2) The wolf

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Regina got more and more impatient. Patience has never been her strength. Especially when it came to her son. Again and again she saw him in her mind. Covered in blood. Lifeless . A pale body with rigid eyes. Cold skin.

She shook her head, trying to banish these pictures out of her imagination.

The sun reached out its tentacles for them, but she was still freezing. There had been a time she thought she was bulletproof. That nothing in the world could ever destroy her like her mother did a long time ago as she killed Daniel. But this vulnerability seemed to vanish into thin air. Pan wrested Henry from her and without him she felt lost. He was all the queen had. Her dark shattered heart was attached to him. She missed his voice and his friendly eyes. Every cell of her body hurt because she yearned for her child.

"Are you okay?" a male voice ripped her out of her thoughts. It was Robin Hood. Worry flared up in his blue eyes.

"Non of your business" Regina replied. Her tone was sharper than she wanted it to be. But something inside her did not want to show how desperate she was. Love is weakness, she reminded the sentence her mother used to say. Damn! Her mother was the reason why she decided to become evil. She had made her the person she was. By killing Daniel she put the final nail in the coffin. After this murder her heart turned blacker with every passing day.

Daniel, Regina thought. He was her first love. She remembered his soft voice and his warm embraces. As her mother killed him she killed a part of her daughter as well.

"I know exactly how you feel. You feel left alone, you're afraid of losing your son forever, you-"

"Keep quiet!" she nagged. "You have no idea how I feel. You don't know me."

He knew nothing about her. And she was sure that he was like all the other people. He thought she was evil anyway. Well, why should she try to prove that black is white?

"You might be right, I don't know you. But Peter Pan kidnapped my son too. That's why I understand your emotions. I have the same fear, I feel miserable and I estimate you're not better off."

"Don't take it personally... I don't like encouraging speeches."

No sooner had she said it than she regretted her words. He was right. She felt exactly how he described it. She was just a woman which was not able to find her son. To save her son.

The thief raised his eyebrows. Obviously he considered her as a tetchy bitch. She could not blame him. After all, it was her fault. She was the one who kept the people at bay. She was the one who had a problem with trusting strangers, which was not really bad at all. It was just the fact that she could not be polite while she suspected someone.

"As you wish" was the deadpan answer of her counterpart. Her misbehavior put him out.

Without looking at her again, he went to Will and Little John.

Maybe she treated him worse than it was necessary. All he had tried to do was making her feel better.

Branches cracked under her feet. The smell of forest annoyed her. Trees as far as the eye can see. It has been a while since she felt stony ground under her feet. She missed the noise of cars and the buildings of Storybrooke. She had in mind how Henry and herself sat on the settee watching movies like Superman or Batman. Numbly she burrowed her hands deep into the coat pockets.

A snarl let her wince.

"What- what was that?" Emma wanted to know.

Within seconds Hook stood right beside her.

Come on, this is ridiculous, Regina thought. Emma was a strong woman. It was not necessary that he ran after her like a mangy dog.

David pulled out his sword. Robin Hood and his mates also made themselves ready for a battle with taut crossbows.

It took a while. Then a wolf, bigger than a normal wolf should be, sprang towards them. It bared it's teeth. Spittle dropped on the ground. Yellow eyes glared dangerously at them.

Regina let a fireball appear on her palm. The flames blazed. Sparks fell on the ground, without setting something on fire. The others eyed the animal with carefulness. The queen was tired of backing down and her instincts told her to destroy that animal. She threw the fireball in the direction of the wolf. It hit its target. However her magic did not have any effect on it.

"How is that possible? He didn't even flinch!" she gasped.

A noise like growling thunder escaped out of the predator. It's muscles vellicated and it took a short run before jumping. The paws came menacingly close to the mayor of Storybrooke. She could barely cower away.

Her heart pounded boisterously against her chest.

She tried to attack the animal again. And again it did not work. It got rather angrier.

A white light ray appeared. It was Emma who tried her luck. Finally the wolf seemed to feel something.

Bright magic, Regina thought. Of course! She used dark one. Maybe the creature had its essence in dark magic, so the queen could not harm it with hers.

"It's not enough!" Emma shouted. "It hurts, but it won't destroy him!"

The beast squirmed. Hopping mad eyes glared at the savior. Within seconds it dashed in Emma's direction. She broke the string of her magic trying to avoid the wolf's teeth.

David and Robin Hood looked at each other and nodded as they were communicating. The arrow of the thief's crossbow flew through the air hitting the animal directly into the chest. David ran straight on raising his sword.

"David!" Snow called. "Don't!"

He rammed the weapon into his belly and the wolf writhed in pain. Blood flowed out of wounds, which the men caused, like water. With kind of a scream the creature broke down. Its limbs flagged. A wave of hate struck against them before the eyes loosed their expression.

"Is it dead?" Snow asked while her husband embosomed her.

"I think so" David answered still looking at the Wight.

"What the hell was that?" Regina gasped.

"Looks like a mutated wolf" Robin Hood said.

I've never hit on that, she thought discontented. But it would be better not to pronounce her thoughts. She was not in the mood to start a fight with him after this creepy animal almost killed her. Her pulse was still racing.

But she had to admit that she was impressed by the thief's quick reaction. He was a muscular man and obviously skilled concerning the use of bow and arrow.

"Apparently a present from Pan" Hook supposed.

"We don't know that for sure. But I don't think that was the only weird creature in this area" Snow replied. "We're not save yet."

"Great... I always wanted to be lacerated by some evil-smelling beasts" the queen commented. Her voice oozed with sarcasm. She wanted to cover the fear she felt inside. Her magic did not work on that monster. She was powerless. How could she save her son when she could not save herself?

I hope you like it :) If you have any suggestions for improvement tell me

And I'm sorry again if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes

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