19 Wednesday

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Today is our last day in Texas so we decided to change and head to six flags we were all excited I haven't been in years.

Cc was extremely pissed off when he saw me covered in blood and that my lip was bleeding its doing a lot better now.

We were all in the tour bus near the amusement park we got permission to be able to park over night in the parking lot.

I slept in Ccs bunk because I had a really bad night mare I kept telling cc I needed to cut but he helped calm me down.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and looked at cc he was completely knocked out and snoring lightly I smiled and kissed his chin and snuggled against him.

Cc woke up and pulled me closer I felt safe in his arms I looked over my shoulder at Andy he was crouched down next to the bunk.

He said Helena can I talk to you I rolled over and got out of the bunk and followed behind Andy and he closed the door leading to the hang out area.

We sat down on the couch next to each other I said promise me that you won't let my parents hurt me.

Andy said I won't let them hurt you I promise and he gave me a hug and kissed my head and said we are all gonna protect you.

I smiled and bit my lip and felt safe in his arms and said what did you wanna talk about Andy sighed.

I pulled back and looked at him and said are you ok did I make you upset he said no don't you didn't make me upset I smiled and said ok and played with the hem of my shirt.

Andy smiled and said I like you a lot Helena I bit my lip and looked at Andy and said really he smiled and said yea I do.

I smiled and said I like you a lot too I looked up at him and he smiled and leaned down and kissed me and pulled back.

A little while later me and Andy went back to sleep because we were extremely exhausted from the shows so far.

A couple of hours later after everyone was awake and we all changed we headed to the amusement park it also has a water park.

A little while later we all finally got to the water park and headed inside and put our stuff in a locker and put on some sunscreen since it was hella sunny.

A couple minutes later we headed into the main area of the water park and looked around it was packed with a lot of people.

A little while later we all headed to the water slides and got into line and waited for our turn.

A couple minutes later we slid down the water slide we all had a lot of fun and did a couple more water slides then we tanned for the rest of the day.

A couple of hours later we changed and hung out at the amusement park then we ate dinner and headed to the next venue.

The next venue is in Florida and I'm super excited about it because the weather is going to be gorgeous.

Andy said he is going to make sure my parents don't bother me again I rested my head on his shoulder and felt my eyes watering.

Andy wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head and said everything is gonna be ok.

I smiled and said ok and looked up at him and bit my lip and he looked down at me and kissed the tip of my nose and I snuggled against him.

A couple of hours later we stopped at a gas station and me and Cc bought monsters and some games to play.

After we left the gas station we continued driving down the highway we all jammed out to music and laughed while talking about random shit.

I also opened up about some dark shit about my life and the guys listened and made me feel a lot better.

A little while later we stopped for dinner and continued heading to the next venue for tomorrow.

A couple of hours later the guys went to bed and me and Cc stayed up and hung out together since we couldn't sleep.

I told cc how I liked Andy a lot and he smiled and said we would be cute together and Andy seems a lot more happier now.

Cc promised he wouldn't tell Andy so I wouldn't die of embarrassment me and Cc stayed up and watched cars passing by.

A couple of hours later me and Cc finally fell asleep on the couch in the hangout area the guys were still completely knocked out in their bunks.

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