5) A deal

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Regina ran though a small corridor. Her heels clicked on the cold stones. Fust rose into her nose.
She did not know where she was or what she searched. But she did know that there was something she had to find. Something her heart wanted.
"Regina" a voice whispered.
The woman could not locate it. It was far away and at once it was close.
Screams. Silence. And again, someone screamed. It was a boy.
"Mom! Help me!" That was somebody she would recognize in between a million of people.
"Henry?" She shouted. "Henry, where are you?"
The queen looked around. But there was just this never ending corridor. Sweat wetted her forehead. Her skin was cold as ice. That could not be! She had to find her son. If he died, she had not one reason to live.
"Henry!" she called him again, hoping he would reply.
But he did not.
She gasped for air but she did not want to stop running. She had to find him!
"No! Please!" Henry yelled. It sounded like he suffered terrible pain.
Finally, Regina arrived at a large room. There was not any furniture but her son lay on the floor. Blood streamed out of his body while Pan stood right next to him with a conniving grin on his face. In his hands a dagger.
"What have you done?!" she exclaimed. Sorrow prepossessed her. The blood froze in her veins. A smothered tone escaped her throat. Her hands shook, her visibility blurred because she shed too many tears. He was dead. Henry was dead.
"Game on, Your Majesty" Pan answered.

Drenched in sweat she started up. A dream. It was just a dream. And it felt so real. Her heart pounded boisterously against her chest. Her blood pressure might have exceeded the 180. She was hot and cold at the same time.
Ok, calm down. Henry is alive. You had a nightmare, that's all, she tried to convince herself by the fact that her son was fine.
"Bad sleep?" someone asked her.
There he was. Peter Pan.
"I guess the dream was your little present?" she wanted to know. Anger grew up in her. She hated this kid. She had not met him before but she did. With all her soul she detested him.
"Allow me a little fun, Regina" he said.
"You're committing the biggest mistake of your life, if you mess with me."
Within seconds she stood in front of him, pressing him against a tree. He gasped for air as she choked him.
"Where is my son?" she hissed. Without guilt she followed her pleasure and piled on the pressure from her grip. Her gospels about being good vanished into thin air. All that she wanted was to make him feel miserable and she wanted him to cooperate.
"Can't breathe" he ground the words out. He was shaken by a cough.
The major of Storybrooke kept him in suspense before she eased the hold.
"So, where is he?"
"He's doing well, don't worry."
"Answer my question! Now!" she almost screamed.
"Did anyone ever told you that, if one upsets you enough, you're falling back in your old habits? Being evil has always been a part of you. You can't ignore it all the time."
His green eyes flashed dangerously. The corner of his mouth found their way up. "You won't kill me. You love Henry too much."
"Don't let me ask a third time" she replied. "I'm quite capable of preparing you pain."
"How about making a deal? I promise that I won't relocate my camp. Therefore you let me go."
"I don't trust you."
"Well, you have to. Because I won't lead you to Henry. It's your only chance."
"How do I know that you're not lying?"
"Peter Pan always keeps his word."
As if. That was absurd. He gave them the runaround since they were in Neverland and now he promised to keep his word? Did he really believe that Regina would fall for that? Did he really believe that she was that stupid?
"There's a snag" she detected.
"There isn't."
"He's telling the truth" Emma said.
Regina winced. "How long are you awake?"
"Long enough. Remember my talent? I don't like him either but he doesn't lie."
Hurting this kid was tempting. It would be an amazing sensation to rip his heart out and see him being convulsed with pain. Hearing him crying and begging.
Wait, that's not me anymore, it rushed through her mind. She was not the Evil Queen, she was Regina Mills. A hero. Well, sort of.
"You just want to let him go?"
"That's the best for our son" she explained.
Regina sighed and let go of Pan. "Leave before I change my mind."
He did not need to be told twice.
"What the hell was that?" Emma inquired.
"We had a guest of honor" the major responded sarcastically.
The blonde woman yawned. "I'm tired. Tomorrow we can discuss the whole situation."
Regina nodded and they lied down again. Next to her Robin Hood.
His facial expression was peaceful and relaxed. For the nonce she noticed how handsome he was. The dark blonde hair and beard stubbles fitted perfectly to his facial outlines.
His head was bedded on his strong hands which had rubbed her back so gently some hours ago. She wanted to touch them, wanted to hold them.
What's wrong with you? You don't even know this man! Stop acting like an idiot!
But she could not help but thinking about him while she slowly drifted to sleep.

So, Regina made a deal with Pan. But he will probably give her a run for her money.
Did you like the chapter? If there are any mistakes in it, I'm sorry for that.

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