6) Archery

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In the next morning the training started for the group.
Robin, Will, Little John and Snow agreed to teach the other ones archery. David and Hook wanted to show them how to fight with a sword and to react on attacks.
Regina was not very excited about the whole thing. Since last night she wanted to look for Henry again. In her opinion it was a waste of time to learn how to use a sword or bow and arrow. They could have been closer to her son. Why, no, they had to try something idiotic like that.
"So, we have four people who are experts on archery" David perceived.
"Congratulations! You finally learned counting" Regina jeered while she retraced her lipstick.
"Regina..." Emma sighed but the queen was not responsive to that.
"We're in the forest, you don't need makeup. Nobody cares how you look like" Robin Hood commented her action.
"Hearing that from you doesn't surprise me at all" she answered unfazed.
"I wasn't ready yet" David continued without paying attention to them. "What I wanted to say is that the other four of us can split up, so that everyone has a partner."
"Yes, why not?" his daughter responded.
David went to Will while Emma stayed by her mother's side.
Okay, Regina... Either you go to Little John or you hang out with the idiot, she thought. She was not in the mood to discuss the whole day with Robin Hood. That was why she decided to join his friend's company. Unfortunately, he stood right next to Hook.
"May I have the pleasure, Milady?" the man with the blue eyes asked her. He grinned like a child on Christmas Eve. Regina was not able to deny that it suited him very well. Laugh lines adorned his eyes and made his appearance look bolder.
"If need be..."
"Someone is enthusiastic" he had a giggle over her.
"Well, let's start."
He stressed an arrow in the bow and signified her with a nod that her fingers should substitute his ones. On a trunk he had fixed a target.
She squinted her eyes thereby she could concentrate better.
"You hold the bow to high" the thief told her.
Not till then she noticed how close he was. He put his warm hands on hers to correct her position. It was like electric thrusts pervaded her. It was reassuring and feathery. The feeling scared her as much as she liked it.
As quick as she could she disengaged herself from him.
"I don't need your help."
"I'm sure, you're an independent, brave woman but you do need my help" he countered.
"Bootlicker" she muttered and caused a throaty laugh on his part.
"You're right hander?"
She nodded and he grabbed her left hand. His grip was brassbound yet gentle.
"With this one you fix the arrow" he explained. "Grab the extrados. Good. Now draw the bow with your other hand."
His breath touched her neck and made her skin tingle. Heat rushed through her veins. It was like her whole body was aflame. Like there was a fire inside her which burnt every cell and filled her completely.
What the hell is this?, she asked herself. She could give no account of her reaction. Did not know what was going on at the moment.
"Focus. Shoot." His voice brought her back to reality. As she watched the arrow flying through the air she realized that there were not just her and the thief. That there were still six other people arround them who were engrossed in their training.
Regina barely hit the mark. Nevertheless she was content with herself. To tell the truth, she was awful in fighting without her magic. Magic gave her power. It strengthened her. She could not do anything with other weapons. A triumphant smile appeared on her face as she thought about her success.
"Not bad. But you can do better" he teased handing her another arrow.
With lifted eyebrows she took it and drew the bow a second time. Ambition packed her. Her aim was to shoot right into the middle of the target. She wanted to proof Robin Hood that she had the ability to defend herself. That she was more than just the former Evil Queen. And a little part of her strove for his recognition. This part, which Regina already hated, wanted to impress him.
Determinedly she concentrated on her weapon. She felt adrenalin rushing through her body.
The arrow flew through the air. It did not hit the middle but it was close.
"See?" the man smiled. "Almost perfect."
"Like I said, I don't need your help" she replied.
"I doubt that, Milady. You didn't strike the middle. In addition you wouldn't have succeeded without my explanation. But I don't want to louse your good mood up."
He winked at her. Provocation. Of course. By now she should have been inured to his predilection for jangling her nerves.
"Too late" she grumbled.
"Barking dogs seldom bite" he said.
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"You're the dog."
Really? He compared her with a dog? Of course she knew the adage but she did not understand why he used it.
"What I wanted to express is that you're always snapping at me. And I believe that you just try to keep people away but you're not evil. You're barking, not biting" he explained.
"That doesn't even make sense. I annihilated whole villages and you tell me that I'm not able to 'bite'?"
"Seeing it from this perspective, you are" he agreed. "But that doesn't mean you will."
She rolled her eyes. The conversation was totally absurd and she was not interested in discussing about a goddamn adage.
"Less talking, more training" she required.
"As you wish, Milady" he made a gallant bow smiling whimsical. "But what do you think about a little contest?"
"A contest?" she liked the idea but she also knew that he was a lot better in archery than her. It would be stupid to accept the challenge. She would not win anyway.
"To make it more exciting. Are you in?"
"Nice try. You know exactly that you won't lose." A snowball's chance in hell described her chance very well.
"What makes you so sure about that? I promise, I will be fair."
"My experience in that kind of fighting is virtually null. You in contrast have the experience."
"Afraid of losing?" he aggravated her. And it worked. Maybe it was a crackbrained idea and maybe Regina would regret her decision but she refused being entitled as a coward
"Let's say the loser has to satisfy a wish of the winner."
The queen sighed. "Oh, boy..."
They took it in turns. Regina tried her best to be better than him. Stupidly she was not. The fact that her counterpart was a talented thief paid of.
"You owe me a wish" he said after some rounds of failing for her part. His eyes virtually threw out sparks. She almost got lost in this deep blue. Almost.
"What do you want?" she grumbled displeased.
"Honestly, I don't know."
"You don't know, great" she snapped.
"Don't worry, I'll find something. When the time is right, I'll ask for it."

Sorry, it took a bit longer. But I hope you like it anyway :D 

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