17 Saturday

28 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk I heard andys alarm going off I hit Andy and he woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I said where are we going next he said I don't know yet an hour later we all left the hotel and drove down the highway in the tour bus.

Ashley was completely knocked out and snoring lightly on the couch across from me and Andy and the guys.

I smiled and shook my head and started playing on my phone Andy wrapped his arm around my shoulder so I wouldn't fall off the couch.

I got off the couch and went to the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then I headed back into the hangout area.

Andy said tomorrow we are going to Texas I said oh how fun he said we are going to a couple different places in Texas.

Cc said yehaw and we all started laughing together and I smiled and shook my head and sat down on the couch.

A couple of hours later we stopped to pick up food since we were all extremely hungry.

Andy said we are an hour away from the venue we are a couple of hours away from Texas and I'm really excited about it.

After we finished eating we continued heading to the venue a hour later we got to the venue and headed inside and got ready for the show.

Cc said I'm excited for the meet and greet I helped set up the merch table while the guys got ready for the show.

Andy let me pick out a couple of things and I was super excited about it a little while later they started letting people into the venue.

I went back stage with the guys because they were starting to warm up for the show.

A little while later the guys went on stage and started rocking out together I smiled and sat down on the floor so my hip wouldn't lock up.

There has been a couple of times Andy has had to carry me because my hip locked up and I couldn't walk at all.

An hour later the show ended and I got off the floor and dusted my self off Andy walked over to me and gave me a hug and I felt butterflies in my stomach when he pulled back.

Andy quickly kissed my forehead and walked away I felt electricity shoot throughout my body.

Cc said oh does some one have feelings for Andy I laughed uncomfortably and said shut up and we all headed to the meet and greet area.

A hour later we left the venue and picked up food and went back to the hotel and ate dinner together.

We ate dinner and took showers and all got ready for bed me and Cc hung out in the lobby and drank coffee.

I said do you think Andy likes me he said um I would think so I said really he said yea every since him and Juliette got divorced he got depressed.

I said aw that's terrible he said but you bring out the best in him I smiled and said he makes me so happy cc smiled and said you guys make each other happy.

I smiled and continued drinking my coffee a hour later we went to our rooms and went to bed for the night.

I gave cc a hug and said thanks you made me feel a lot better he smiled and kissed my head and said night sis and we both went to bed for the night.

I got cuddled against andy and fell asleep for the night.

adopted by Andy BlackWhere stories live. Discover now