11) Help

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The two women gazed at each other. Mistrust. Anger. These green eyes were like poison. Shining and full of hate. Regina did not expect a reaction like that. Well, in a sort she expected her to be angry and she would definitely not whitewash the matters of fact. She knew that it had not been necessary what she did to her. But she doubted being the reason for her misery. And her shabby appearance. That was something she could only blame Tinkerbell for.
"Okay, I know you're not amused seeing me" the black-haired woman began.
"That's something I can agree on" the fairy hissed. She stepped forward still looking at her. It was like they slugged a silent fight out. "I wanted to help you. I was the only person who believed you could find happiness. The only one who cared about you."
She took another step forward. "Because of you I got trouble. Because I helped you. You didn't go into the tavern, did you?"
She sighed. Did not want to fight with the woman in front of her.
"No" was her simple answer.
"I knew it" she shook her head in disappointment. She was a bit smaller than Regina and had to look up. But she was not intimidated.
In that moment the former queen felt truly sorry for her. She appreciated her efforts. Unfortunately it was too late now. She screwed it up a long time ago by wallowing in self-pity. By holding on to Daniel and the empty feeling which accompanied her every passing day.
"I was too scared" she confessed. Her voice was husky and dark. "And as much as I want to turn back time, I can't. I'm sorry for what I did."
"You really should be" Tinkerbell replied. "You're the reason I have no wings anymore."
"Which tavern? What are you talking about?" Snow interrupted their conversation.
Regina had completely forgotten that she was not alone with the fairy. She winced as she heard the voice of her step daughter and looked at her.
"Irrelevant" she mumbled. She did not want to talk about soul mates right now. About her act of cowardice.
"I have no idea who this is but go on. Tell her what happened. Tell her that you succeeded in making your life even more miserable than it was."
"Watch you tongue, fairy" Regina hissed. Although she felt bad, she would not allow her to talk with her like that!
"I'm right and you know it" she countered. Suddenly she grabbed inside the pocket of her dress and fetched a knife. The blade was black as night. Snow wanted to come up to the black-haired woman but then Tinkerbell pointed her weapon at her.
"Don't move" she demanded. "I'm pretty sure you don't want to make acquaintance with this knife. Do you see the black color on the blade? It's Dream Shade. Maybe you heard of it."
"Indeed we did" Snow responded giving Regina a worried look.
"Good. Then you certainly know that it would be really stupid to attack me."
"We don't want to attack you" Regina said. "We need your help."
The blonde burst out laughing sarcastically. "Ah, you need my help. You of all people need my help."
"Enough" she spitted. "Yes, we need you help. Pan has my son. And I will absolutely not lose him!"
"Regina, maybe-"
"Would you please shut up, Snow?! I tried to be patient and friendly but that's obviously not me! Now put that knife down and help us finding Henry!" she yelled at her. The former queen did not care about the Dream Shade anymore. She did not care if Tinkerbell hated her for the rest of her life. All she wanted was to find her son and enfold him in her arms.
"I don't think that's the right way to convince her" her step daughter replied.
"Look, I don't care. We find another way. This is a waste of time!" the older one hissed boiling with rage.
Surprisingly Tinkerbell put the weapon down. "You do love your son, don't you?"
"Yes I do. I think with him I did something properly" she said and meant every word.
"I see" the fairy answered and a small smile appeared on her face.
"You see. Great. Can we go now?"
"Wait! How can I help you?" she asked and Regina thought she misheard her.
"Are you serious?"
"Don't get me wrong, I'm still mad at you. But I understand that you finally have someone you love. And that's what I wished for you some years ago."
Regina still could not really believe what was going on right now. It had to be a trick. That was the only explanation coming to her mind. She had lied to her and she had been the reason she got in trouble. And nevertheless she wanted to help them.
"So" Snow began to speak. "To make sure I get this right: You will help us."
Tinkerbell nodded.
"Okay. Is it possible for you to send us home when we saved Henry and Roland?"
"I think so. But... Who is Roland?" The friendly expression in her eyes faded and gave place to the old mistrust.
"He's Robin Hood's son" Regina told her. "Pan kidnapped him as well."
The blonde woman sighed. "Oh, boy..."
The queen raised her eyebrows. "What's the matter? Do you know what he's up to?"
"Of course I do" she replied and she did not seem to be very happy about it.
All the squabbling was forgotten.
"Spit it out! What does he want with the children?"
"Neverland is falling apart. Well, the magic of Neverland. Actually this island is a dream world. But when Pan arrived it became real somehow. I don't know the details but that I know. Peter Pan is sort of the essence of this place. However, the magic is limited and if it disappears, Pan will die."
"What has that to do with Henry?"
"Pan found a way to stop this progress. I don't know how but since then he searches for other children and always for boys. That's all I'm aware of."
Regina swallowed. What if Pan already harmed Henry? What if he wanted to kill him? What if he was already dead? He was everything she had. The only person who loved her honestly.
"Seems like Tinkerbell isn't home!" David exclaimed. It did not take long until the company came back.
"She's right here" his wife answered and pointed at the fairy.
David looked confused. But he seemed to recollect.
"Hello. I'm David" he introduced himself. "You may know me as Prince Charming."
"Not so charming at all" Regina could not hold herself back.
They introduced the others to the blonde woman and explained the situation to them.
"You could come with us" Emma suggested. "When Neverland is going to stop existing, you'll need a home."
"I'll think about it. For now it's more important to grab the boys than worrying about me."
"I thought she hates you" Robin Hood whispered into Regina's ear. He stood next to her and his warm breath tickled her skin. His near took her breath away. He smelled like forest. Like fresh grass and moss. Like a chilly summer's day.
"We figured some things out" she answered. Not exactly but it was a start.


