10) Old friends

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Robin heard a voice whispering his name. Well, it was rather a hiss. This angry voice was one he would pick out from hundreds. Husky and soft at the same time. His tired eyes were still closed but he was definitely awake know.
A warm hand shook his shoulder and caused electric shivers rushing through his whole body.
"Let me sleep" he grumbled snuggling closer into the pillow. Wait a moment! They were in Neverland. The last thing he possessed at this place was a pillow.
When he finally opened his eyes, he realized why the queen was keen on waking him up. He was misusing her stomach as a pillow. Why had not he noticed this unmistakable scent of apples and cinnamon?
With his eyes wide open he looked straight into hers. Her brows perked up. There was a certain radiance in them which he could not really explain himself.
"Congratulations. I only needed four attempts to get you off me. I'm not a bed" she rebuked him half-heartedly and caused a little smile on his part.
"I'm sorry, Milady" the man apologized running his fingers through the messy, dark blond hair.
"When will you finally learn to call me Your Majesty?"
He grinned. It amused him how easy it was annoy her. He liked the way she frowned. How her brown eyes got this dangerous glow. Even though it was ridiculous, she fascinated him.
They raised the others out of their sleep to talk about their next step to find and defeat Peter Pan. Robin missed his son incredibly. Missed his laugh and these cute dimples beneath his mouth. Since his wife died, Roland was everything to him. Everything he had left. Being apart from his was the closest he could be to his own death.
"We need a plan" Hook said.
"We have a plan" Regina answered.
Robin decided to keep quiet until his opinion could be important for their mission.
"No, I mean, we need a real plan. What shall we do when we find Pan's camp? Just wander in and wait how the things will turn out?" the Captain replied.
"We already discussed it. That was the reason why we learned how to fight yesterday" Regina hissed. "Do you have any idea how we get off this island?" Will asked. "I mean, if we know how to leave Neverland we can grab the boys and escape."
"Good point" David responded.
"The only way I know is that Pan has to give us his permission to leave" Hook answered.
"Great" Regina sighed. "Isn't there another way?"
Actually, there was. He told her how he got here a few hours ago. Maybe it could work the other way round as well.
"Maybe there is" Robin Hood reflected. "I came to Neverland by the help of a fairy. If there are any of them here, they could bring us home."
As he looked in her eyes he saw the same love in them he felt for his own son. A love only a parent was able to understand.
Hook glanced at him and nodded. "Well considered, mate. There might be a fairy who can help us to get away from here."
"Do you know her?" the thief asked.
"Indeed I do. Her name is Tinkerbell."
"No" Regina gasped. Her angry expression gave place to a fearful one. Robin did not expect to ever see her being afraid of something. But obviously he was wrong. How could this brave and strong woman suddenly be that weak.
He cared about her. Wanted to ease her pain. Remembered how he had held her in his arms the night she was crying over the loss of her son. And he wished he could stop the pain as easily as he had stopped her tears a few days ago. Although they knew each other only for a short time, he felt attracted to her. There seemed to be something about the former queen which dragged him to her. Something that almost forced him to like being in her near.
"So, what are we waiting for?" Little John asked enthusiastically. "Do you know where to find her?"
"If she lives still there where she lived a few years ago, I do" Hook answered. His brown eyes looked at Little John and a crooked smile appeared upon his face.
"And where is that?" Charming asked.
"Follow me" the pirate said while Robin's thoughts circled around Roland again.
"Are you alright?" Will asked as they began to search this fairy Killian Jones talked about.
"Sure. I'm just tired. And of course I want to find Roland."
"Yeah, I miss this little guy too" his friend responded.
The thief's muscles hurt with every step he took. Obviously his back was not very grateful for the nights he slept on the cold and hard ground.
You grow old, Robin, he thought.
"Watch out!" Hood said suddenly alarmed. He pulled Emma close to his side and pointed at a bramble with black liquid on it. "That's Dream Shade. One drop already can lead to death. Slowly and painfully. When the poison reaches your heart, it won't take much time."
Robin never saw a poison like this. The unnatural shimmering black had a fascinating and dangerous effect on him. And he did not really want to make his experience with it.
"How long will it take until we reach Tinkerbell?" Emma wanted to know.
"A while. But I promise, it's not very far anymore, love" the Captain answered and winked at her.
A diffident smile appeared on her face and Robin noticed how fast she broke the eye contact. He could tell they were in love with each other but he did not want to judge them.
He sneaked a peek at Regina who still seemed worried about their plan. Her eyes never fixed a thing. They darted hectically to and fro.
Robin got nervous. It was like her condition demised to him. Like her disturbance reached out for him and evoked his protective instinct.
"Don't drool, mate" Will said and grinned at him.
"You look daggers at the Evil Queen" he explained. "Mind you don't get caught while making sheep's eyes at her."
"Don't be silly, Will" he replied.
"You like her."
"Not like that" Robin refused. He was not sure if he could love someone like he loved Marian. If he could ever love someone else. Surely, he moved on. But sometimes he missed her very much and felt like he was not able to raise their child on his own. The fact that Pan kidnapped Roland was the prove that he did not really protect him.
"You're interested in her and you know it. Hey, I don't blame you, forceful women have a certain something."
He sighed. It was a topic he did not want to discuss with Will. He of all people fell in love and left the Merry Men just to come back after finding out that it did not work out with his beloved. And now he was walking beside Robin talking about his supposed feelings for Regina.
"We're almost there" Hook pronounced.
"I'll wait here" Regina replied. "Believe me, she won't help us if she sees me."
"Okay. I think somebody should stay with you" Charming said.
Robin wanted to volunteer but Snow was faster. "I can wait with her."
"Are you sure?" her husband asked and she nodded.
"Yes, go. There's no time to lose."


"What have you done to Tinkerbell?" Snow asked.
Regina was not really interested in telling her step daughter the whole story about her and the fairy.
"What I always do" she answered bitterly. "I screwed everything up."
"What did you-"
"That's not important." She remembered quiet well how Tinkerbell told her about the opportunity to find love again. How she wanted to help her finding her soul mate and how she lead her to the tavern.
The man with the lion tattoo, her soft voice echoed on her mind. Regina never saw his face. She had been too afraid to approach him. Her heart had still been healing from the loss of Daniel.
"I think it is, Regina. You ruined my life" they heard a woman speaking.
"Long time, no see" the queen replied.
A blonde woman came out of the shadows. Her green eyes fixed them mistrustfully, her hair was a mess and her dress was dirty and tattered. To be honest, she looked awful.
"What the hell happened to you?" That was not the Tinkerbell she had met.
"Isn't it obvious? You entered my life."

So, I hope you liked the chapter. If there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm sorry for that. 
I also published a one shot about the ball in Camelot. Maybe you want to read it ;)

- RegalMills

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