3) Conflicts

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In the evening they sat by the bonfire. Hook and David searched for more firewood.

Regina stared into the flames. Every minute felt like an eternity. Every breath hurt in her chest. Although she expected that Henry was alive her heart was broken because of his lost. She pulled her legs to her body while her nails clung firmly to her skin until pain rushed through her body.

The queen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her lungs literally burst. All attempts of trying to calm down were in vain. She noticed the voices of her travel companions flannelly. As though there was a long distance between them.

She could still feel the gaze of the wolf which attacked the group. These yellow eyes full of hate and power did not want to leave her mind. A cold frisson ran down her back. Useless. Her magic had been useless. Although she tried to forget about that, it bothered her. She loved having the control in every situation but this beast made her lose it.

"So, what will be our next step concerning Pan?" Will asked. Until that moment she did not even realize him. She had completely forgotten that Robin Hood did not join their company alone.

"Chasing after him won't be an option for long" Hook replied. He and David threw the wood beside the fire. "And I know what I'm talking about."

"What if we don't go to Pan? What if we make him come to us?" The words came out of her mouth before she really thought about them. She was just thinking loudly.

"I think this could work out" Emma commentated. "What's your plan?"

The queen shrugged. "I don't have one."


"Only because I thought about bringing Pan to us, doesn't mean I know how." She interrupted the savior.

"You don't have to be so touchy, Regina. It was only a question."

"It won't be easy to trap Pan. He rules Neverland and it seems like he is always one step ahead" Hook explained.

Regina sighed and nodded. He was right. Maybe the pirate knew Pan better than anyone else and he had enough skills in chasing the boy. How could it be that a group of more than five was not able to catch a teenager? It was more than just frustrating.

"We should think of the dangers in this area as well" Robin Hood rose to speak. "Magic doesn't seem to be helpful. Before we try to catch Pan we need to be able to defend ourselves."

The thief looked at Regina. His blue eyes looked for her brown ones. Bemused she returned his gaze. Sank into this deep blue what reminded her of the ocean.

He's not as stupid as I expected, she thought. Wait! Why does he look especially at me?

The scenario with the wolf appeared in her mind. We need to be able to defend ourselves. She failed a few hours ago defending herself. Did Robin Hood think she was weak?

"What? Do I look like a unicorn or why are you staring at me like an idiot?" Regina asked shrewish. The whole situation upset her stomach.

He knit his brows. Anger flashed in his eyes. "Could you just stop barking at everyone for one second?"

"I'm not-"

"Yes, you are" he interrupted her. "I'm not in the mood for your taunts."

His eyes were cold as ice. The queen could feel how pissed he was. Because of her. Because she did not have her emotions under control. Because so far she showed the part of her she wanted to leave in her past. The Evil Queen. Her mother literally put her coldness, unkindness and the ability for making wrong decisions in the cradle.

"I'm sorry" she apologized. "I just... I just miss my son."

"Weird way of showing it, Milady" he said.

She snorted. "It's you Majesty."

"Is that important?" Emma sighed. "I think we have some more serious problems, don't you two think?"

"Save it" Regina said and stood up. "I don't like hope speeches."

"And I wasn't going to deliver one. So can we please stop fighting all the time?"

The queen stared into the fire beside her feet. Warmth danced around her ankle.

She struggled with herself. Her pride told her to turn around and leave the group. To ignore Emma and her miserable attempt of changing her. And mainly to ignore this provocative thief, who had made annoying her to his life-task.

But a little voice inside her asked her to stay. To pick up the pieces of her behavior. It was kind of self protection that she affronted everyone, who seemed to care just a little bit about her.

"Fine. But I won't shake hands and apologize a second time" she gave in.

Robin rolled his eyes.

"Do we have something to eat?" a male voice asked. Regina looked at the other man who travelled with the thief. His hair was long and curled but also felted. He was chubby build and reminded her of a big teddy. The woman couldn't remember his name.

Her mouth opened to say something like You should not eat so much but she contained herself.

"Not much" Snow answered. She grabbed her bag and rummaged around in it. Eventually she gave a loaf of bread to him.

"You don't know how long you'll stay here and all you take is that?" he wanted to know. He was not impolite, just confused.

"You can have my piece" Regina offered. "I can't eat something right now."

The very thought of food made her stomach rebel.

"The bread won't last for all of us" Robin said. "Will, Little John, let's go."

Little John? The guy was definitely not little.

"Where are you going?" David asked.

"Hunting. Do you want to join us?"

"Hunting? I don't know if it's clever. What if there are other creatures? They could attack you."

"But we need victuals. We have lived in the forest for a long time. Hunting is our specialty."

"Maybe we should all go together" Emma suggested.

"No" Will Scarlet replied. "I don't mean to be rude but that won't help. You would just disturb the process."

"Alright. But I'll come with you" David demanded.

Robin nodded. After all he had asked him to.

Regina watched them as they veered away from them. She did not know why but she almost prayed that nothing would happen to the men. That nothing would happen to the thief who had saved her life earlier that day.

Sorry that it took so long but I hope you like it anyway :D

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