal?", he asked and brought distance between their faces. Albeit grudgingly. Her near was intoxicating.
"Go on" she demanded, slowly calming down.
"Alright then. I broke into the Dark One's castle. Surprisingly he wasn't there wherefore I decided to settle for a while" he began. "A few hours later Neal crossed my path. He searched something that could help him to find his family. I suppose he didn't just mean his son. He's still in love with Emma."
"So, Neal was in the Enchanted Forest. Emma told us he fell through a portal. But how is it possible that he's alive?" Little wrinkles, which one could only see by closer inspection, appeared on her forehead. Her skin was flawless. There was just the little scar above her lip. But it made her even more beautiful, differentiated her from other women. In that moment a desire grew inside him and made it difficult to focus on their conversation. He wanted to touch her. Wanted to know if her skin was as smooth as it looked like. Wanted to feel her scar against his lips and - Stop! He should not think about it. He was not here to court a woman, he was here to save his son from Pan. In addition she was not some ordinary one, she was the Evil Queen.
"Yes, he was there. Aurora and Philip took care of him and saved his life" he answered. "Anyway, we found out that you were in Neverland to save Henry. Neal wanted to call Pan's shadow, so that he could get to you. But he wasn't able to. A child had to do it."
He swallowed.
"Roland" she combined.
"Yes. We weren't fast enough. The shadow took him. It is my fault. I shouldn't let him do that."
"You're very good in blaming yourself" was her deadpan reply."How did you came to Neverland?"
"A fairy helped me. She used her magic to take me to this island."
"A fairy?" Was that fear in her eyes? Why should a queen fear a fairy? "What was her name?"
"Blue" he told her, getting lost in the depth of her brown eyes. She seemed to relax again.
Robin looked down on her hands. Her nails pierced into the fabric of her blazer.
"As I said, don't tell anyone about Neal" he wanted to make sure.
"Do I look like I care about him? Telling Emma would hamper our mission. Telling snow would be like publishing it in the newspaper."
"Newspaper?" What was she talking about? He never heard about something like that. He could not even imagine what it should be.
She sighed. "I don't know how to explain it to you. But let's say Snow is very bad in keeping a secret."
The bitterness resonated in her voice. She spoke from experience. Again the thief was curious about her past. He had heard stories about the ruthless queen. Had heard rumors about the princess who was said to have destroyed Regina's life. But he did not know how it was possible. And now, when he saw them working together and getting along with each other, he was more confused about what he could believe.
"He's not here, isn't he?" she asked.
He shook his head. "No. He wanted to but I convinced him to wait. Somebody has to take care of my Merry Men, while Will, Little John and me are gone."
"Merry Men" she grinned. "You are thieves. Outlaws. From all the names you could have chosen, you chose that one?"
Her quiet laugh filled the cold night air. It could have been stunning, if it was not that mocking.
"We should sleep" he suggested ignoring her comment. "Otherwise we won't be much help tomorrow."
She nodded.
"Good night, Your Majesty" he smiled as they lied down.
"Goodnight, thief" he heard her saying while she turned her back on him.
He listened to the noises of Neverland. To the sound of rustling leaves and the soft wind. But he could not sleep, although he was tired. The presence of a certain woman took his breath away. He fought this incredible need to wrap his arms around her. To drink in her scent and feel her warmth against his body. To touch her curves.
His blood began to boil. His heart beat way to fast against his chest. How could that be? How could she have such an overwhelming effect on him?
Quietly and slowly he approached her, concerned about not getting caught. He did not touch her, kept a distance between them. The pleasant smell of her perfume reached his nostrils and addled his mind.
It then did not take long until the sleep got the better of him.

So, I know it's a little short but I hope you liked Robin's point of view. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please tell me.

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