29 Tuesday

26 1 0


I randomly woke up and felt like I couldn't breathe my chest started hurting and I knew I was having an anxiety attack.

I carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I started breathing slowly but it hurt really bad.

I felt my eyes watering slightly and I closed my eyes and continued breathing slowly to help calm me down.

I heard the bathroom door open and Andy walked in and said Helena you ok I said anxiety.

He sighed and walked over to me and put his hands on my hips carefully and kept telling me to breathe slowly.

A little while later I felt better and gave Andy a hug and he kissed my head and pulled me closer I apologized for waking him up and he laughed and shook his head and said you didn't wake me up.

Andy said Crow woke him up by meowing and pawing his face and crow ran to the bathroom and continued meowing so Andy came in the bathroom.

Andy said you wanna go outside and get fresh air I smiled and said yes please he said ok sounds good.

Me and Andy headed downstairs and went outside and sat down on the porch and felt the fresh air against our skin which felt amazing.

I smiled and said what are the plans Andy said I'm gonna go to the studio with the guys I said that's fine with me.

Andy got up and went back into the house I said ok strange I smiled and closed my eyes and took a deep breath I let it out and smiled.

The sun felt really good against my skin I checked my notifications to see if anyone texted me I put my phone down and relaxed.

A couple minutes later Andy came back outside with coffee I smiled and he handed me a cup and sat down next to me.

I said you should take a break and relax Andy laughed and said when you're a musician there are no breaks it made me feel bad but Andy loves what he does.

I smiled and we talked about random shit while eating breakfast outside I said the weather feels really good Andy smiled and said yea I'm gonna be busy today.

I said well I am gonna clean up around the house Andy smiled and said well I will help when I come back home I said that would be awesome Andy laughed and said ok.

An hour later Andy left and headed to the studio for the day I went inside and started working on the dishes then I started on the laundry.

A little while later I started cleaning around the kitchen then I put the laundry in the dryer and I headed upstairs and went into our room.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and ended falling asleep and taking a nap a couple of hours later Andy came home and locked the front door.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said uh oh I fell asleep I sighed and got out of bed and walked downstairs.

Andy said morning babe I laughed and said hi he said your hair is a mess I laughed and said I took a nap he laughed and gave me a hug and kissed my head.

I went into the kitchen and took out the laundry and put it in a basket Andy came into the kitchen and put down the food.

I smiled and said oh yea food he smiled and said we got food I laughed and gave him a hug and he squeezed me and I squealed and we started laughing together.

A couple minutes later we sat down and started eating together and talked about our day he smiled and said you cleaned the kitchen I said yea I did.

He smiled and said it looks really good I smiled and said thank you he said we need to clean the rest of the house I laughed and said tomorrow.

Andy laughed and said I'm with you on that one we started laughing together while eating dinner together I said what time is it Andy said 5 pm.

Andy got up and fed the cats then he made us two glasses of wine then he sat them down on the table then he sat back down and continued eating dinner.

I said holy shit and we continued laughing together i said I enjoyed my nap he laughed and said good I'm glad you enjoyed your nap.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and the food then we headed upstairs and went into our room and cuddled in bed and watched movies together.

A hour later me and Andy heard meowing outside the bedroom door I laughed and shook my head Andy got up and opened the door.

Crow and femme ran into our bedroom and jumped on the bed and layed down and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

Me and Andy snuggled in bed for the rest of the day and watched movies until we ended up falling asleep snuggled together.

adopted by Andy BlackWhere stories live. Discover now