They walked for hours through the jungle. And now that they knew what Pan was planning, Robin was even more concerned about Roland. If this kid would lay a single finger on him, he would shoot him with his arrow.
He got a glimpse of Regina. She seemed to be in her own world. The nervousness had vanished into thin air. Instead there was this aura of determination and bravery. Her brown hair was a mess and he was sure she would fix this as long as they sat by the bonfire in the evening again. A smile appeared on his face. He remembered how she put on some lipstick. Thinking anybody would care how she looked like. In his opinion she did not need this kind of make-up. She already was beautiful.
You're interested in her, Will's voice echoed in his mind.
Maybe he was. He could not deny that she was breathtaking. Her expressive brown eyes hypnotized and her curves distracted him. The way she swung her hips emphasized her well formed body. She was not skin and bones and Robin liked that about her. She was slight yet healthy built.
You're checking her out, he thought while he found himself staring at her.
"Regina?" he asked walking beside her.
She looked up to him with these intelligent eyes and raised her brows. Her gaze was skeptical but not impolite.
"May I ask you something?"
"You and Tinkerbell... How did you meet?"
She sighed. "That's none of you business."
Her rejection hurt more than he expected. Although he kind of knew he would not get an answer, he wanted to get to know her better and understand her way of thinking. He wanted to be the shoulder she could cry on. Her anchor.
Definitely interested, mate.
"My apologies" he said. "I didn't mean to be intrusive."
"You're not. It's just... private."
He answered with a smile. "Of course."
When she returned it hesitantly, a certain warmth reached out its tentacles for his heart. It was a smile he had not seen on her before. Sadness, embarrassment and honesty crept on her features. She was not the Evil Queen anymore. An Evil Queen could not be that human. That feminine.
She always pretended to be this iron lady but Robin knew that deep inside she was just a woman with a terrible past. A woman who wanted a family. Who wanted to be loved.
Silence filled the air. There was only the rustle of the trees and the crackle of some branches under their feet.
"Is someone hungry? Because I am" Little John said. Good to see that some things would never change. John was always hungry.
"A little" Emma agreed. "But I think we should continue our walk first."
"Maybe we should rest for some minutes, Swan" Hook replied. "Saving energy."
"If you always sit, eat and sleep we'll never find the kids" Regina grumbled.
"Regina, not that again" David responded.
"You're risking Henry's life. With every moment we're wasting because somebody is too lazy or too hungry or too tired to walk we let him down."
"That's not true. And you know that."
Before he realized what he was doing. Robin grabbed her hand and pulled her away so that there was a distance between them and the others. He was weary of their conflicts.
"What do you think you're doing?" she was indignant at his action.
"Talking to you. I'm tired of your moods. I am not alone in this opinion. We're a group and that means to assimilate."
"So, you're an expert now?"
"I lead the Merry Men. So, yes I think I'm aware of it. We waste much more time when you criticize everything and everyone. Could you please shut up for once?"
Shocked she stared at him. Perhaps he went too far but it did not matter. He wanted her to listen and understand.
"How dare you?" she ranted. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"
"Yes. Guess what, I really don't care."
He eyes widened. There was a fire in them which almost scorched him. It was quiet bracing to watch her outbursts. Whereas right now he just wanted to talk to her.
"Look" he continued and intuitively he embraced her cold hands with his. "I don't want to argue with you. I comprehend your anger and that you want to find Henry as soon as possible. Same here. And the best strategy for that is to cooperate."
She stared at their interlocked hands. Hers were still cold and he wanted to keep them warm. But he also knew that he could not overstep the boundaries. He squeezed them once more to show her that she was not alone and released them to walk back to the others.

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