4) Solace

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The setting sun dunked the landscape in orange light and created an interaction of light and shadow.
David and the other three men were not back yet.
Regina sat on a cold stone, watching Emma and Snow throwing wood into the bonfire to keep them warm. It would not take long until nightfall and she hoped that they would come back before the sun disappeared behind the horizon. Neverland was dangerous in broad daylight. She did not want to know how dangerous it could be when the darkness hid the creatures who lived here. Worry and kind of fear flowed through her and sent shivers down her back.
What is wrong with you? They are four and they have weapons! You don't even like Robin Hood, remember? So why do you care, sweetie?
Maybe because she tried to change. Maybe that was some of the side-effects of being good. Great! She choose to be a hero and now she could not stop thinking about how something terrible might happen to the people who were around her!
Hero. A word which was a little too powerful for her attempts being nice. But she was not evil either.
"We're back!" a voice rapped her out of her thoughts. It was David. He smiled like an idiot. Robin and his mates followed him.
Regina let out a sigh of relief.
Robin dropped a deer on the ground. Little John threw his prey next to it.
"Time for dinner" Will said.
"No complications?" Snow asked. Her husband took a seat beside her.
"Not that I remember."
"Forgot about the giant panther?" Robin replied.
"Panther?" Regina wanted to know. Her voice revealed her horror.
The thief looked at her and began to laugh. It was a gentle one. Low and cordial. The sound of it caused goose bumps on her whole body.
Wait! Why is he laughing?
"What's so funny, thief?"
"It was a joke, Milady" he explained with a cheeky grin. "I'm sure a little smile would fit you better than the usual bitterness."
That hit home! She knew she was not easy to handle but was it really necessary that this ordinary man used every opportunity to shaft her?
"And I'm sure a bath would chase away the dirt from your skin" she retorted. "And it's Your Majesty. Still..."
"It really bothers you, doesn't it?" he asked. His eyes glimmered in amusement.
Yes, it did. He bothered her. Every passing minute she was getting more and more sick of him. He was disrespectful and bigheaded. And he smelled like forest!
But to his credit he was brave and intelligent. Maybe that was the reason he did not make acquaintance of her fireballs. She needed him to get her son. Mainly because he lived in the forest for years and he knew exactly what to do. Even though it meant that she had to struggle with his comments.
"Anyway, we have to skin the animals" he continued speaking.
She wrinkled her nose. "That's disgusting."
"It's a natural process to hunters."
Whatever, she thought while deciding not to join his company anymore. With Henry on her mind she sat down beside Snow.
"Upset again?" she asked with a little smile on her face. "He's cute, huh?"
Regina raised her eyebrows. "Cute? I'm far from believing it."
"David wants to train with us tomorrow morning" her step daughter changed the subject.
A nod was her response. She was not very excited about fidgeting with a sword. She rather used magic. Loved the feeling of power and the prickle in her veins.
In consideration to the fact that the creatures that lived in Neverland were immune to her attacks, she was reduced to learning that different way of fighting.
Hours passed until they finally drifted off. Darkness surrounded them. There was just the slight light of the crescent moon. Regina could hardly see their silhouettes.
From afar whims chirred. Apart from that there was a depressing silence. The black-haired woman changed her position, so that she lied on her back. She could see some stars. It was beautiful but she could not relax. In the daytime she was able to repress her anxiety. But the night seemed to overwhelm her with insecurities. Was Henry still alive? Was he doing well? What was Pan's plan? These questions haunted her mind. For one moment she imagined he would stay in front of her. Smiling. Whispering that he missed her as much as she missed him. But that was not real and she knew it.
Her eyes were filled with tears which streamed down her cheeks. Weakness. Love was weakness. Her mother was right. Regina hated that feeling but it was not comparable with the feeling she had when Henry was around her. She felt so complete with the boy, so accepted and loved, that she did not want to miss a day in her life. He was the reason she changed. For him she became a better person.
The queen straightened up for a walk. She knew it was dangerous to leave the group but she had to be alone. Although they were sleeping, there was a possibility that some of them could wake up. And she was definitely not in the mood for one of Snow's or Emma's legendary hope speeches.
"Where do you think you're going?" a male voice sounded behind her.
Great, that's all I needed, she thought jaundiced and wiped away the tears. She bit her lip and concentrated on not letting any others out of her eyes.
"Tell me" Robin Hood demanded.
"Could you just leave me alone for one second?" she snapped and turned around to face him.
He frowned while he walked towards her.
"Are you crying?" he asked. His gaze became soft.
"No. Of course not."
"Yes, you are. I know, we're not best friends but right now I am the one who understands you best."
"Go away."
"Why don't you let me comfort you? Show me that you're not the heartless woman you pretend to be" he said while caressing her cheek with his thumb. Why did she even let him?
Albeit his words were not extraordinary, they touched her. Her body was shaking madly, her heart pounded fast against her chest.
"You weren't suppose to see me like that" she sniffed, feeling weak and embarrassing.
"Come here" he whispered and pulled her into a tight hug. He smelled of fir needles, wood and there was a breeze of oranges. Regina sunk into his strong arms. She buried her head in his shoulder. Hot tears flowed down her cheeks and seeped into his jacket.
His hands ran over her back leaving a warm feeling inside her.
They knew each other since today and he was already able to make her feel better. The last time she let anybody in, she got hurt. She could still hear the crack of Daniel's heart as her mother had squeeze it until it was just a pile of ashes.
But the thief was different and she was not in love with him, what made this messed up situation at least a little bit better.
How absurd must it look like: the Evil Queen hugged a thief. And he was not dead yet.
"Thank you" she spoke under her breath.
She detached herself from him and got lost in his worried eyes.
"Always at your service" he smiled and added a "Milady".
This time she did not correct him. There was no point in that anyway.

I hope you liked the chapter and I'm sorry that it took so long
If you have any suggestions for improvement, tell me :)

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