12) Injured

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Regina buried her hands deep into the pockets of her blazer, dwelling on thoughts.
I really don't care, she heard Robin's voice inside her head. This ordinary thief had snapped at her like she was just anyone. How dared he to treat her like that? How dared he to be that disrespectful?
But at the same time she could not forget how wonderful his hands felt on hers. There had been this warmth and gentleness. His eyes reflected these characteristics whenever she looked at him. It was fascinating how somebody was able to be that calm and self-controlled, although he was separated from his son.
Suddenly a snarl filled the air and ripped the former queen out of her thoughts.
"What was that?" David asked whipping his sword out.
Another of Pan's pets? Please, not again, Regina thought disgusted. Their first meeting with one of the animals in Neverland was more than enough for her.
"Look!"Emma shouted and pointed in the air. And there it was. An oversized hawk which was not really amused to see them. An ear-splitting scream escaped from the animal as it began to dive.
It missed them by a whisker.
Snow grabbed at her bow and arrow trying to shoot the hawk. But because it was moving all the time she could not really target her aim.
With a pounding heart the former queen ran to Tinkerbell whose magic seemed to work. It harmed the creature. Why was her magic working and Regina had to fight with some weapons she was not used to?
"Give me your knife" the black-haired woman claimed keeping her eyes glued to the winged attacker.
The fairy looked at her with confusion.
"Just do it" she hissed and reached her hand out.
"I don't trust you" the blonde answered firing another fireball at the hawk. Of course she did not trust a former Evil Queen.
With an angry screech it fixed the two women and flew directly in their direction.
Out of the corner of her eye Regina saw Snow who drew her bow again. Her brown eyes were constricted and she seemed to concentrate on the thing in front of her.
"Knife" she snarled again. "Now."
This time Tinkerbell handed it to her. The major felt a little bit stronger. Especially because the blade was full of Dream Shade. If only she could come close enough to slice open the hawk.
The fairy next to her created a blast wave. Although it was not her own magic, Regina felt the power which filled the air. She could almost grasp the energy and the familiar tingle.
While the animal was flung backward, Snow released her arrow. And failed. It rushed, inches away from the target, through the air and landed inside a tree trunk.
"Damn!" she cursed.
That beast was tougher than the wolf. And the fact that it could fly did not make it any easier to kill it.
The queen knew that her step daughter was a great shooter. She saw her many times with her weapons while she had been fleeing from her and her knights.
Robin's arrow hit the creature. But therefore it got even more furious. It flew directly in his direction and dragged him to the ground.
"Robin!" Little John screamed.
Regina froze and stared at the thief who was struggling with the hawk. Watched how he tried to get it off him and how its sharp claws pierced into his flesh.
Another scream filled the electrically charged air. This time it came from their companion.
Will and Little John ran toward their friend and before Regina could realize what she was doing, she raced after them.
While the thieves were shooting at the monster, Regina crawled at its side and stabbed out.
Charming and Hook pulled Robin away from the squirming creature. The Dream Shade seemed to give it the rest. It did not take long until it was not able to move anymore.
The black-haired woman looked at the injured man. Blood saturated his white shirt. The sleeves were ragged, scratches covered his arms.
She knelt beside him.
"I can help you" she offered and he nodded.
"Just do it" he said with clenched teeth. Something inside Regina broke as she saw him like that. For the first time there was real pain in his beautiful eyes. And for the first time he did not deny that he needed her.
"Take his shirt off" she demanded looking at Snow.
The younger woman did not waste any time and disposed of the garment. And when she did so, Regina's blood ran cold. There it was. One symbol that was able to scare the hell out of her. The lion tattoo. Robin Hood was the man with the lion tattoo. Her soul mate. How could that be? How was that even possible? This ordinary thief could not be the one she was destined to be with.
A casual glance at Tinkerbell told her that the fairy was as shocked as she was.
Don't think about it! You have to stop the bleedings before it's too late!
She took a deep breath. Concentrated on the magic inside her and felt it rising. It rushed through her veins and congregated in her palms.
She laid her hands on his bare chest. Gave him the magic he needed to heal. His skin was smooth and warm. The muscles had something steady.
Soul mate. Lion tattoo.
These four words burned into her mind. Her heart raced fast against her chest. For a short moment she was afraid that it could just burst her thorax.
She did not know if it was the loss of energy she needed to cure him, or if it was the fact who he was.
This trip is getting weirder every day...
Robin looked straight into her eyes. She saw gratitude and relief. Obviously he seemed to feel better.
Regina by contrast began to feel worse. She wanted to run away. Wanted to keep as much distance as she could between herself and the thief. No, she was definitely not ready for the whole destiny drama. She was not ready for finding love again. And she was not ready for talking about Tinkerbell about the tattoo.
"Thank you" Robin whispered when she finished the treatment.
"You're welcome" she mumbled taking her hand off him.
"Okay, that was enough excitement for today" David said. "I think we should rest."
"You're probably right" his daughter sighed.
They started to make a bonfire whereas Regina abutted totally exhausted against a tree trunk. Her emotions rode rollercoaster.
Lion tattoo. Robin Hood. Soul mate.
Unable to cope with the whole situation she tilted her head back. Tears burned in her eyes. It was so cold. She never complained about the temperatures in Neverland. But right now it felt like sitting in the Antarctic.
"Regina" a silver voice called her name. The softness inside could only belong to one person. The stupid fairy who showed her the man she was destined to be with. "You look horrible."
"Satisfying for you?" she snapped.
"A little" the blonde woman grinned. "You saw it too, didn't you?"
"If you mean the tattoo, yes" the former queen answered. She clasped her hands. Her nails dug into her skin. She was shaking. Showing weakness. Again.
"Seems like life gave you a second chance. You shouldn't mess it up this time."
She shrugged. All she had to do was to deal with what she found out today. It was not easy to come square with these news.
His blue eyes appeared in her mind. Sparkling and deep like the ocean. Framed by thick lashes. There was a certain attraction she noticed right from the beginning. She just did not assume that fate was to blame for it. That this soul mate thing was to blame for it.
No matter who he is, you're not in love with him, she tried to calm herself down.
"I think he's a nice guy" Tinkerbell continued. "Honorable and brave."
"I don't know him yet" she just replied. How could she think of being in a relationship with Robin if she met him days ago. It was too soon.
"You will get to know him" she insisted. "Pixie dust never lies."
Regina let loose a murmur. She was not really persuaded by her statement. Was terrified.
Then love again, she heard Daniel's voice in her head.
I can't. Love is weakness. If I fall in love with him and he dies, it will destroy me.
"Tink, Regina! Join us, we roasted some bread and meat!" Snow called them and ripped the black-haired woman out of her dark thoughts.
"Looks like the Uncharmings are waiting" she said with the ghost of a smile.

So, Regina knows that Robin is the guy with the lion tattoo. I hope you liked the chapter. If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, I'm sorry. 


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